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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

I got a loan from Route 66 funding. The woman spoke very bad english. It sounded like she said, it would be a fee of $17.00 to take this loan out. I thought that was good. Considering, all I needed was $200.00 Well, come to find out I ended up owing a $70.00 fee for $200.00. She said, I misunderstood. I did get paperwork through email that I could print off.

They automatically will extend your loan for an additional $70 each time. You have to call to stop the extensions. I had emails and a telephone number for them. However, you could never really get anyone at the number. Yet, through email I communicated. I had no problems as far as the loan and the terms and conditions. I closed the account. And, had no problems with them trying to continue to debit my account once the loan was fully paid. I do think most are rip offs. Unfortunately, when you're desperate you do desperate things. It costs a lot for people with bad credit. So, they prey on people who are needy.

However, I told them I would inform my bank by my online statement. As well as, use the records of my initial credit, and the following extension fees debited and the total debit and final payment of the loan, as evidence of payment. While I thought the fee was a bit excessive. I didn't have the experience that most of you had, once I actually paid it off.

Submitted by on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 15:32

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So if you do not want to provide your checking acct info. how do you repay the loan?

Submitted by on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 15:04

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They scammed me too. In fact I am on the phone with them right now requesting paperwork and they are telling me that there isn't any.

Submitted by on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 13:05

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They have nothing but a so called recorded phone agreement. What they really have is air and it is all hot. Do not waste your time with them. Have you closed that checking account? If not do it and just keep hanging up on them. They are a bunch of criminals. Eventually they just return to the scum swamp they craweled out of.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 13:16


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

THey keep saying that I owe them money and keep debiting my acount HOWEVER when I ask for PROOf to be faxed or e-mailed to me they refused. If I owe money then why can't they show me proof like any other compay would? Becasue they are scam artists. Anyone have another solution? You can e-maile me and my husband at email address removed for your safety - Goudah. I am begging for any suggestions. Thanks!

Submitted by on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 13:20

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The only thing you can do is to close your account or have the bank freeze it. You can't stop them. They are still hitting my account after it has been frozen for months. They no longer call me because I just hang up on them. They operate under BIG Route66, GFSIL and other names. They are based in the UK and are totally illegal. They will tell you that they are sending the police to have you arrested. Trust me there is no other way of stopping them. Your email will be deleted by one of the moderators. It is for your protection. Please PM me and I will tell you more that I can't post.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 13:35


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

This is a major scam,you just cant get out of it we are having ckecks bouncing cause of it these a**holes they should be they say there out of Nevada.

Submitted by on Mon, 10/29/2007 - 12:08

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Just curious if anyone else has noticed this: A while ago, we started getting a whole slew of TV commercials for these loan sharks on a number of cable channels, including one for a particularly sleazy outfit known as CashCall with an endorsement from Gary Coleman, (The former child star from Different Strokes) They came thick and fast for about two months, and then just as suddenly, they all stopped. Anyone know what happened? Did someone in Comcast????????s ad dept. grow a conscience or what?

Submitted by on Sun, 11/11/2007 - 14:35

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they say they are not bound by US law since they are based in the UK. here is U"K law ass it pertains to their practices

Section 40 of the act provides that a person commits an offence if, with the object of coercing another person to pay money claimed from the other as a debt due under contract, he or she:

harasses the other with demands for payment which by their frequency, or the manner or occasion of their making, or any accompanying threat or publicity are calculated to subject him or his family or household to alarm, distress or humiliation;
falsely represents, in relation to the money claimed, that criminal proceedings lie for failure to pay it;
falsely represent themselves to be authorised in some official capacity to claim or enforce payment;
utters a document falsely represented by him to have some official character or purporting to have some official character which he knows it has not.
Paragraph (1) above does not apply to anything done by a person which is reasonable (and otherwise legal) for the purpose of:

of securing the discharge of an obligation due, or believed by him to be due, to himself or to persons for whom he acts, or protecting himself or them from future loss; or
of the enforcement of any liability by legal process.
It is also provided that a person may be guilty of an offence under paragraph (1) above if he concerts with others in the taking of such action as is described in that paragraph, notwithstanding that his own course of conduct does not by itself amount to harassment.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 02:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

A wage assignment is voluntary. A wage garnishment is court ordered. If this company is threatening you with a wage assignment, you need to revoke it NOW. Just type up a quick letter to the pdl stating that "I (state your name) revoke any and all wage assignments I have signed with your company, your partners, or any affiliates." Type your name. Keep a copy, give a copy of to your payroll/HR person, and send the revoke letter to the pdl via email/fax/and certified mail. Believe me, they will send one through to your employer. You may want to educate your employer that a wage assignment is voluntary. And usually the wage assignment they send wouldn't stand up legally. But, cover yourself. Do the wage assignment revoke letter now before they get the chance to send it to your employer.

Submitted by cannr on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 20:25


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Just have to say I HATE Route 66.....I was told that I would NOT be getting anymore calls from them and sure enough at work yesterday I got a call from a "toby"......wanted to know when I was going to be sending in a payment on my account. I wrote a nasty email to a David Michaels from there...... :evil:

Submitted by Tweety71 on Fri, 11/16/2007 - 11:42


( Posts: 2061 | Credits: )

i am working with route 66funding, basically i am collector( te person who calls you to get money back) i willtry my best to reply ur all answers if u will ask from me

Submitted by on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 05:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, guest TYPES like a Route66 employee.......... :shock:

Submitted by cannr on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 06:07


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

me 2 is working for route66
route66 wll nver sht as we tell all rules n regulation at d tme when u guys get loans

Submitted by on Thu, 11/29/2007 - 03:46

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They go by other names than Route 66, they have given me GSS & BIG as there other names & refuse to give me the owners info or mailing adrs. but we know the NY adrs is a front anyways. if you owe them money stop paying now & change your bank accounts b/c they will withdraw it without your consent. I have tried on several occassions to get them to stop calling even asking for the "manager" to which they say the will stop - NOPE! we should start scamming them back. ask for a loan & promptly close all accounts & change your # before they can take it themselves & never pay them back. maybe then we can get them to shut down!

Submitted by on Fri, 11/30/2007 - 10:04

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I recieved a call from a nasty woman from route 66 saying that a 200.00 loan I took out in 2006 and that now I have to pay them 3200.00

Submitted by on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 07:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Has anyone gotten anywhere with these losers? I took a loan with Interim Cash in January 2006. I tried month after month, payday after payday to pay the $200 loan off. They collected a total of $1027 from me before I closed my bank account. I've been called at work, my boss has been called, they even called my co-workers (my voice mail says press 0 for an operator if I'm unavailable, which they did). They told everyone they could reach about how I'm a theif, etc. I've turned them into the BBB, The Nebraska Attorney General, the Nebraska department of Banking and Finance, the Federal Trade Commission and am still looking for somewhere in the UK to turn them into. They operated under the name of Interim Cash when I took the loan from them in 2006 which I understand is the same ownership as the other companies discussed previously. On Feb. 25 I received 17 calls from these people at work. I called back that night on speaker phone and recorded the whole conversation then transcribed it and included it with my complaints to the above mentioned companies. I received another call today, they asked for my supervisor's fax number so that they could send them a wage assignment form to garnish my wages. I laughed and refused to give the fax. I'm not scared of these dorks. I know that what they are doing is illegal. I actually feel a little sorry for the employees who have been brainwashed to believe that they are not subject to any US laws and are "governed by the laws and legislations of the United Kingdom". They break even the UK laws. The sad thing is (that these employees don't realize) is that they personally become responsible for following the illegal practices of their company. They are doing what they are told and are putting themselves personally in jeopardy of excessive fines and/or jail time. Oh well! Sucks to be them.
So, what's the next step? Did I miss anything? Anyone have any other suggestions beyond what I've done? Anyone have any luck suing this company? I'm on board if anyone wants to help me. I'm only one person, but would love to take this company down and in doing so setting an example for other predatory payday lenders I've got more than enough money to pay these people back, but I never will. I figure $1027 worth (they admit to $732) of unauthorized charges pays the $200 debt. I want to protect any future consumers from these companies. Anyone with me?

Submitted by on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 13:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Folks - DON'T let this company talk you into paying what you don't owe.

From the posts recently and what I'm hearing through the grapevine, this company is trying a new dirty tactic - falling silent for a while (sometimes years!) and then calling clients who thought they were paid in full and claiming they owe THOUSANDS for the measly $200 loan they took out (and most likely paid off).

It is not unusual for this ILLEGAL COMPANY to try and call you at work, threaten to talk to your supervisor, and even try to talk to the president of the company you work for. Their intent is to embarrass you to the point where you will pay them just to get them off your back.

Keep these things in mind:

THEY WANT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION. Don't give it to them. Giving them access to your bank account will give them free rein to take your money - and they will do so - repeatedly.

THEY WILL THREATEN TO SEND THEIR "LEGAL TEAM" AFTER YOU. Tell them to go for it - and give them directions to your workplace! Call their bluff. They don't have a legal team. They aren't even located in this country. And since they are operating illegally, tell them you'll go them one better and meet their legal team at the courthouse with a team of your own, including attorneys and state police.

THEY WILL CALL YOUR WORKPLACE REPEATEDLY. The only way to stop this is to come clean with your supervisor, payroll manager or HR manager, and ask them to help you stop the harrassment. And call it that - harrassment - because that's what it is. This company will not hesitate to tell anyone in your company that they talk to that you owe them money, and how much they think you owe, and that you're a bad person for not paying your debts. (Just an FYI - that's against the fdcpa - discussing a debt with anyone but the debtor, unless they have permission to do so.) Your only recourse in this situation is to explain to your supervisor/HR manager/Payroll manager that you DID at one time take out a loan with this company, but that you didn't know they were an illegal company - and that your loan with them was paid off long ago - and that this company has no legal right to be calling you for anything.

STAND FIRM!! Do not give in to the strong arm tactics that Rt. 66 is using. They are tricky - they will try to trick you into saying your supervisor's name or giving information about your bank account - anything to try and get you to pay what they want. Don't give in - no matter what. If you paid your loan off after you took it out, or you paid enough rollover fees to pay it off plus the interest allowed by your state law, don't pay them another penny - and definitely don't let them convince you that you owe thousands on a $200 loan.

BE SMART. Stop and think about what Rt. 66 is saying to you on the phone - you owe $4000 for a $200 loan?? What law in our country would allow for that kind of interest - even over the course of a couple of years?? It's robbery and they know it. Don't let them convince you that the amount they are asking for is for "fees" or "interest" or "legal fees". It's all bull - and they know it.

Finally, don't beat yourself up over having taken a loan out with this company. Don't feel badly over having been taken in by this illegal entity. When they finally realize they can't get you to pay, they will leave you alone and move on to the next person on their list. It may take some time to get them to go away, but eventually, they will.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 16:28


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Can you believe they just called me again. It has been over a year. This time it was a woman who told me that I was a good customer and apparently there was a mistake and I forgot to pay them. I put her on hold, then I came back and told her she had to call another number. I gave her a law office! 5 minutes later my cell phone rang! They just don't quit!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 10:38


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I got a called yesterday from 442-084-922780 and said I still owed them from 2006 and a got a letter that I sent them in 2006 reference them debitin my checking account for $358 and I was told by one of the salesman back then that if I agreed to pay $200 my loan will be paid in full, and I said ok...when payday rolled around the company had debited $358. When i reviewed all the $79 i had sent them it totaled up to $1106 on a $200 you that's not right and now they are calling saying I still owe them! they are truly a rip-off!!! I pray that they be stopped!

Submitted by on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 14:50

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This company is also called B.I.G. limited out of the UK. They are all crooks and they no it.They say that its under british law, big deal what is the brits going to do come over here and take me to court to make me pay, no I dont think so. How stupid is that.The patriot act of the UNITED STATES regulates all national and foriegn money transactions coming and going in this country so that they can catch people trying to fund teroised.Could this company possibly doing this I dont know and im very courios to know and if Im curios I am sure that the Department of Homeland Security is very interested and finding out what is going on with this company and all of this money being transacted fast and illegally.Everyone out there that has a loan with any of these companies stop paying now, and contact Homeland security.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/09/2008 - 06:17

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Sorry I spelled terrorist wrong in previous post.Who is to say they are not laundering this money and providing it to a terrorist group?You never know these days I suggest everyone contact the Department of Homeland Security and report them and the suspicious money activities that are clearly illeagal.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/09/2008 - 06:24

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I took out a loan back in 2006 for $200 and for 6 months I paid the $79 every two weeks. Once they had debited my account twice in the same day I had enough and closed my bank account. I did not hear back from them until the beginning of April 2008. I received a call from one of those english speaking impaired collectors saying that I now owed $1500.00 but they would cut me a deal if I just paid $300.00. I told him to send me paperwork stating I owed that amount. We hung up and he called me back minutes later saying they could not send me anything. I told him that if they couldn't send me anything in writing, I don't have to pay anything. Well a few days ago, I got a call from another collector and when I answered and realized that it was someone from Route 66 I hung up. That person called back 15 times and harassed my receptionist here at work. I told her to tell him to just leave me a voicemail (so I can have a record of everything they say) but he would never leave one. Well I got a voicemail from him on Saturday saying that if I don't contact him by 12:30 they would seek legal action (they already know I only work Monday through Friday). He said they would send a legal team with legal papers. He said that he would go down my contact list and let everyone know how I owe this debt. He then said that I owed $3500.00. He gave me the option to either: A. Give him my bank account information in order to make a settlement of $1500.00 OR B. Not do anything, and wind up paying $5000.00 for my full loan plus ALL legal fees. When I had originally made the loan, everything was taken care of on the phone. Does this company have any ACTUAL legal recourse against me? On his voicemail he was talking about wage assignment but don't they have to file a summons and complaint THEN give me 30 days to file an Answer? The only time a garnishment can happen is if the judge signs the order on it.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 10:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

no ROUTE 66 has no legal recourse,but they can try to push through a wage assignment.that is something that can be revoked.let your HR person know thisgive them a letter to be safe.once you have revoked any wage assignments don't talk to them period!you have paid 474.00 on a 200.00 are done with them.don't be swayed by anything they say,that's all it is talk.

Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 10:48


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I have had a terrible time with this company. They continued to call my job. They have even called my secretary trying to get information. I told them that I am contacting the Attorney General's office in my area and they said that they did not care. I am going to start harrassing them the way they harrass us. Let's all do it. We will shut them down!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 11:10

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This is my second e-mail to everyone. I just called RTE 66 funding. I am harrassing them and they are yelling at me because I am asking for a statement. Now he wants to do a moneygram. I

Submitted by on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 11:27

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Well it's really not good to hear that so many people are getting these calls. Just today, some man/woman called me at my place of employment and I asked them not to call my place of employment and not only did he call me right back, he called again and again. then he called a Supervisor in a different department. I did call the Attorney General' office and was told to write them asking them to cease calling my place of employment.

Submitted by on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 12:12

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Being as this is an offshore [UK-based] company, the US Attorney General, FTC, etc., are pretty much powerless. I'm wonderingt if anybody's tried following up with the UK Embassy or Consulate? Seems like those folks would have a vested interest in stopping the abuse, as it makes the UK look bad internationally.

Just thinkin' out loud........

Submitted by unclewulf on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 16:13


( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

im with everyone hear i just got a call today from route 66 after a year and a half of nothing he said that in january of 2007 my bank account was closed but i had already payed the debt why did they wait a year and half to resolve the issue. if anyone knows any legal action we could take that would be great

Submitted by on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 11:16

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there is nothing you can do except not to talk to them.if you find yourself on the phone,slam it in omar,habib,or gunga din's earhole.that is it,nothing else.

Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 11:26


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

This company calls my employer on a daily basis they harass me everyday often calling 10-20 time in a row. I borrowed 500 over 2 years ago. Have since paid them over 800. They are now saying
I owe over 6000. Have contacted the local
police, my manager, etc. I feel so intimadated and fear losing my job over this company. What can I do?

Submitted by on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 07:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi pam,

I empathize with you. Its really annoying to get harassing calls from some offshore pdl company. Just avoid them ans also ask your colleagues not to respond to their number.

you've paid them darn beyond the limit and shouldn't shed one more penny for them. As they're offshore business, they're quite beyond the purview of the enforcing authority. I know its unfortunate and frustrating. Just try to remain calm and Do Not respond to their calls.

Submitted by tweetyturner on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 23:53


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