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The bankruptcy option

Submitted by on Tue, 06/02/2009 - 13:41
Posts: 202330

Once again, SO appreciate this forum and hope to contribute to it someday.

1. I owe Payroll Loans (about 5,000), and Credit Cards (three cards for about 13, 000)

2.Unfort. the card I owe the most on is 20,000 but that has my wife's name on it too and i used it --- trying not to involve her so that may be off the table for bankruptcy. I'd LOVE to include it if it was just going to affect me, but don't see how---we arranged, for now, for a payment plan on that card....350.00 per month at no interest.

Since, in total I owe so much, I can't pay anything now--hardly any income etc. But I'd probably opt to go bankrupt on just the info. in "1"" (unless there's someway to transfer the debt from "2" to just my name, but i have no good credit.

I can hardly pay anything these days. I'm not worried about ruining my credit--- if anyone thinks bankruptcy is a good idea, need some lawyer recommendations in Manhattan.

Thanks for fielding this question.