A.S & Associates 866-331-6161
Date: Wed, 09/27/2006 - 17:25
A.S & Associates 866-331-6161
Ask your brother to send a cease and desist letter since he is n
Ask your brother to send a cease and desist letter since he is nowhere related in this matter. Perhaps, they got his phone number if you put him as a reference when applying for credit.
Write a letter to this debt collector mentioning about validating the account. They should show you enough proof in writing about their authorized collections and your file is with them. A sample debt validation is given here.
Once they have received your cease and desist letter and the debt validation letter, you must not get any phone calls from them until your account is put with proper details. Otherwise, you will be in charge of taking legal actions against the company. See the sample letter here
A.S & Associates - Threats...
Chief Director David Bernstein keeps calling stating they will be sending a Sheriff out for a warrant for my arrest... he even has my license plate number and make and model of my vehicle.
Is this just a scare tactic????
I am in Texas.
Yes it is a scare tactic. You can't be arrested for unsecured d
Yes it is a scare tactic. You can't be arrested for unsecured debt. You're plate information is readily accessible in many public databases and obvioulsy they're using them to get info on you. Go to Circuit City or Radio shack and buy a digital recorder and get some of these on tape. Do not inform them you are recording, TX is a 1 party state. Get a few of these on tape and then I'd go to www.naca.net and see if there is a local lawyer who will have the time to listen to the tapes. You might be able to Advance to Go and collect $1000 dollars! :twisted:
They also do not have a current bond registered with the TX Secr
They also do not have a current bond registered with the TX Secretary of State. I'd also report it to them:
Principal Name: A S & Associates Recovery Experts Inc # 11
Address: 16350 Park Ten Place Suite 100-1
Houston, TX 77084-
File Number: 20020058
Status: Canceled Close File
Date Filed: 3/22/2002
Cancellation Date: 6/17/2006
Phone: (832) 722-9561
Bonding Company: Hartford Casualty Insurance Company
Bond No: 46BSBB02555A45
These people are calling me at work and instead of leaving messa
These people are calling me at work and instead of leaving messages for me on my voice mail, they asked to be transferred to other departments and leave messages with other people in the company. I have never received a call at home or on my cell, so I have no idea what this is in reference to. Will a cease & desist letter work in this situation? I am in texas also.
A S and Associates
As an retired LEO, ytou are required to take care of any NSF checks or fees, they can and sometimes are presented to the DA's office for prosecution, if somebody tells you different, find outif their an attorney, otherwise they may walk you right into a ten by ten room. Dont listen to the weak hearted who speak from their pie hole.
I got a call from a Tom Moore, left a different number to call t
I got a call from a Tom Moore, left a different number to call than the called ID displayed. He stated someone was filing papers against me in Harris County, mind you--he didn't give the name or company that is supposedly filing charges against me. Just said I need to call asap. I'm not calling someone that I don't know anything about so these slick debt collectors-X-con men can swindle me out of money. If I owe anyone, they can mail me the paperwork and I'll turn it over to my cousin who is an attorney and let him handle it for me or tell me how to proceed. I thought about who I could owe and I did get a payday loan twice back in 2008 but I paid them off. Evidently, Tom Moore wants to pretend he is on my side and trying to alert me of something but its obvious he's just a shady collection agent working for A S & Associates out of Houston. They are shady and unscrupulous. Go to Ripoffreports.com and get the skinny on them.
Now, don't get me wrong, I believe in paying my bills. I may pay them late at times, when its tough but I get them paid. But don't try to swindle me and scam me because I'm not falling for tricks. Tom Moore was trying to be tricky. You see, I haven't received anything via mail that I owe anyone. I think most of these debt collectors are slim, maybe a few of them really follow the rules. They make it bad on the honest collectors. Tom Moore can pissoff and get a REAL job.
Quote:Originally Posted by NASCAR_DevilThey also do not have a c
Originally Posted by NASCAR_Devil They also do not have a current bond registered with the TX Secretary of State. I'd also report it to them: Principal Name: A S & Associates Recovery Experts Inc # 11 Address: 16350 Park Ten Place Suite 100-1 Houston, TX 77084- File Number: 20020058 Status: Canceled Close File Date Filed: 3/22/2002 Cancellation Date: 6/17/2006 Phone: (832) 722-9561 Bonding Company: Hartford Casualty Insurance Company Bond No: 46BSBB02555A45 |
These idiots keep calling me to, now I'm reporting them. No bond, they are scheisters and con men.
Do AS and Assocites even have an email address or a website? Don
Do AS and Assocites even have an email address or a website? Dont most companies have this?
I am having a time with As and associates.They are now calling m
I am having a time with As and associates.They are now calling my relative .they told them that thay would make me lose my job and have lawsuit against me.They were calling my job daily untill i wrote to the NY attorney general .There were a few weeks of quiet ,now they have started this junk.it is hard to understand them to begin with.always a bad connection for some reason.I do have a PDL assistance program but of course they do not work with them .One call to my work place stated that they were sending a sheriff over right away but nothing ever happened.
there was a mrs. bach that called me and told me that i had comm
there was a mrs. bach that called me and told me that i had commited fraud in scott county and that i had taken out a payday loan and then i had closed my acct,because money was taken out of my acct with out my consent, so the pay day loan placed my acct with a s and associates and now they are telling me that they are going to place an affidavit on me for commiiting fraud here where i live! can they do this??
that is the favorite threat of a bottomfeeder.debts are civil ma
that is the favorite threat of a bottomfeeder.debts are civil matters not criminal ones.a couple of questions
who is the lender
how much was borrowed
how much was debited before default
state you are in
internet or storefront
again a bottomfeeder trying to scare someone because they have nothing else.answer my questions,and we can help you here.
i took out a payday loan from vip cash, and then a couple of wee
i took out a payday loan from vip cash, and then a couple of weeks later closed my checking acct because places were taking cash out of my acct, that i did not authorize and i tried to deal with them but they referred my acct to these people, and this lady calls me and told me that i commited fraud because i closed my acct after taking out the loan, she told me that this is like writing a bad check, and it is fraud and they are going to produce an affidavit, if i do not pay them asap! i live in minnesota any suggestions??
no they can't bring fraud charges against you at all.vip cash is
no they can't bring fraud charges against you at all.vip cash is illegal in minnesota.therefore you only owe the principle borrowed.they are trying to scare money out of you because they are not legal.the pdl wasn't legal,and neither is this place.they can't and won't do squat.file an AG complaint against both the pdl,and the bottomfeeder collector.one is illegal,and the other sounds illegal as they can't do what they threaten.file the complaints.you will be glad you did.just don't pay them a dime.anyplace that threatens that deserves complaints not money.
are you an attorney?/ who do i report them to?/ please let me kn
are you an attorney?/ who do i report them to?/ please let me know!! thanks
report them to your AG.they will tell you the same thing i said.
report them to your AG.they will tell you the same thing i said.this is an illegal pdl,and the collector broke the law stating you commited a crime.do not pay them a dime.you owe the pdl nothing.that goes double for the collector.i'm not an attorney.i have dealt with them on one of my pdl's.same song and dance about frauds and affidavits.nothing came of it and they went away when my AG got involved.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousare you an attorney who do i
Originally Posted by Anonymous are you an attorney who do i report them to?? |
you report them to your AG(attorney general).
I have been having issues with them as well. I took a 250.00 loa
I have been having issues with them as well. I took a 250.00 loan back in june; the money was in my bank account and they never debited on the day they were supposed to. I heard nothing from them at all and then i get a call from my mother in mid november saying that a law suit would be filed against me in Harris County about 576.00 dollars. I immediately called back this "Lauren Bracey" person and talked him down to just the 331.00(250.00 + 61.00 fee) I authorized a one hundred dollar payment. It was charged, and then they immediately charged me 4.95 that I was not told about. I cancelled the arrangements and today a STEVEN LAWSON calls and tries to bs me with legal jargon and the issuance of an warrant for my arrest. I called back for his information and he said my attorney could contact him. I live here in houston and I want to know what steps to take
they are calling me and givingme 48 hrs to pay is there someone
they are calling me and givingme 48 hrs to pay is there someone i can contact about this i am willing to make pmt arrangements but they want it all now
I have been having issues with them as well. I took a $250.00 lo
I have been having issues with them as well. I took a $250.00 loan back in Jan; I paid them half of the money. I got in to some financial difficulty and was unable to pay them the remainder. Now I???m getting a calls from Winter Beaty and Ms Bauch them saying that a law suit would be filed against me in Harris County about 476.00 dollars. And if I do not pay by Friday 12pm central time they are going to file papers against me and my check is going to be garnished about $500 to $1200 dollars every pay check. When I ask him to send me something in them mail he said that he couldn???t
a lady by the name of diane roberts keeps calling me stating tha
a lady by the name of diane roberts keeps calling me stating that i owe money from a payday loan vip cash, i closed my acct after i got it because they were taking out more money then agreed, also even after i closed the account they continue to keep trying to take the money out, so now there are all these return fees they are saying i owe.She also states that if i do not pay it by 10 am this friday, they will send someone out to serve me papers, is this a scare tatic?
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousa lady by the name of diane
Originally Posted by Anonymous a lady by the name of diane roberts keeps calling me stating that i owe money from a payday loan vip cash, i closed my acct after i got it because they were taking out more money then agreed, also even after i closed the account they continue to keep trying to take the money out, so now there are all these return fees they are saying i owe.She also states that if i do not pay it by 10 am this friday, they will send someone out to serve me papers, is this a scare tatic? |
yes it is a scare tactic as vip cash is an illegal lender.it sounds like they voided their illegal contract by the amounts debited.tell this person to pi$$ on a spark plug.empty threats.that's all these people can give.also file AG,and FTC complaints against vip cash,and use the number that comes up on caller id to do this.above all else keep track of what comes up when diane calls and ignore it.along with any messages.the threat will be ridiculous,but empty.
My husband has had several calls from these people since oct and
My husband has had several calls from these people since oct and they stated bc he works for the post office that they will have him arrested and charge him with a felony if he did not pay them so he gave them our acct number and so far as of to date they have taken out 1564.00 from our acct and as of today they hit it 3 times for several different amounts. we have a hard enough time making ends meet and now not sure how we can get our money back. he did have a few payday loans but was already working with someone on these to pay back. now this does anyone know how we can get our money back from them. we live in Oklahoma.
First, CLOSE that bank account ASAP, inform the bank manager you
First, CLOSE that bank account ASAP, inform the bank manager you have had unauthorized withdrawals on it and do NOT take any no for an answer.
Someone else should be along shortly to give further info, but first CLOSE that account now, they WILL keep taking money until you do!!