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How long after filing will a seized bank acct be available?

Submitted by on Sun, 03/29/2009 - 18:55
Posts: 202330

Last May I had a bank acct frozen and about $700.00 held by my bank. I think it's called a Garnishment - Restraining Notice. I spoke with the bank when it happened and they said that the party that put the hold on my acct would have to have it lifted.

My question is since my BK was filed 9 days ago, how long will it be until the party that did this to my bank acct lift it? I was told by the bank that because the full amount that was owed was not available to that party, they can only put a "hold" on the funds and the funds would be released when that party says to release them or 1 year elapses, whichever comes first. The BK notice has been sent out to the creditors I'm assuming because I received a copy the other day, so does that mean that they will have to lift that hold on my bank acct as soon as possible?

Hope this question makes sense and I didn't confuse you too bad. I appreciate any info you can offer.
