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Expenses on means test - what is considered excessive?

Submitted by on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 13:32
Posts: 202330

I understand the main items are from the census bureau and you use those figure.

There are other items on the list that I am not sure would be considered excessive. My husband is the only one with a job and we are just over the mean income by 7k for a family of 5. Our debt is over 100k - ouch! Due to job loss, loss of home and living off credit cards while unemployed.

Anyway, I am currently unable to work due to depression/anxiety(figures, right) but we do pay for childcare as I cannot watch my children full time. Our childcare per month is $625.00 and taken out of husband's paycheck as it's through work. Is this excessive? If we can include this, we pass the means test and file Ch 7 as we have no assets and rent.

What were you able to put on your expenses and justify. I have two special needs children that may require(not every year) treatments and therapy that we have to pay out of pocket. It just depends and it's not a monthly occurrence.

Thanks for your help!

Help please :)

I think that since that is not an expense that has a pre-determined amount, you would list what you pay. For 2 kids, especially depending on where you live & that they are special needs children, that seems like a reasonable amount to me. I used to pay $400/mo for my 1 daughter.

Just keep in mind I am NOT an expert, I'm just now wading through the filing process myself -- I'm sure others will be along later that may be able to better answer your ?.

Submitted by sixxgurl1982 on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 09:48


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