Allied Interstate and student loans
Date: Mon, 10/02/2006 - 11:47
Allied Interstate and student loans
I was doing an Internet search on "allied interstate" and I stumbled on this web site. My questions is this:
My student loans are in default since 1999. I contacted the Florida Dept. Of Education to see if I could
do something about it now. I did this via email to a person who I found on their web site who handles
defaulted student loans. The person actually told me who the collection agency was - Allied Interstate. This person forwarded my email to this collection agency and now they keep calling
and I refuse to deal with ANY collection agency. I sent a cease communications to the only address I could
find on these scumbags which is:
Student Loans/Government
Michael Kendall, Senior Vice President
Allied Interstate, Inc.
800 Interchange West
435 Ford Road
Minneapolis, MN 55426
The individual who keeps calling me is named "Lynnetta Frazier" at 888-301-0053 whatever extension
I sent the cease-comm via express mail (faster than certified but the same effect) with a RRR.
Does any one know where this is physically located so I can make sure these idiots will get my
drop dead letter. I will ONLY deal with the original creditor - FLDoE and that's it - period. I have
done major research and I know my rights under the fdcpa. Section 805 paragraph C !
Thank you in advance
What was the response of the Florida Dept. Of Education when you
What was the response of the Florida Dept. Of Education when you proposed your payment plans? The person gave you the name of the collection agency handling it. Is he willing to collect payments from you directly?
Allied Interstate and Student loans
No, I inquired by email to an individual who said there's nothing she can do. She told me "I don't have the power to do this. Upon her reply, she said that she forwarded my email that I sent to her to allied interstate. The woman said I'd have to contact the director himself. I told her in my email that I do not wish to work with a collection agency - period. That's when she replied back to me saying there's nothing she could do. So, I contacted FLDoE first by email, she replied to me that Allied has it and they'd be contacting me shortly. Man she was right about that ! The same day ! Like I mentioned, I sent a cease comm letter this past Saturday via Express/RRR and the USPS told me it'd be there today.
Someone tell me what I need to do.. This guy answered the phone laughing at me!! Then proceeded to say crude things, including my family in it, and basically calling me lazy.. I want rid of these B*s*a*ds. He had me so upset and mad I was shaking and crying. I have anxiety real bad. What do I need to do???! And is it true you don't have to deal with collection agencies?
No, you do not have to deal with a CA. Record any and all phone
No, you do not have to deal with a CA. Record any and all phone calls - if you can in your state. In my state we are a "1 party" state - meaning I can record calls and not tell them. Find out what the alleged debt is and send a validation demand via certified/return receipt - Make them verify!!! There's some good validation letters on the net. Become familiar with FDCPA and know your rights. It states that they cannot abuse you in any way vebal or other wise - each violation is 1000 bucks!! A good web site is
Check it out!
I had a defaulted student loan and was contacted by Allied Inter
I had a defaulted student loan and was contacted by Allied Interstate. They were always very professional and courteous. They helped me weigh my options and finally worked out a plan where I actually paid less than the principal amount of the loan. I am now debt free of my student loans. I have not experienced any of the negative stories I have read, sorry but I am very grateful for the them helping me out of a deep hole.
another Allied Interstate employee posing as a satisfied debtor.
another Allied Interstate employee posing as a satisfied debtor. I think the volume of negative feedback on Allied speaks for itself - we don't need some $7hr employee trying to convince us of anythign. Losers!
plus they are not going to settle or accept less than the loan a
plus they are not going to settle or accept less than the loan amount.i agree.another shill on the loose.
These people keep calling my on my private and unlisted home pho
These people keep calling my on my private and unlisted home phone number. I have NEVER had a student loan though FL but my sister has and I don't talk to her but I imagine she is defaulted. I sent a letter about 2 yrs back stating that I have no contact with her. What can I do to get this to stop?
Unfortunately your sister probably listed you as a reference and
Unfortunately your sister probably listed you as a reference and everytime the account is past two a new agency, your phone number goes with it.One agency might delete it. Each time an agency gets it, you will be contacted again. You would be better off finding her location information and giving it to them to get them off your back.
As for the comments above, Dr Barry is probably NOT a fraud or a skill or an AI employee. I know a lot of the employees that work there....when my agency moved out of state, a lot of our student loan employees went to work on the DOE and other FFELP lender contracts. There are some good collectors there....generally people only come online to complain about the bad ones. I can assure you they are not earning miminum wage on the DOE contract...they are probably averaging about $60k with the good collectors earning well into the well over $100k per year
My student loan was just sent to Allied from the Dept of Florida
My student loan was just sent to Allied from the Dept of Florida. Unfortunately it went into default again, and I contacted Allied right away to prevent wage garnishing. At first they said that I could apply for hardship. Now she says no, because I already did this with them back a while ago. She did lower the payment for me barely, but when I asked if the loan would go back to the State of Florida, she said no. She said they would keep the loan until it is PIF. Can they do that? I asked because I am back in school full time, and when I spoke with Florida, they said that the loan would go back to them in 6-12 mos, and then it could be deferred until I finish. If the loan stays with them, wouldn't they have to send me some sort of payment schedule????
Okay...think you should look into consolidating with the Direct
Okay...think you should look into consolidating with the Direct Loan will be out of default in less than 60 days.
hi how can i find the laws in jersey they called.....i mean harr
hi how can i find the laws in jersey they called.....i mean harrassed me my family and home at work. they wouldn't stop they even threatened my supervisor! but i budged I was so scared i send them $500 and never heard from them again.... but now theres another agency calling me for the same thing!!! but thats not even the worst part is the school that i supposedly borrowed i never took a loan out from them it was a community college and i didnt sign for a loan.
Probably not much you can do about the previous agency now. How
Probably not much you can do about the previous agency now. However with the one collecting now, you can ask them what the are collecting (loan, grant overpayment, tuition account) or you could log into NSLDS and find out what you really borrowed.
In 2008, I entered into a federal student loan payment agreement
In 2008, I entered into a federal student loan payment agreement with Allied. They were authorized to debit my checking account each month, and of course they did, just like clockwork. The payments have been so automatic for so long, that I didn't even notice when apparently, a few months ago, they stopped debiting my account. Today, I get a confidential letter from my company's payroll dept. saying that Allied is garnishing 15% of my wages.
How did that happen? I didn't stop making payments -- ALLIED stopped taking them, and now I'm delinquent on our agreement and they're taking 15% of my wages?? (Some of which the DOE is paying them, I'm sure.) What did I miss here??? What can I do?
If your payments stopped a few months ago, you should have been
If your payments stopped a few months ago, you should have been getting letters from Allied stating that you were passed due. Did you not notice that your monthly notification notice that your payment was going thru had not arrived? Were you not receiving calls? Had you moved? Changed your phone? What about the garnishment notice? Did you not get that?
Student loan payment plans thru a CA are usually set for a limited amount of time....long enough to rehab, consolidate or pay the loan in full.