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Night of the Living Debt!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:12
Posts: 5381

It was the night before Halloween and I was sleeping soundly in my own warm bed when suddenly I rolled over and fell out with a thud! I awoke to find myself on a dismal dark wet deserted city street!
“What place is this?” I asked myself. “I must be dreaming.”
I picked myself up and began to walk cautiously toward the only light I could see about two blocks away past the piled up trash and darkened buildings. As I passed an old dumpster, there, in a doorway, sat an old woman with a tattered old trench coat and a scarf tied around her head and under her chin.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Need some cash?” she replied.
“I just want to know where I am. I am not asking for money?”
“You will be!” she cackled. “You will be.” She began to laugh insanely and as she looked up at me her eyes glowed with little green dollar signs and her skin turned the color and texture of green mold and she began to give off a putrid odor that could only come from hell. “Your favorite color, Frog?” She continued to laugh out loud.

I walked away almost running down the street toward the light. I approached an intersection where a dim street lamp still barely glowed. Just then my cell phone rang.
“Need some cash?” It was her and that laugh. How did she get this number?
“No!” I shouted.
“Oh no?” she squawked. “Turn around!”
I spun around and walking towards me was at least two dozen men with blank stares wearing cheap polyester leisure suits and bad toupees. They were almost chanting over and over. “He owes us money. Get his money. Pay up now.” I began to run down the street and around the corner. Face to face with the old woman again.
“Cash? Need cash?”
I pushed her out of the way and kept running until I saw another group of them coming from the other direction,
“We can smell your cash.” One of them yelled. “Cash!”
I turned to run the other way and I realized I was boxed in. They drew closer and closer. I spotted an alley and ran down as fast as I could. I could see a train stopped at the end. My lungs felt as if they were going to burst. As I got closer I could hear the conductor yelling “Board!’
I ran and stretched to reach and just as the train was pulling out I grabbed the handle as the conductor shouted. “All aboard for Cash Call!”
It was too late! The train was moving too fast for me to jump off.

tb be continued......

No I wasn't too keen on the ingredients in that gumbo...I tried it and then said I was full...went to taco bell by our hotel when we went back to the hotel. Sorry I guess I am not into trying new "exotic" ingredients...

Went on a cruise when I was down in la and ate calamari,...looked good until I took a big bite out of it OMG GROSS, I am not a big world traveling eater...


Submitted by ladybug on Fri, 11/02/2007 - 20:40


( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

Who said they don't care for calamari? I love that stuff. And lobster. YUM! THe first time I had lobster was in Maine, so I'm a little spoiled when it comes to lobster, now. WHen you start with the best and the freshest, it's hard to eat it any other way. We do have the BEST salmon out here in the northwest, though. That's another one I'm picky about. I'll only eat the wild salmon, not the farmed salmon. If they have to inject the fish with pink dye to make it look like the real stuff, I'm NOT eating it. Farmed salmon is too oily, anyway. Too fishy. The wild salmon is the best! Now I want a salmon burger for lunch.

Submitted by swedishgirl on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 10:27


( Posts: 326 | Credits: )

That sounds yummy. I really could go for crab cakes and a lobster roll....speaking of lobster roll...where is the Frog Prince, better yet...where is the next chapter????? Did you go for the food thing knowing we could not resist, knowing you would throw us off track and then you would not have to finish the story..... :shock:

Submitted by RoxyNY on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 11:32


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Ya know Frogman i never did make the recipe u gave me... too much work for me! But i found another recipe for crab stuffing, which is easy and stuffed it with that!! TO make the recipe u gave me seems it would take all day and half the grocery store to make it!
But thanks anyway, i'm a simple cook,

Submitted by Ang on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 11:38


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I love wild smoked salmon. I have a brother in Bainbridge Island Washington who send it to me around the holidays.
By the way the next part of the story is done. Our system has been down for part of the day. I am going to post it in about 15 minutes if anyone is still there to read it!

Submitted by on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 11:39

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Here ya go!!

Last week I found myself being dropped off near a Bayou somewhere and walking toward some Zydeco music under the direction of Morning the mystical being that dumped me here. Our story continues.

I continued down the road for about a mile, the music growing louder and louder, There was an arbor ahead that was covered with flowers and flanked by hedge on either side. Through the portal I could see a white house with a big front porch. I started through the arbor into the yard when I heard a voice.
???????Stop right there! ??????? he said, ???????Who sent you????????
I looked but didn????????t see anyone.
???????Down here!??????? he said.
I looked down and to the left by the hedge was a bulldog. A talking bulldog?. First a talking pug and wiener dog and now a bulldog.
???????Morning sent me.??????? I answered.
???????You must be that Frog guy! Go around back and you will find a party goin???????? on. We got gumbo, we got mud bug, we even got Rockin, Dopsie Jr. and the Zydeco Twisters right from Tips. We got our own little Fais Do Do goin???????? on right back there.???????
???????Who lives here???????? I asked.
???????You are at the home of the Cajun Angel. People know her as Ang for short! She????????ll be greetin???????? y????????all in a bit. Make yourself at home.???????
Thanks!??????? I said.
I started walking toward the back.
???????Holy Moly, a talking Cajun Bulldog. What next!???????
I followed the walk around to the back and like he said, there were people eating and drinking and dancing. The only one I knew was Volley ball girl so I walked over to her.
???????Hey!??????? she said excitedly. ???????You must try the gumbo it is awesome! And the catfish, and the shrimp Creole and the crawfish and the roast suckling pig and the???????.???????
???????I will, but right now I need a beer! I am parched.???????
The band finished their song and the leader with the fancy hat and shades stepped up to the mike to make an announcement.
???????Everyone give a warm, no, make it a hot round of applause for the person who is responsible for the food and fun. Ang!???????
A lovely woman appeared on the back porch next to the band and spoke.
???????I would like to welcome our guests from their harrowing journey. Please make my home your home. Eat, drink and have a good old time. I have a guest room prepared for the four of you, who will be continuing on your trip tomorrow. Before you leave however I have a special guest who will be speaking at breakfast. Suzie Orman will be talking to you on how to improve your financial situation.???????
???????Suzie Orman???????? This is really getting bizarre I thought.
???????Who else is going with us Volley ball girl???????? I asked, ???????And what is your real name.???????
???????Its Volley ball girl and those two are going with us.??????? She pointed to a man and a woman who were talking off in a corner of the yard. I don????????t know much about them except for she is an Air Force Mom and the other calls himself Skywalker or something like that. Did you try the Jambalaya yet? It is wesome!
???????I will.???????
I did and I tried everything else including a couple of gallons of beer and woke up the next morning in a room that I had no recollection of walking to.

Suzie Orman had finished her lecture by the time I got myself back into shape enough to face people. I drank a couple of mugs of coffee and scoffed down a beignet just as our hostess appeared in the room at the head of a long dining table.
???????I hope you all are rested and are ready for the next leg of your trip. It was a pleasure to have you. Please go to the front porch where the bulldog will be your guide. Just follow him and please not worry. You will be safe with him because he has a very high FICO score. He was the one that invited Suzie here. None of the collection zombies will come anywhere near him. As you travel you may even hear them as they stumble trying to get away from him. He will take you to a place not far from here where you will meet your next guide. May the force be with you. Just kidding Skywalker.???????
We followed the bulldog out into the mangroves.

To be continued??????????????.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 11:51


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

You are so kind. I am actually working on my first manuscript in almost forty years. That is one long writers block. It started out as a kids book but I am not sure where it is going. It is more of an inspirational story written simply for every age I guess. I hope to get it done by the end of the month. Sassnlucy was the only one who knew about it until now.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 05:51


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

As you probably remember we left off with us, now numbering four, following a talking bulldog into the mangrove swamp. We will pick up the story there.

It seemed like we had only followed the dog through the twisted tree roots for a hundred yards or so when we reached the edge of the water. There was a small boat aground there.
The dog said. ???????Put the boat in the water and shove off. There is one paddle so one of you paddle from the bow. When you reach the other side of the bayou, push the boat back in this direction. It is only a hundred and fifty feet across. Wait in the clearing by the big trees and she will find you.???????
???????Who???????? Skywalker asked.
???????Your next guide.???????
We got in the boat with Volleyball girl in the bow to row as she was the smallest and was very fit. We quickly reached the other side, disembarked and turned the boat back towards the side from where we came. Not far away was a grove of large sassafras trees.
We waited there as we were told. About an hour had passed when we heard someone or something approaching. From between the nearby bushes appeared a blond woman in a fluffy white dress and carrying a wand. She seemed to have a smile permanently painted on her face.
???????Hi everyone! It is so nice to you! My name is Roxanne and I will be your guide to your next destination. I can????????t wait to get to know you. These hiking boots don????????t really go with my outfit do they?. I know, but heels just don????????t work out here in the woods.
???????Is the ugly mean witch in the city your Sister???????? I asked jokingly.
I suddenly found my arm wrapped behind my back, my face jammed against a tree trunk and a wand pressing into the soft spot under my chin.
???????Don????????t you ever accuse me of sharing bloodlines with that freak! I will taze you with this wand and drop your sorry frog ass like gator bait into that bayou! Do you understand me.???????
???????Yes Ma????????am,???????. I said.
She released her grip.
???????Oh, I am so sorry. I do not know what comes over me sometimes. That is why they call me good witch bad witch! I was in law enforcement before I got my witchcraft degree.Well any way. That????????s enough about me. Lets get going. Follow me through the bushes to the path that leads to the road that leads to another road. When we get there we can all have ice cream.???????
We reached the path and then the first road.
???????Does anyone know any song that we can sing????????
Skywalker broke in the beginning of Roxanne by the Police.
???????RAAahhhhhhhhhxxxxxxxaaanne you don????????t have to turn on the red light!???????
???????Oh no!??????? I said to myself.
She spun around with a glare that could stop a bullet, pointed her wand and Skywalker was flat on his back with a hiking boot on his throat.
???????I hate the Police. Don????????t you ever sing that. You want Sting. I give you sting where it really stings. And stop looking up my dress from down there you pig!???????
She then helped him back up.
???????I think Sky and Frog should get extra ice cream to make them feel better, don????????t you????????

To be continued??????????????

Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 12:23


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I always felt safe with the talking cajun bulldog myself............. :wink:

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 17:03


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Ummmm........and remind me not to screw with roxy............ :shock:

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 17:06


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