Payments for debtcc points - February 2007
Date: Fri, 02/02/2007 - 08:09
Payments for debtcc points - February 2007
Good to see that you are receiving the forum payment for the first time. Do keep on helping the community members. Here is your payment snapshot:

Hi goudah2424, We are happy to pay you for the first time. We
Hi goudah2424,
We are happy to pay you for the first time. We are thankful to you for your participation and are looking forward to your help and support to grow this community even bigger. Please have a look here:
Hi Tasha, Here are the details of your DebtCC forum payment,
Hi Tasha,
Here are the details of your DebtCC forum payment, have a look:
Hi Amy, We are glad to send your next DebtCC point redemption
Hi Amy,
We are glad to send your next DebtCC point redemption payment. Here is the snap of your reward.
Your posts are full with information and knowledge that help members to solve their problem. I appreciate your contribution towards DebtCC forums. Keep it up.
Hi Kathy, Here is the snapshot of your reward against forum p
Hi Kathy,
Here is the snapshot of your reward against forum point redemption.
I appreciate your involvement with the community.
Hi Tammy, Here is the snap of your another round of point red
Hi Tammy,
Here is the snap of your another round of point redemption, have a look :D
Your presence in forums is always appreciated, keep the good work going.
Hi Kyside, Here is the snap of the check issued for you again
Hi Kyside,
Here is the snap of the check issued for you against your accumulated DebtCC points.
Your contribution to DebtCC forum is remarkable; the way you take care of members and moderate forums is excellent, keep it up.
Hi Mishele, Below is the snippet of the reward sent to you. H
Hi Mishele,
Below is the snippet of the reward sent to you. Have a look.
Your presence in forums has been appreciated always, you are a valued member of the community, all your posts and comments render help for the members.
Hi tweety, I feel happy to send your first DebtCC point redem
Hi tweety,
I feel happy to send your first DebtCC point redemption payment :D Here are the details of your reward.
Your contribution towards DebtCC Community is appreciated, keep interacting with members; let your knowledge help those who are in need.
Hi Alexandra, Here is the screen shot of your DebtCC point re
Hi Alexandra,
Here is the screen shot of your DebtCC point redemption payment through paypal.
Your comments in DebtCC forums show how knowledgeable you are. Community needs such personalities, keep participating with members and help the community to grow.
Hi irish51cc, I am happy to send your first DebtCC Point rede
Hi irish51cc,
I am happy to send your first DebtCC Point redemption reward! Here is the snap of the check issued for you, have a look:
Your participation and presence in forums are always appreciated, keep the good work going.
Hi fedupinpa, Here is the snap of another round of DebtCC Poi
Hi fedupinpa,
Here is the snap of another round of DebtCC Point redemption reward for you. Have a look.
Your input in the community forums is always appreciated, keep the good work going.