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can one spouse claim bankrupcy and the other not..

Submitted by on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 06:12
Posts: 202330

I became disabled a few years ago and my credit cards, med, etc daily expenses flew way over 34000..I only work one or 2 days a week due to my disability..My hub is on a few cards..he is refusing to pay our mtg anymore, and give me my daily expenses..In one place on my deed my name is there and another not..the front cover page has my name, the actual written in part of the deed does not..I am trying to get my name on here so he cannot sell our house under me..We also have a 7 year old son..Can I get rid of my debt somehow or calm bankrupcy..I am on a very small income monthly from Social security..I dont know what to do..My income stopped years ago to disabilities and I only make 600 a month..Im really in a bad position and my hub has the deed over my head and is refusing to give me money to pay now..and says put it on the cards..We are very close to paying the mtg loan off maybe a year or less..I cant afford an attorney..Please help..please help..feel lost..


Yes, one spouse can file bankruptcy on their own without the other spouse. However, if your husband is a joint owner of the accounts, it would only discharge your responsibility for the debts, not his.

I don't understand why your husband would want to stop paying the mortgage when you are so close to having it paid off?

Submitted by alias1958 on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 10:09


( Posts: 1230 | Credits: )

i have credit card debt of 32000. 0n 10 credit cards. i want to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy. do i have to include my wifes social security earnings on means test to qualify for chapter 7? advise

Submitted by on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 07:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My sister and her husband sold a business to a couple with a small amount rendered in good faith. Since, they now state that they do not have the monies to complete the sale of the business that they have taken ownership of. They are now alluding to filing bankruptcy. Is there anything they can do?
Thank you

Submitted by on Mon, 11/24/2008 - 10:03

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I receive 1600.00 a month own home no taxes(disabled) All monies are medical. Received grant purchased home & land 5 years ago,paid for.Prior to grant 55,000 debt.Neededto buy home n florida homesteded.I have a old pickup 88.Need to know chapter 7 are thoes money i receive (medical) free and non attachable. If I purchased a vehicle 5,000 would they take it from me. Please respond

Submitted by on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 12:52

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