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Bank of America Wrongly Charging Fees

Date: Thu, 09/24/2009 - 13:31

Submitted by anonymous
on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 13:31

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 2

Bank of America Wrongly Charging Fees

Hi Everyone!

So, here's the deal. A couple weeks ago, Moneygram accidentally put a hold on two transactions on my Bank of America checking account when they should have only put a hold on one. The second hold caused my account to temporarily go negative, but I still had a positive balance, due to the fact that it was a hold and not a debit. As soon as I saw the mistake, I immediately contacted Moneygram about the issue. They told me it would fall off within the next few days. All of this occurred on 9/11/2009.

On 9/14/2009 ONE transaction cleared my bank account. I had sufficient funds to clear this transaction. On 9/15/2009 the second hold disappeared from my bank account entirely.. as though it never existed. Still, I had sufficient funds for all other transactions in my account. At the same time on 9/15/2009 the first transaction that had already cleared my bank account was returned by my bank and I was charged a $35 returned check fee. Due to the fact that I only periodically check my bank account online and didn't take the $35 returned check fee into account until I saw it days later, I continued under the balance I had on record and made other transactions. The $35 caused my account to go negative after a few more transactions and I found myself with $140 additional fees for overdraft charges. I want to note that if you subtract the $175 in fees and my account balance I have a positive balance in my checking account. As a result I am negative a significant amount of money.

I spoke with their online customer service, in which they were unable to help me. On 9/21/2009 (Monday) I went to my local branch and spoke with the branch manager. He told me I needed verification from Moneygram stating only one transaction was supposed to go through, which I don't understand because one transaction cleared, the other disappeared. That is an issue between Moneygram and me, not my bank and me. Moneygram hasn't been able to give me any verification I only owed one amount, because they only have standardized letters and beyond a standardized letter must be approved through their legal department.

I have contacted a lawyer and they are willing to talk with the branch manager on my behalf to get the fees that were wrongly taken out refunded. I shouldn't be held responsible for Moneygram or Bank of America's mistakes. Basically, if my attorney is unable to get anywhere with Bank of America, or he agrees o terms I am not comfortable with, what should my next step be? Who can I go to in order to apply more pressure to Bank of America? Is small claims a possibility? My attorney is working pro bono and I do not want to bother him more than I have to because he is a very busy man. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!