Pressler and Pressler - How to fight with them regarding an old debt
Date: Thu, 08/07/2008 - 02:46
Pressler and Pressler - How to fight with them regarding an old debt
Google: Reporter Exposes NJ Debt Collector Pressler & Pressler
(Channel 9 news did a story on them)
Google: Defeat Pressler and Pressler
(sign this petition)
(This guy is waging a war on them and he needs our support)
(Put their name in and read the obvious lack of regard for the law)
When you get that letter immediately send a debt validation letter to them. Keep the letter as evidence and contact the FTC, BBB, NJ AG and the NJ Bar. Report them to every place you can like here and If you are hauled into court GO and bring your letter they sent to you breaking the law. Enough people complain something will be done. THESE PEOPLE MUST BE STOPPED. You thought Hess Kennedy was bad, this one just boggles my mind. This is clearly ABUSE OF POWER AND SCAMMING THE CONSUMER It's too late for me but I hope this helps others.
I am going to make it my mission to exposed these people at every turn possible.
Complaints against Pressler and Pressler law firm
You can gather our community members' experiences with Presler & Pressler & Pressler from our forum also. I'm giving some of those threads: -
I am being hauled in to court by Pressler & Pressler
Sued by Pressler and Pressler for an unknown debt
Pressler and Pressler sueing--Gave me no info as to for what
You can get much more information on this firm by giving search through the box at the upper right hand corner of this page.
pressler and pressler
Also contact the NJ Senators and House Reps. They all have websites where you can email them directly.
pressler and pressler
I have oral argument on the next potential decision to end Pressler & Pressler in October. Would like to chat with those looking to end their reign of terror.
Pressler filed their brief in August and we had a date for oral argument in Appelate Division in October. Scheduling oral argument typically takes 6 to 9 months. I believe the court hand picked this case to make a statement!
Contact me contact information removed
I am currently dealing with Pressler and Pressler NJ. Anyone has
I am currently dealing with Pressler and Pressler NJ. Anyone has any suggestion on how to fight Pressler and Pressler in NJ? Has anyone been successful while dealing with them?
pressler and pressler
As of today,Sunday, Sep. 21, 2008, I have been fiscally slaughtered, wiped out, destituted by the Pressler&Pressler scumbag "Law Firm" These modern day Pharisees robbed me in my sleep! I woke up this morning only to discover that I had a negative balance in my checking account .Before I went to bed the evening before I checked my account and it had almost $1,400.00. I had $1400 abscounded . I have no money to pay rent, my checking account(Which is used exclussivly for direct Deposit on my monthly benefit check) has a negative balance. I anticipate another total of $400 plus dollars will be charged by my bank for approximately 12 INF's at $35 a pop) I have no money for food, phone, ISP costs gas,medical bills ... My net worth is approximately -$3000. It is taking all of my energy to remain calm and not wind up back in a long term psychiatric facility.What these predators do is typical of the animal kingdom, where the strongest preditors attack the weakest pray. Who will come to the side of the road where robbers left me to die and assist me ? Please help!
Address for Pressler and Pressler collection agency
Pressler and Pressler NJ can be contacted to the following: -
pressler and pressler
Man I'm sorry. But you have to fight them at every turn. Fight to have the judgment vacated. They obviously have one against you in your county civil court or they would not be able to take your bank account. Fighting is the only way.
pressler and pressler
I was reading the comments in regards to pressler and pressler. I to am being sued/harrased by them. I noticed that some people have been able to find a lawyer to take them on. If anyone would be so kind please forward me the name of said lawyer(s), for I get the run around from the local weak ass lawyers in my area. Please forward to ******** Thank everyone for your help.
*email id deleted as per TOS - Jason
presler & presler
I have read all messesges posted on the web. But I live in new york and they still took me to civil court. I had asked them for the original debt papers and I'm still waiting for them. By law they have to send you the original debt from the company that you own the money. What else I could get these a-- h----. please reply
These people are idiots
I woke up this morning like any other day, showered, got dressed and ready for work, and off to work i went. I got a phone call from my husband at 10:35 this morning saying that our bank account was a negative 3500! apparently this company withdrew this money from our account, without or permission, and theres nothing that the bank can do about it! I have never heard of this company before, havent recieved a letter, or anything. How are they getting away with this?!
pressler and pressler
You need to speak with the branch MGR of the bank and make him reverse the charges since it was fraudulently withdrawn. If the bank refuses to cooperate threaten to file a complaint with the The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was created by Congress to charter national banks, to oversee a nationwide system of banking institutions, and to assure that national banks are safe and sound, competitive and profitable, and capable of serving in the best possible manner the banking needs of their customers. They are kinda like what the food inspector is to a restaurant . If they feel the bank if operating improperly they can shut it down .
pressler and pressler
You can also try reporting them here:
It is Federal Trade Commission.
Pressler and Pressler Related to Mel Harris
Does any one know if these two are related I received correspondence from both, can't tell if it's the same thing...
Pressler and Pressler
Pressler and Pressler strikes again. I have a situation where the person did not even open the Verizon account that our bank account is being levied for. The total is about $400 dollars and the papers were served to the wrong person/address. The only knowledge we had of this whole thing was a brief conversation with Pressler and Pressler NJ where they were told we did not open the account. We were told papers were going to be sent to dispute the charge but we never got the papers and the next thinhg we know the account is levied. This of course happens just in time for rent and holidays. Of course never would of been a better time. Please help. I have read as much as my limited mind can absorb on this site and I have to be honest I am confused. At this point a default judgement has been given to Pressler and Pressler and our account just got levied. I am thinking the first step is to try to get the judgement vacated because the papers were not even served to the right person/address. I am also wondering if at the same time we can try to get verizon to let us pay the debt correctly so by the time the case is heard again there will be no case. First can someone tell me what form i need to fill out to get the case vacated and on what grounds and secondly can someone tell me if they think Verizon will be receptive to us working it out and will it help. Thirdly can someone tell me if there is anything that I can about the bank levy before trying to get the judgement vacated and if so what? I will keep updating this forum and hope that we can win this together. If we do win I will post a coupon to my website if I am allowed to. I am not posting the website because I think at this point it would be considered spam.
I don't think they are related. Are they collecting for the sam
I don't think they are related. Are they collecting for the same thing?
These jokers put a levy on my checkin account and im on unemploy
These jokers put a levy on my checkin account and im on unemployment, which by law, they can not touch. Giving me a hard time about returning my money. Does anyone have any suggestions, that can help? Already sent them documents which showing that the money is from the state.
I recently pulled my wifes credit report and they have a judgeme
I recently pulled my wifes credit report and they have a judgement on her for 8000.00. I said the heck with that ....called an attorney and we are going to take them on.....EVERYBODY SHOULD GET AN ATTORNEY AND STOP THESE SCUMBAGS!!!!!! Eat the attorney fee it will be well worth it people.
You are probably already done with this but...Verizon doesn't own this debt anymore. They have probably sold it to another party who then sued you. They sent mail and the law suit to an adderss where "good" service was rendered. At some point they located your real address and nailed your account after that.
Fisrst, if the debt is yours negotiate a settlement and get out.
Second, if the debt is not yours file a Motion to Vacate Judgment (you can get a form from the court to fill out ) based completely on the bad service issue. Provide proof of your residency during the supposed service date of the complaint. Be sure to include language to have the bank money returned upon vacation of the judgment (or else they may try to keep it until the resulting trial is over). Don't worry about the format too much, the courts understand you are not a lawyer and it doesn't have to be perfect.
Next you will have to file an "Answer". The answer should say that you are not the party they are looking for and this is not your debt. You know nothing about nothing. Don't describe anything further until they send you interrogatories (questions for you to answer).
You ask them some (interrogatories too). Ask them exact dates that the debt is incurred and ask for copies of statements or electronic records showing those dates. Ask for the address where the statements were sent (probably an old address of yours and not actually your address at the time the debt was incurred). You will have to try to prove your residency during the time the debt was incurred to show it was not your debt.
So here is what is probably realistically going to happen. You will have to wait until a couple of days before the trial and you will call the attorney handling the case and ask for a settlement. Basically, you argue that they have nothing to defend there case, you are not the person they are looking for and settlement for $100 or something. Unless, of course you want to acually take a day off work and go to court.
good luck.
File a motion. Its the fastest way to make them release your money (What state are you in? NY or NJ). It only costs a couple bucks and you can fill one out at the court house. Just attach your proofs and pay the filing fee. Don't wait for them to do it on their own...protect yourself and file a motion objecting to the levy.
pressler and pressler related to mel harris
P&P works for Mel Harris sometimes. Mel Harris is out of NY and he gives them work in NJ. Otherwise there is no other business relation(like they aren't owned by the same people or anything).
satsfy judgement
If you:
have a judgement against you
have paid pressler in full
then write a letter to the court that you recieved your summons and write:
Thank you."[size=2][/size]
Pressler & Pressler after me
in 2001 somebody stole my name and my social and opened an AT&T account. Just last week this Pressler & Pressler blocked my bank account and took money out of my account .
It is time to stop them i have hired two lawyers and file a complaint with the FTC . and will go tomorrow to the civilcourt of New York. Any help??
paid in full
the company i used to work for paid most of my dept out of my pay since p & p had a judgement against me. my new company, since receiving notices from p & p have also sent payments to p & p but checks were being sent back totaling $800.00. my company is holding that money waiting for a letter of satisfaction from the courts. i sent a letter to the camden county courts and clerk requesting an answer to why the checks were returned and the reply which was scribbled on my letter stated that the judgement had been paid. i contacted p & p and they stated i now owed them intrest on the judgement. i requested that a letter be sent to me stating that this is interest(intrest had already be calculated on the judgement)owed and when this total amount requested was paid that a letter of satisfaction will be sent. the answer on the other end of the phone stated i will only get the standard letter of, send payment directly to p & p, which i received. now my new company is receiving the same letter again, inwhich they want filled out stating, when was the last time you sent payment and what was the amount. i need to just pay these people(if you can call them that) off but i am afraid i will never get a letter of satisfaction from p&p or the courts, whoever is to issue it. i need to get rid of this dept and get p & p off my back. it has been 2 years of p & p and i have had enough. they have this judgement under my maiden name even. help.............
AT & T and stolen ID.
Ask for a copy of the terms and conditions of the phone (probably a wireless account by the way). Then ask for proofs that that terms and conditions applies to the time period for which the account was opened. Wireless (and credit card for that matter ) users are held to the terms and conditions of the contract that was applicable at the time that the deb (wireless phone) went into default or the time the debt was incurred. I will bet they can't show you the right terms and conditions. Also, try to find that information your self and see if there is a standard statute of limitations in the terms. Some of the old terms and conditions for AT&T put in a Statute of Limitations in the contract that is for less time than the state allows making many of these lawsuits out of statute. Up to you to find that though...they won't give it to you.
wage execution advice
So here is the deal. During the process of a wage execution interest continues to accumulate on the debt. However, the court officer (constable or sheriff) who sent the order to take money out of your wages to your job does not keep track of the interest accumulation. When pressler gets close to the end of the wage executino they calculate all the interest that has accumulated and sends it to the court officer (called and interest certification). The court officer is supposed to send this to your job telling them that once they send enough to cover the remaining interest then the wage execution is done. Basically, this is an accounting thing where pressler is trying to determine if your job paid the interest amount to the court officer and the court officer didn't forward it to Pressler or if your job didn't take out the amount. You need to facilitate this by getting your payroll dept to cooperate with the court officer and with Pressler to determine how much if anything is left to pay. although you could try to pay what ever is left they still have to figure out the accounting descrepancy and probably won't issues a warrant of satisfaction until they figure it out.
You will never recieve a Warrant of Satisfaction from pressler if the debt was paid through and involuntary action like a wage execution. Instead the judgment is marked as satisfied by the court officer instead of pressler and hence no Warrant of Satisfaction is ever filed by Pressler. Kinda confusing I know.
Bank account frozen
My mom is 83 years old and the only monies she gets is her pension and SS. Her bank which is Chase Manhattan, sent her papers that stated of a court order to freeze her account by Pressler and Pressler of a debt that is at least over 10 years old . New York state law says that there are exemptions to freezing bank accounts, which she falls under . When we informed Pressler and Pressler of this they had the freeze lifted. My question is , can they do it again , because now they want to make arrangments for the debt to be paid.
Pressler and Pressler
Contact the Law Office of Christopher J McGinn
New Brunswick, NJ
He will readily take on Pressler for you and usually at no charge.
Dear Sir/Madam: The intent of the document is to establish th
Dear Sir/Madam:
The intent of the document is to establish the sequence of events leading up to the current situation, and to inform the party reading this to understand the history and characters involved. Especially the disreputable and unethical fee and billing practices of the Plaintiff(Dr LEE PRESSLER, STATE LICENSE # 25MA06546300) and his brother Attorney(SHELDON PRESSLER).
At approximately 2:30AM on April 4th, 2002 I was admitted into Emergency Care at Morristown Medical Center. It was upon my admittance that the resident emergency medical physician Dr Paul Szucs consulted with me and conducted tests on my condition. It was shortly thereafter that he confirmed a kidney stone formation. He admitted me to an overnight stay with fluids to hydrate and was released in the morning, after I passed the stone. Upon my departure, the Plaintiff(Dr LEE PRESSLER, STATE LICENSE # 25MA06546300) while attending to his patient in the next bed, started to solicit me to visit his office and to conduct tests as to my condition. I informed him of my lack of insurance and declined his offer but accepted his card. This was the ONLY time I???ve seen or had conversation with the Plaintiff(Dr LEE PRESSLER, STATE LICENSE # 25MA06546300). The conversation lasted briefly and was more a solicitation than a doctor/patient consultation. I lived up to my responsibilities and paid all parties that administered services until my debt was satisfied. It was sometime later that I received a bill for services rendered from the Plaintiff(Dr LEE PRESSLER, STATE LICENSE # 25MA06546300) and quickly called his office to better understand the charges. I was informed by his staff that his consultation fee was $375.00. I told them I disagreed with his claim and that I will not be making any payments. I conveyed to his staff that I never asked for his services, signed anything to warrant his services, nor saw him during my emergency visit to decline his service and that a fee for a solicitation of service was absurd. I was then informed that his brother was an attorney and that the doctor would use his brother???s services for debt collection. It was then that I said that if the judge made that determination, I would pay that fee. Since then his legal counsel, Pressler & Pressler , has been harassing me to pay this fee along with these collection fees and penalties. The campaign that Pressler & Pressler chose to engage in was one of harassment, deceit and deception, by repeatedly delaying and postponing the case, till eventually the court dismissed the case due to non-appearance and misinforming the court of the correct sequence of events(See court???s assessment attached). After the dismissal and some time later I again started to receive harassing letters and phone calls from the Plaintiff???s attorney (Pressler & Pressler) to pay this debt. I???ll admit to being guilty of ignoring these communications but my thinking was that the case was dismissed. Till recently when I consulted an attorney, it was then that we discovered the case was closed without prejudice and it has since been assigned a different docket number(edited - ND) from the original(Edited - ND). I was amazed to hear that this could be true. Since it was ignored, the deceitful attorney moved forward with his case and I was found guilty by default judgment. I have since filed a motion to vacate the default judgment and have been working towards having my case heard, with consistent pressures and reluctance from the plaintiffs attorney.
My current situation has me travelling for business 80% of the time nationally and that I???m seeking resolution but need help from the court. I have even tried, on numerous occasions to settle, even though I admit no responsibility to this obligation. But out of pure frustration with the process and lack of success and cooperation in the courts, I was considering giving up, thus allowing this unethical practitioner of medicine to be on his way and let someone else fight for justice. I can???t understand how the court would allow this kind of behavior to go on when it???s quite obvious that the reputation of this scandalous and corrupt partnership gets away with this scheme time and time again.
I have since been advised by an attorney that my recourse could be to file a suit against the hospital for allowing this doctor access to my medical records without my consent, as stated in the NJ Hospital Emergency Care SOP Document, and I???m giving it consideration.
We are not Pressler and Pressler. This is a community dedicated to helping people with financial issues - ND
Want to Help get Palisades Collection LLC., & Pressler
We are in Court against Palisades Collection LLC., & Pressler & Pressler for Illegally filing cases in several states;
Is there anyone out there who has Palisades Collection, LLC after them right now or who has had in the Past come and bother them, I have these people, Meaning the NJ office and the NY office and all there Lawyers in court for fraud for filing fraudulent cases against US Citizens! I am looking to remove each Lawyer's License and dissolve the company, this is the reason I am Posting as I need other people now, I have found that Palisades Collection, LLC has gone after people Living in Ireland I have found Palisades Collection, LLC seizing Bank Accounts without any evidence to file a Lawsuit, I have caught Palisades Collection, LLC filing second cases against the same person for the same charges in the same court while the first case was still ongoing, We have shown that Palisades Collection, LLC has placed more then one claim against a person in the credit reporting agencies which destroys a persons credit, as you each know each Item placed against a persons credit is taken 65 points away from that person, we have found Palisades Collection, LLC threaten people for a sum to remove this from their credit reports, We are working hard on this case and trial is still on-going, closing arguments and Letters posted to the Justice in this case will help stop these criminals, we are even thinking of filing a case against Palisades Collection, LLC and all there attorneys for each person they have filed against which they have violated the Law and there civil rights, upon the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Attorney are bound by Law to follow the Laws of each State, their addresses are:
Palisades Collection LLC.,
210 Sylvan Ave.
Englewood NJ 07632,
Pressler and Pressler, LLP
Counselors in Law
16 Wing Drive
Cedar Knolls N.J. 07927
Attorneys for Plaintiff
990 Stewart Avenue Suite 30
Garden City, NY 11530
Pressler & Pressler
305 Broadway Fl 9
New York, NY 10007
The Names of the Most who violate the Law in Palisades Collection LLC., & Pressler & Pressler are:
Amy Miller, Esq.
Richard A. Franklin Esq.
Ralph Gulko Esq.
Navni Mirchandani, ESQ.
Angelo Capalbo Esq.
pressler and pressler related to mel harris
Mel Harris Signs Papers for Palisades Collection LLC., & Pressler & Pressler Wherefore he is a Liable Attorney in each case he signs any Affirmation or Affidavit to, It does not matter where he Lives it only matters where his Law License are issues and if he is allowed to practice in that State, he is in Part of the Damages against Palisades Collection LLC., & Pressler & Pressler in the Sanctions Suite
Pressler & Pressler
Calling all lawyers- please help start a class action lawsuit against Pressler & Pressler.
My story is long and ultimately they did the same thing to me as everyone else. (bank account levy without validating debt) They must be stopped.
And we must stop being sheep! Let no one intimidate you, steal from you, or otherwise infringe on your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And remember it's INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY- not the other way around despite how Pressler & Pressler conducts their activities. You who have been scammed by Pressler & Pressler are all innocent and must look at the situation with that attitude.
Pressler and Pressler
We are working hard on this case and trial is still on-going, closing arguments and Letters posted to the Justice in this case will help stop these criminals, we are even thinking of filing a case against Palisades Collection, LLC and all there attorneys for each person they have filed against which they have violated the Law and there civil rights, upon the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Attorney are bound by Law to follow the Laws of each State, the court address is: Index No. 34788/06 Civil Clerk of the Court, 99 Maine Street, Hempstead, New York, 11550, Send a letter to the Judge telling him How you have been hurt by this firm! You have to have it notarized if anyone wants to contact me just send it to My Name, Joseph underscore Sadowski at yahoo dot com, and I will get back to any one who want to know more, just remember each person is running out of time in this issue as we are going after them under rule 11 sanctions, which is no small deal! Thank You Joseph Sadowski
Pressler & Pressler
Since I wrote 43 days ago I followed the advice of all the above. I sent a letter to the following asking for a letter of satisfaction of the wage execution.
Federal Trade Commission, Attorney General, Office Of The Governor, Court Officer(who was in charge of the money received by wage execution), Gloucester County Civil Part Court Clerk, Gloucester County Affaires, Better Business Bureau and Pressler & Pressler. I received a call from Consummer Affaires who wants to pursue it, the Better Business Bureau who opened a case number for the Pressler & Pressler complaint and the Gloucester County Civil Part issued a court hearing on the wage execution for a hearing which is scheduled for 3-26-09 by a judge. My company I work for also received a letter from Pressler & Pressler stating to stop all wage deductions and to return any monies due to me and that the Court Order has been satisfied. Do I pursue this farther? What would be my next step? I am to assume I still need this to be entered into the courts that it has been satisfied and cannot just assume this will be done. I had gotten in trouble years ago with credit cards and we thought we paid them all off. They have not even told me which credit card this is that I owe for, but a wage execution was granted. Can I get the Judgement reversed by asking for proof of the debt and to what credit card company? All answers all welcomed right about now.
TO Joseph Sadowski
I will help you they have harassed me and continue to do so. When I would not tell them where I currently live (out of state) and work these idiots levied my nj bank account. Luckily, I had withdrawn everything except 18.00 from my account in anticipation of this move by this crooks. I am filing a complaint with the FTC and calling tomorrow also.
Thomas E. Kane and Julie G. Bush,
Bureau of Consumer Protection
I encourage anyone who is getting scammed this way or treated il
I encourage anyone who is getting scammed this way or treated illegally to please notify the proper athorities. it will never stop unless you take action.
I just tried to renegotiate my payments with Pressler. They insisted they had a signed contract. I alsked them to fax a copy of that contract to me a few hours ago. Still no result. They insisted that I would have to pay the initial payment of 200.00. My hours have been cut back and I told them I couldn't make that amount, offering 50.00 less. Not good enough says Pressler. I told them that I will send what I can in good faith, basically taking my chances. Still I would like a copy of that contract.
Don't send them ANYTHING until they validate the debt. Most lik
Don't send them ANYTHING until they validate the debt. Most likely they are not the ones to pay. P&P is a collection agency plain and simple. Make them Validate it. If they can't tell them to move on.
You are in a good position right now. They didn't sue yet. You can win this. If they take you to court, ask in court to validate the debt.
For some reason these CA's are allowed to access your credit report, find a debt, any debt and then claim it's theirs. That's what happened to me. I complained and complained and complained show me where you own this over and over again. They kept saying no we don't have to because they have the judgement. Judgement was Bogus, paper work was bogus. I got a letter from the county sherrif office that I may be arrested if I don't contact the court. So I called the Sherriff number they gave me with the person's name. Left a message and I never received a call back. I told them that I now KNOW they don't have the right to collect and I'm hiring a lawyer to defend me. They ran for the hills after that.
Pressler & Pressler
we were contacted and sued by them as well, wish we knew about this site sooner. although the debt they claimed to own we did believe was legit.we did not request a validation, but i believe we still can do so. they mentioned the 'original lender' by name, which we knew we owed them money. we paid it in full by making monthly payments to P&P website.but yet they still sent a letter to garnish my wifes paycheck. they have now taken out money from her paycheck. now THEY OWE US MONEY. lets see how that goes...... we live very close to their office, a 'friendly' visit may need to be made. i can be a very persistant individual when i am being taken advantage of.
Pressler & Pressler
Pressler and Pressler deducted funds from an account that I was a co-signer on.... I received no documentation regarding anything. The bank did send me a copy of what they sent them - I have no clue as to who they were representing the amount I supposedly owe - NOTHING!!! I am however taking legal action against this firm!
i have recently had my checking account levied from these a - ho
i have recently had my checking account levied from these a - holes,without any notification AT ALL!!!!! im now -$400... im with you every step of the way. i allready filed complaints with the bbb & ftc. whats next if anybody knows contact me Email address removed by Shazzers per TOS nj bar?
scumbags!!!!!!!!! igot a name for lawyers like that i cant post!
scumbags!!!!!!!!! igot a name for lawyers like that i cant post!!!!!!
pressler & pressler
does anyone know if p&p have the right to levy an account without notification?
id like to meet one of these Offensive language removed by Shazz
id like to meet one of these Offensive language removed by Shazzers per TOS on the street !!!!!!!! id f-ing scalp every one of them!!!!!!
i've been battling with these people from p&p for years now. i h
i've been battling with these people from p&p for years now. i have a document stating i owed 1666.79 from 4/16/03. this was from new century financial services. i ignored it. then in 2007, they called me, got my employment info, said i owed midland funding(totally different company) 2xxx.xx. i got a wage garnish. it lasted for months until i got laid off from that job. they called and set up a payment plan with me. i was paying 40 bucks a month while collecting unemployment. when my benefits ran out and i was out of cash and got a new job, they levied 127 bucks from my account. which was then wachovia. now i still owe wachovia that amount. i told them to talk to pressler and pressler because it wasn't my debt. i started a new account with pnc. they garnished my wages again at the new job, but i was only working part time and was under the required salary amount for them to take anything. they called and complained, i told them i was broke and the best i could do was nothing at all and they should just accept it and eff off. i got another job in construction in the spring. 2 months into this job they contacted me again. made me agree to pay 75 bucks a month even after i argued that it had previously only been 40 a month. when the season was over, i went on unemployment again and received a phone call complaining about lack of payment. i told them my job laid me off for the winter and i wouldn't have any money to spare until summer. i got a notice in july saying i owed 33137.40. they robbed my bank account that july of 560.xx dollars. i had checks in the mail for other debts. i called pressler and pressler and midland funding complaining. they said their debt was my only priorty and basically told me to go eff myself which led to me screaming profanity at this woman until she hung up on me. so i ahd several checks bounce. the whole ordeal cost me about 500 dollars to correct. they executed another wage garnish as well at this time which continued until i quit this job last november. i hadn't heard anything from them until 2 days ago after just being laid off from yet another job. now they want to seize money and/or property from me for the remaining 2082.88. i just had to fill out and send in a court ordered sheet listing my bank account(which i only keep a few bucks in because of them), my vehicles, any valuable appliances, and cash on hand. due to my ecconimcal issues, i'm 30 years old and living with my dad. i have a jeep in his name that he co-signed for that i make payments on, i have in my name a ratty old nova with no engine or floor, and aside from that, nothing much. some tools, dvds, cds, a tv and a couple video game systems. can they even take any of this? aside from the jeep, which technically isn't mine until i pay it off next june, i own nothing of value. i have 35 bucks in my wallet until my first unemployment check comes in and that not going to be for much more than a grand a month. as far as i know, they can't touch unemployment checks right? and they can't take my car without about 7k worth of work or a rollback. haha. so they have nothing on me that i'm aware of. my father wants to loan me the money to get them off my back. i'd rather give these scumbags nothing at all than give them his hard earned money. anyone have any insight on any of this? i'll go to court if i have to. i'm just sick of the bs. thanks in advance -mike