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Married & spouse wants BK, I don't

Submitted by goodlife3 on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 18:06

We live in Florida, my spouse lost his job 10/08 and we have a large CC debt (24000) & one car loan (8900) we're unable to pay. We are already delinquent by 2-4 months. Other debt for now is current & we can pay. He wants to file BK, I don't. My question is with the joint CC how might that be handled if he files alone? This is the only joint debt we have that would be considered for BK. Thanks for any input.

Any input as to how the joint CC would be divided up, what portion if any may be discharged? I may be willing to accept a portion of this debt & try to work out payment after his BK. I don't want a BK on my record & feel that it may be in our best interest as a family if one of us can salvage some of our credit. Also, do you have any knowledge about keeping a car that we are upside down on in the loan by about 4000.00. I believe I read about possibly being able to include a secured debt like this & paying on the value, say 5000.00 vs. the loan amount, 8900. Called a cram down? This loan is about 32 months old.

Submitted by goodlife3 on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 18:44


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