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Means test ? Do I have to even do it?

Submitted by ed1111 on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 11:43
Posts: 25

My attorney told me that if more than 50% of my debts were due to business debts I would not have to meet the means test.

I'm currently trying to work debt settlements and avoid BK, but if I have to go through it I want a CH 7 and a fresh start.

My house is only worth around 375k with 570k (230k1st, 230k2nd and 100k3rd) in debt + I have 125k in CC debt. I also have a rental property worth 230k with 230k in loans.

Since my house is so far upside down if I go through BK I might as well move. If I can tough through it I might as well keep it.

The 100k third on my house is a business loan (tried to save ailing self-employed company) that they attached as a 3rd on my house. While possibly more of the 125k debt was used for business = 15k was a business CC.

My calculations is that if I stop paying off my 2nd mortgage they would reposses house. I'd be left with:

1st mortgage (paid off in foreclosure)

Let's assume I settle 16k in CC personal debt for 4k before BK which looks like this will happen next month.

2nd mortgage 230k (assuming they get $0 in foreclosure)
94 CC debt
Total nonbusiness = 324k

3rd mortgage 100k
CC debt 15k
230k rental (135k 1st just rental and 95k 2nd = another business loan attached to rental).
Total business debt = 345k

Does this help me avoid the means test? My BK attorney seems to think so, but it seems ? to me.


O.K. I guess what my BK attorney is talking about is some kind of business/personal Ch. 7 all in one. My main goal in the forums is to learn and do my best in the settlement division (which I have a thread or two going there). The business/personal Ch. 7 is my backup plan which I was just hoping to confirm.

I don't mean to confuse/complicate. It is just some info I've had and experience might be having myself lean towards backup plan so I figured I'd check with the forum. If it is not appropriate or confuses folks, then I guess just let the thread die out.

Submitted by ed1111 on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 12:50


( Posts: 25 | Credits: )