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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

Multiple names has advantages for the lenders. First, it spreads the risk. If ten of us sent complaints about one company to our banking department, the department might take action. But the same owners can just shift the portfolio over to one of their other entities and never skip a beat.

The same thing applies if we stop payment on an ACH debit. Let's say we tell the bank not to honor debits by Smith's loans. As soon as the lender gets the denial back, he sends out another as Jones' loans. This one goes through. Maybe we fight it and get the money back. But more likely we just moan about it or our bank gives us the run around till we give up fighting. Meanwhile the same guy that owns both Smith and Jones has our money.

Submitted by Freaky Friday on Sat, 05/12/2007 - 22:10

Freaky Friday

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

I should have added another advantage for the lender. Most people don't have just one payday loan. They have five or more. Why? Because we're taking out new loans to pay off old ones. So why not be the lender that has all five. The lender has only has to give us the same $300 over and over (since we're using it to pay his fees each time) but on paper we owe him $1500 or more and he's hitting us for 30% on that every two weeks.

Submitted by Freaky Friday on Sat, 05/12/2007 - 22:13

Freaky Friday

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Tweety, you have loved tham for so long that I sent them an ecard on your behalf.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Sun, 05/13/2007 - 09:09


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I have officially ended my adventure with Route 66. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this page, out of sheer curiosity, while making rollover payments. I looked up the company before making the call to say I was ready to pay off my loan. I read your stories, talked through threads and e-mail to a few of you, and devised a strategy.
I closed my bank account they were debiting the night before my payday rollover debit. I waited a week and let them harass me for a day. The next day I called back and said I would like a written statement or settlement for my loan, that I was not paying 800 dollars.
They refused to send writing (oh how surprising) but said they would let me pay back just my 210 dollars plus the rollover i had missed. I said that's fine, I will call back with a new bank account.
I set up an account and explained my situation. I told them this account was to be used to pay off a questionable company and I would only allow a total of $260 in debit to come through. The restriction was placed on my account and I set up payment info for this account with Route 66.
The next day I received 5 shifty looking debits: 2 phone payments, 2 online payments and 1 check payment. The good news about all of this is they were smaller payments totalling my $260. My account was closed later that day after debits were made and I am now Route 66-free.
ANYONE who has stumbled across this page and devising methods for paying off the company, even after being told you owe an outrageous amount-- heed this advice.

Submitted by on Sun, 05/13/2007 - 23:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

One other thing I found amusing: While setting up this account to make final payment, the man-- "Andy" told me that if the funds were not available serious action would be taken. I asked what exactly was meant by that and he told me he was "chief legal executive" for Route 66 Funding (co-incidentally I happen to get the head honcho himself when calling. I'm guessing he's also entitled to say he's CEO and a police officer who can arrest me as well) and has the power to use legal force if I default. I said I dont intend to, and have never heard of any collections or credit company using that after one default. He said other credit companies are not abiding by the rules and should be doing this. "Route 66 is very valuing of customers like you and wants to show they care if you miss a payment"-- exact words. I imprinted them in my mind after laughing and hanging up with him.
Nonetheless, they care enough to suck me out of half of my paycheck.. but are gone. What a nightmare. Thanks for caring, "Andy."

Submitted by on Sun, 05/13/2007 - 23:30

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you will probably get those emails where "your payment was returned and perhaps it was a mistake."
Then they will crawl back into the polluted slimy scum swamp that they mutated from.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 13:26


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I got those emails and everytime I got one, I emailed them back and told them no it wasn't a mistake. The only email messages they will communicate with you is for a payment being due or late or when your payment is returned, then if YOU try to communicate with them via email, they will say they cannot email you, which is a bunch of you know what. They are so much fun to deal with.......NOT!!! But once they are gone, it is great!

Submitted by 2nband on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 14:00


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

I am also having the same problem with route 66. I have also had to close out my accounts and reopen new ones. I receive emails from them like everyone else. I am like you all I wish there was some way to stop them from doing business in the United States. They have done the same to me as far as the different names they use to draw the money out of your account. If anyone has taken action against them or knows of anyone who has and the result of the action taken I wish would post the results on here so that others can see it and may be able to do the same against them. Anyone with more info it would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/25/2007 - 13:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Regarding someone????????s question on Route 66 Funding: Avoid these guys like the plague! They are SCUM ???????? SCUM ???????? SCUM!! I have never taken out a loan with them, but one of my wife????????s former co-workers did, and after the experience she and her associates had, I would gladly eat worms before I would borrow the price of a Big Mac from these jackals. Here????????s what happened;
A gal my wife worked with apparently took out a loan with Route 66 Funding. After a time, she left the company without leaving any forwarding information. After she had been gone for over a year the shop began getting calls from R66 regarding her apparently delinquent account. (No one currently in the shop had ever heard of this company before) They explained to them that she was no longer working there and they could not help locate her. The representatives, who spoke only fair English, at once became even nastier, saying their ???????Co-operation was mandatory??????? and told those employees who had identified themselves by their first names that they were also listed as co-signers and were therefore liable for the debt. They told the callers to stop insulting their intelligence as they had never signed anything and didn????????t even know their last names, upon which they were told; "It was a verbal phone "agreement and we have recordings of your voice to use in court! You will be getting legal papers!??????? and promptly hung up. (Puleeeze!) Needless to say, no papers ever arrived, but the calls, threats and harassment persisted until management intervened with a Cease-And-Desist order, a complaint to the FTC and basically informed R66 they would be sued into destitution if they ever heard from them again. The vermin gave up and backed off after that. The ironic part is two weeks later, they did get a visit from the former employee, but Satan will be skiing to work by the time R66 hears about it!

Submitted by on Wed, 06/06/2007 - 17:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If anyone ever gets a call from them just keep saying No and eventually they go away. They must work on commision and when they don't get anywhere they move on. They are operating illegally and they can't do anything and they know it. They have not bothered me for months now ever since I told one of them he was slime and to crawl back in the scum swamp he came from.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 06:24


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I am over these people because they took over $450 out of account and I closed it. Now they are calling threatning to garnish my wages and I don't think it is fair. I don't know what to do now? Any suggestions?

Submitted by on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 10:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Frogpatch is right, all they can do is make idiotic threats to you over the phone. They are located in the UK and have no authority to attempt to have any prosecutor issue a warrant for your arrest. Makes me wonder if they have ever really listened to the crap that comes out of their mouths? :roll:

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 15:16


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

They didn't get any money because there is no money there. The bank charged me 35.00 for the NSF. That account was supposed to be in "for deposit only" status. When they refunded my over draft fees they removed the block and I didn't know it. It is a good thing I did not put more money in there. They probably would have gone back for more.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 05:42


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I just talk with Route 66 and they told me that they do not except Money Grams or Western Union. They told me to try and use somebody elses checking account. They must be crazy or something. Does anyone have a fax number for these people. I agree with the customer service sucks and you can't understand anything they say. Are they located in Albany New York? Has anyone ever sent in a payment to this company?

Submitted by on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 08:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you have paid them the princpal and the interest allowed in your state. Hang up on them or they will keep after you. Enentually they do go away like a bad case of poison ivy. Do not lead them on by talking to them. You have to let them know that it is your way or the doorway. If you read from the beginning of this 36 page thread you will learn lots about these crooks. There is an address in Reno which was good a month or two ago. You will find it at the beginning on page one or two I think.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 10:28


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Yes, give a written copy to your employer stating, "I hereby revoke any wage assignments I may have signed." When I was having problems with this company, I sent an email every month or so to my payroll administrator just as a reminder about this as well. They were very nice about it and didn't ask any questions.

Submitted by Sassnlucy on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 16:12


( Posts: 2698 | Credits: )

I finally got these people to back off me in January, but it took doing what a lot of other people on this site have had to do: paying off the loan "principle" (And I'm sorry, but those renewals are bull****), and then changing to a different checking account.

A week after I changed accounts, my bank called to notify me that this company was still trying to debit my old account, and would I like them switched to the new one. I told the bank that not only would I NOT like them switched to the new one, but that I gave them permission to prosecute any claims against this company that they deemed necessary.

Route 66 backed off in a big hurry when my BANK contacted them to ask them to stop.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 08:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I thought they were gone but they called me again months later. I pretty much told them where to go and hung up on the supervisor when he told me I was under the law of the UK. If you pick up the phone and here all the chatter in the background, just hang up quietly without saying anything. They will give up.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 13:42


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I am going through an awful time with these people. It has destroyed my fragile credit. I am harrassed day and night
they give no address to contact, no paper anything!1no bill, no nothing.
they are threatening to take me to court, criminal, no less
help! how do I contact about this?/
email address removed as per forum rules - Mike

Submitted by on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 09:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I filed a complaint at the BBB one year ago to this date and I just received this email:

My name is David Michaels from Route 66 Funding, Customer Solutions Department.

In response to the fax we received from the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU in respect of the complaint you filed against the company.

The company has reviewed your account and would like to discuss your outstanding balance and settle all issues amicably.

In response to this proposal, you can contact the Customer solutions department directly on 1877-210-9422 ext. 5898.

Thank you for your time and attention on this matter.

Yours sincerely
David Michaels

Submitted by on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 19:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i work here in London. it's pretty messed up. Don't apply for these loans in the first place. It's legal because it's offshore and desperate people usually don't listen to the terms and conditions. They aren't doing anything illegal and the reason they keep debiting your accounts is because you verbally agreed to it...just be more vigilant and actually listen to what the terms are before you agree to anything. Yes, it is a horrible scam but you've got to be weary and can only blame yourself for taking the loan without listening to the terms properly.
They will continue to take this 'fee' on each of your pay days because thats what is required to 'extend' the loan..because you havent paid the original sum you took out- you did adhere to these terms at the time but probably didn't take it in

Submitted by on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 11:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They are horrible. When I applied for the loan and they haD TO "CHECK REFERENCES" they took to long and I got another loan fro a different company. I called them told them that I didn't want it. They put the money in my account a day befor it was time to pay them for the contract. The money they put in they took it right out, and said that I owed them more. So i closed account. Haven't heard anything from them since. I need more info..Somebody HELP!!

Submitted by on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 13:14

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I have recently had a negative expierence with them as well. Although mine would be a little different. I had someone get my banking information and when i noticed i closed the account and switched banks. I informed all of my creditors including rt 66 funding. They continued to try to take payments from mt closed account. I did not go back on autopay with anyone including rt 66 funding, they will not let me make payments by mail, they called my work and threatened me. Then they had the nerve to tell me that they would call everyone I work with and tell them what I did to their company when I asked for a copy of the contract in writting. Needless to say I called and attorney friend to advice.
I have never dealt with anyone so nasty, and so willing to go beyond every law to scare you into giving them the money. I caught him in several lies throughout the conversation. This company should not be allowed to conduct itself this way at all.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/08/2007 - 03:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

close your account and open a new one 2 yrs ago these people put 100 in my check account without my even applying. i sent it back via bank ach the same day. for almost 2 yrs they went in to take 100 of so called interest they say i owed. i would stop payments and they would change their name and bank number to bypass the stop payment. they used four different names and bank numbers my state attorney general (Pa) and wachovia bank fraud are developing a case against them. even if they stop going into your account it has been found out that they also sell these account numbers to other companies like theirselves. any attems to locate their office has turned up empty, investigators have even gone to their so called office and it was empty. it must be being done from someones home.

Submitted by on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 12:13

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