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Global financial services international limited

Date: Tue, 05/23/2006 - 13:02

Submitted by CRISTEE
on Tue, 05/23/2006 - 13:02

Posts: 12 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 34

Global financial services international limited

Anyone ever heard of global financial services international limited???? I think they may be another name for cash today. =(

I think it is cash net they have tried to call me a few times to. I think they are a CA don't know for sure.


Submitted by colbert1974 on Tue, 05/23/2006 - 13:21

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Yeah, I have a loan through them right now.
On my checking account it comes up as GFSIL and
I called them to find out the name so I could
try to email them and they gave me their website
only it is not useful at all. It is
We cannot find any other info on them though and
I do not remember the site that I applied on but
the site that they gave me is DEFINATELY not the
site I applied on because it didn't look familiar
at all


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 11:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Christee, It is Leads Global doing business as Cash Today Limited and Cash2day4you They are located in Reno NV Angela Klein officer of company. Cash net500 is global paydayalso they are in Salt Lake City UT. WV AG suing them both. KYSIDE38


Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 19:48

( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

I am not depositing another penny into my bank account.

I can not find any contact info on GFSIL
In a deperate moment I ended up with 5 Pay Day Advances. I can not affort the $500 interest payments they are deducting from my checking account.

Can anyone help?

I do not deny borrowing the money in desperation but can not and will not pay these high interest fees on the schedule they want. Every payday. It is impossible.

I could not pay my rent last month because they deducted all these fees from my bank.

What happens when I no longer make deposits to my bank and they are all returned?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 11:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Call Gfsil at 800-865-3704. Their fax number is 877-280-2330 / 877-280-3359. What state are you in? Pay the loan company as per the charges allowed in your state. All loan companies are required to follow the state laws where the borrower resides. GFSIL is doing illegal business practices with many people. Search with the company name and you will read others problems.

Go to your bank and request the supervisor that GFSIL is doing illegal charges on your loan account. You are not ready to pay them their high interests and fees, hence the company should be blocked from debiting in your account. Take a print out of others' posts here so that the supervisor gets convinced. You should be able to have them blocked in your account or if there is an option, close the bank account completely and open a new one. You are not safe till they have your info. Put your complaints to the DA's office and the FTC for immediate actions and shut them down.


Submitted by Flying Cats on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 11:32

( Posts: 479 | Credits: )

I have a bunch of payday loans, Langhorn debt solutions is helping me get out of them. They are really nice to work with and cost way less than paying the fees to renew the loans constantly!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 11:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

GFSIL will be completely uncooperative, If you block their DBA, they have 30 more to use, if you block the amount they are taking out, they will increase the amount.
Be warned once you stop paying them, they will harrass yuo. Contact your AG. The office is REno is a shell office. No one is actually there. Good luck to yuo


Submitted by Leah on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 11:30

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

Hi- Still researching here- How do you know these companies are GFSIL? matching phone numbers?
5mil- I got the call center in UK. now need as many dba's of GFSIL and I need proof GFSIL is dba of Leads Global.- 5mil


Submitted by 5mill on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 16:21

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

The only common link I have at this time is they both share the same regestered address in Reno NV. right to the suite#. Which by the way is one block down the street from the BBB there. They confirm!There is no one there. Alot of PDL's use that terminal way location. And same suite#s. The net has alot on GFSIL! Global Financial Services International LTD. Leads Global Financial. - Thanks Leah. It's the impossible I'm after. The owner. of all of them.


Submitted by 5mill on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 19:00

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

5mil, I got you message today, sorry I did not responded sooner but I see you have been working hard on GFSIL. the last communication I had regarding GFSIL was from the AGs office in Las Vegas in 2/27/2007, by the way I found out that GFSIL has another alias "United Quick Cash" (in DE) so Leads Global Financial is probably 98.9% theirs also.


Submitted by spanisheyes on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 20:46

( Posts: 313 | Credits: )

5mill - i got a friendly phone call from them this morning,...that I finally answered. I knew that you were on the hunt for them, so I tried to get as much info from this **** as I could, but I got squat!! I asked him if I could speak to his supervisor, he said he is it, I asked if I could speak to his boss, he's it...I asked who signed his paycheck, he hung up. I'll help you research...

These idiots said they are going to arrest me, my boss, and my references. I said, cool, maybe we could all share the same cell!!! uggggg.

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]


Submitted by sswett on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 06:31

( Posts: 408 | Credits: )

Hi everyone, I'm new to this but I'm dealing with this company right now too and thought I would comment on this form. I got my $200 loan from GFSIL back on 1/03/07 I paid $80.00 then my account was overdrawn cuz of other payday loans withdrawing and they kept calling and calling finally I came on here. They where saying that I owed them $800 but that they would let me pay off with $360 I was like no I want to wait to hear back from the bbb, Dept. of Corporations, Attorney General and hear how they thought I should deal with them. They became really pushy and rude claiming that I have to pay them I have a verbal contract with them and that they where going to get their money. They started calling my supervisor here at work! But thankfully I put down a number for another employee, and we started talking to them telling them not to call here anymore. He was threatening me that they where going to take it to the IRS and get their money from there. Then when I was like I'll pay you what I legally owe you they won't accept me to pay them by money order they want to be paid by checking account or money gram. I'm so stressed out this company is too much, I'm a little scared to think that they can actually do anything to me does anyone know if they can?


Submitted by michelle_jewel on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 16:00

( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

Don't be scared of their threats. I don't have any experience with them myself but they are a strange bunch and are not licensed to do business in the US as far as I know. What state are you in? Sit tight, someone else that has experience will be here shortly to tell you how to handle them, but don't lose any sleep...they aren't going to take it to the IRS.


Submitted by Sassnlucy on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 19:44

( Posts: 2698 | Credits: )

They debit your account then tell you they never got their payment but they actually did. They are constantly calling me making threats


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 20:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey Michelle. gfs is the same company as cashtodaylimited and route66. I dont want to copy and paste any posts out of the below link but basically they cant touch you other than harass you over the phone. I have 4 posts I think in the below link explaining that on page 44-46. There is another 35 page post about route66. The best course of action is to close your checking account. Change any phone numbers you can that they call and hang up immediately everytime they call. Under no circumstances should you ever give them a bank account number ever.


Submitted by DOLLARSandSINCE on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 06:38

( Posts: 1078 | Credits: )

GFSIL is a scam...they want your new banking info so they can take whatever amount of money they want from you because once they have it they have gajillon different DBA's to us to take out money! I dealt with them for months...ALL they can do is threaten you...ALso make them aware that you know that they were told to stop using the US address to lend from by the State of NV and that they were fined about 50 grand per violation...


Submitted by Leah on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 06:58

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

To all of you who are going through the same problem with this company. I recently took out a loan with them which I so regret right now. But they continue to call my place of employment and I have cussed them out, I have tried everything. I don't mind paying these people back but they don't know when to STOP or SHUT UP. They refuse to send me anything in writing and my biggest complaint goes out to the guy named George, he is an ass. What do I do next to prevent him from calling my place of employment?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 12:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Unfortunately it is somewhat difficult to make them stop calling. They operate illegally here and are based in the UK and have no regard for U.S. law. Please also review this thread which is the same company.

My wife had the same problem which is what actually caused me to come here and the only solutions we could come up with were as follows:

1. Change any phone contact number you can.
2. No longer accept their phone calls.
3. Get your employer to tell them you were either fired, quit, were transfered or no longer have phone access.

It would not hurt to send them the typical letters revoking wage assignments and cease comm. but those are worth no more than the paper they are sent on. It is really not worth fielding their calls. All it will do is get you upset which is their goal. They want to aggrivate you enough so you breakdown and give them money. That is the scam.

When I first got involved I told them she would not pay them a penny ever no matter how much they called and that this would be the last time either she or I would ever speak to them. It caused an initial backlash via a flood of calls that lasted for a few weeks but then the calls subsided. My wife has since changed jobs and changed any phone number they had access to. We have heard nothing out of them in at least nine months. I suspect she will never get a call again since we have no published numbers and it is virtually impossible for them to figure out where you work as long as you don't apply for another loan.


Submitted by DOLLARSandSINCE on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 13:03

( Posts: 1078 | Credits: )

i borrowed some money from gfsl but they put high interest on me when i wasn't able to pay on time..and they kept calling my work . Now i made a one time payment arrangement with them to pay it all of..but they want my account information , they don't want to give me their address so i can mail them the payment..but the only way arnd them is if we can somehow get their address n send them cease n assist letters.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 12:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is warning to anybody DO NOT DO ANY BUSSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY This is nothing but a scam According to the BBB they do not have a license and have even had a Cease and Desist order against them.They will degrade you as a human being and very ruthless. They will call repestly on any phone phone they have. They are liers. They will lie to you and your boss. The best way to combat them, is know your local laws on collections, loans ,repayments, and harassment.Stop all communication. Go to your bank and put a block and even change account number if you can. Notify the FTC, BBB, and local DA office. that way you are cover incase they try come back years later and collect which they have been known to due. I have dealt with them and took over $640 when they repayment was only $250. And I am still have issues with them to day. So Please tell everybody and do know bussiness with them save yourself alot of headaces. Thanks you



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 15:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )