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Can one go bankrupt and keep the house?

Submitted by littlephoenix on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 03:27
Posts: 21

Can one go bankrupt and keep the house? What if the mortgage is in the arrears? If the mortgage is in both the husband and wife name, do both have to go bankrupt to avoid collections?

I am pretty sure that both of you would have to file in the bankruptcy to be protected. Otherwise they could come after whoever didn't file for the arrears, fees, etc but yes the best thing in a case where you are thinking to file bankruptcy is to go in and discuss your situation with an attorney and they can tell you what the best options for you are.

If you are eligible for a chapter 13 they will be able to tell you ...just make sure you have all your bills, collections, and income verification before you go in. Most attorneys have a free consultation too

Submitted by Mary Adkins Matthews on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 09:43

Mary Adkins Matthews

( Posts: 755 | Credits: )

You can file chapter 7 and keep your home, if you don't have alot of equity in it. We kept our home and vehicle as it had no equity large enough for trustee to take from us. THANK GOD.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 10:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

IF you have no assets or equity in your home at all, then you more than likely will fall under every states home exemption figures. We have 2000.00 equity in our home and vehicle combined, it was not a problem for Chapter 7.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 13:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have filed cpt 7 over 10 yrs no i have my home for sale have a contract on it but im going through the short sale process my home is like a car note upside down im late on my morgage it is not in forclosure yet my mortage companies has not accepted or rejected my short sale my buyers or still holding on . I have accruded other probnlems with pdl and a lein on my paid off car i would like to file for chpt 7 and just bee done keep my hse and my car what do you think ?

Submitted by cameronmonique-d1 on Wed, 12/26/2007 - 09:45


( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Know someone that filed Ch 7 and kept their house, but they did the affirmation on the house. The loan company was pretty strict on them and they could not be late at all. They ended up getting their payments dropped by $200 (I think that was the amount) when they did this, but like I said, the laon campany was strict

Submitted by 2nband on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 09:44


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Have you called and talked to the people who are fianancing the loan to see if there is something they can work out with you? The car thing, I am not sure about, but would take to the fianance company first. You might be able to get a couple of deferments to where you would only have to pay the interest on the payments for those months you are behind. Check and see what they can do for you first, otherwise you might be taking a chance in loosing the car.

Submitted by 2nband on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 06:31


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )