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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

drowingindebt - you need to close your bank account. that is the only way to get the PDL companies to stop debiting you. Depending on what state you are located in, they may already be under investigation there. Michigan's OFIS recently started an investigation against them, so it looks like soon we will have these horrible companies on the run, if we band together and stand strong.

Check out your state's laws regarding PDL's and see what's up there. If you need help, let us know.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 09:59


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Unfortunatly, you can't close a bank account that's in the negative . . . And if you let it go too long your bank will put you on chexsystems, and will make it very hard for you to open a new bank account. Your bank will close the account after a month or so of a negative balance, but then you will be sent to collections for it. My advice would be to open a new bank account asap.

Submitted by goudah2424 on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 10:02


( Posts: 7935 | Credits: )

Couple days ago I applied for a PDL online from a website called credit something? I forgot the exact address. Next day I get a call from RT 66 Funding. They said I am approved for a loan, I immediately said no because I felt this wasn't right. They kept calling 3 times again. Next day I get 5 calls again, I told the lady Thanks but I don't need the loan anymore and I already told someone I talked to before that I do not want the loan. She said sorry and goodbye. I have a question though, I did not apply on their website, how do they have my information? Do you think they have my FULL information that I filled out on the other website?

Submitted by on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 18:32

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Folks - officially over one week later, after sending e-mails with the letter from Polly's blog and talking with Rt. 66 (and getting nowhere - they wouldn't give me a written debt validation unless I made a payment arrangement), I have heard nothing more from them. I'm going to give it another week or so before I consider the matter closed.

I'm assuming they are now aware that they are under investigation by my state (thank you Polly) and are finally backing off.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 05:00


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

after sending my letter like 60 times for the past week, i got a call from Route 66 funding they now want $450 after i already paid them $1770.00 on a 200 loan they refuse to email me saying they do not do agreements over the email, all the comunications has to be via phone.

i refused all communications via phone so the "supervisor" came on the phone and said you can pay fees forever on this loan but you will still owe the principal, i told her i file a report with the FTC, AG and BBB that did not face her a bit, i kept insisting they email me and she kept repeating the same thing over and over so i hug up on her.

what do you think will be their next action? now i'm a little scared nothing sees to face them...and i cannot closed my bank account because is overdrawn...omg

Submitted by drowingindebt on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 11:04


( Posts: 208 | Credits: )

I just applied for a PDL with another company and immediately got a call from these guys. I called them back just to check (I read some these messages first!) and only confirmed my name and phone number. I told them I wasn't interested and to not call me anymore. The guy said "Ok". Having returned the call, but not giving them any other information other than my name and phone number, is it possible that I may be in trouble with them anyway? They sound pretty shady based on your comments, so now I'm kinda paranoid. Can anyone tell me anything about my situation? Am I ok or not? :(

Submitted by on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 17:49

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learn the new collections law that went into effect this year. they don't have to stop collection activities while they are validating debt. guess you have to find another rock to hide behind and another relative to steal from.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 20:44

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No one here is hiding behind rocks - we are all in the same boat (more or less) of having made the mistake of using PDL companies in a time of need. None of us dispute the fact that we owe the original debt - what we DO dispute is the fact that these companies (especially internet PDL's) are mostly unlicensed, charging illegal interest rates, and harrass their "clients" into paying much more than is required by law.

Also, we are fully aware that collection activities do not have to stop during debt validation, but when a company will not even validate the debt they say is owed, in writing (which is required by the law you're so fond of referring to), it is impossible to consider doing further business with them.

If you have something useful to contribute, by all means, please feel free to do so.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 04:49


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I got 4 calls today "Fernando" the first time he called i asked him where he was calling from he said Bank of America and hung up.
then i called the number back and someother guy "oscar" picked up and was all apologetic, while i was talking to him the other guy, was calling me back, so i picked up here is how it went:

HIM: you owe 500 and we going to debit it from your account, i'm just calling to inform you.

ME: i told your company yesterday that all contact is to be made via emial or USPS i'm not hiding from you guys.

HIM: we are dibiting your account 500, make an arrengement now and we will settle for 300

ME: i'm not paying one more cent, i paid 1777.00 on a 200 loan, i filed a complaint with the BBB, FTC and the AG's office

HIM: this is going on your credit report you will never ever ever credit againg, i'm sending you to

ME: yeah okay send it to the FBI,CIA, i have no credit anyways...your company is threathing me and that is call extortion i will call the FBI.

HIM: we will debit your account and acuse you of fraud.youre going to jail

ME: thats okay i will let the Ag, BBB and FTC deal with you please respond to them, also you say you're in NY if so your illegal there too, and why were you guys calling me from a UK number yesterday

HIM:(he started to stutter, we are in the UK)

ME: i'm filing a complaint with bank of america you're not supposed to be inpersonating them.

HIM: well you were not answering our calls

ME: oh yes i was!! i talked to you guys twice yesterday.

HIM; now screaming you have to pay and will debt your account and the money BETTER be there.

so after listening to im scream for a while i hung up, i was tired of him, he was veyr scarcastic, demading and plain unproffesional.

these people are the worst people ever!!! has anyone gotten rid of them???

Submitted by drowingindebt on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 07:19


( Posts: 208 | Credits: )

I've been getting these same phone calls. I got three in a row this morning at work. I told them repeatedly that I didn't apply for a $200 loan and to stop calling me. Haven't received a call in 40 mins, but I'm afraid they'll keep bugging me. How to make these calls stop ASAP!? I'm not trying to get fired because they have no respect.... It was my mistake for giving out my work number, but this is annoying as heck. Help!

Submitted by on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 07:38

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How do i get rout 66 emails??

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 06:14

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Does anyone have any email addresses for this comapny???

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 06:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

this jerks called my employer and the receptionist ripped him a new one...she has told them a few times that i'm on medical leave and they still keep calling...thank god she's aware of the situation "fernando" from route66 got the italian out of her this her email to me LOL

"Hey, girl!

I don't know who Fernando from Route 66 is but I just ripped him a "new one". Next time, I'll try telling them I'm going to report them to my Uncle Guido who does trunk tours of the Hudson!! You may want to report this guy to Better Business Bureau since I really don't have an Uncle Guido. Love ya!
-----Original Message-----

maybe they will stop calling!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 14:34

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these gus have two locations,i think one is in mexico becase they all speak spanish and the other in india somewhere they have very broken english.

When fernando called me last today they were talking in spanish in the background and since speak it aswell i started to talk to him in spanish and he hung up on me.

before that they called me 5 times in less than five minutes and did not pick up i guess thats when fernando decided he should call my employer and they ripped him new one LOL

Submitted by drowingindebt on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 15:47


( Posts: 208 | Credits: )

I had this exact experience with Route 66! I never applied for a loan and one night the REPEATEDLY called me insisting I take a loan and became irate with me when I turned them down. I eventually told them I was calling the police in my jurisdiction as wel as their's and filing harassment charges. They hung up and didn't call back.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 02:43


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

I just recently got a loan through them, i should of investigated them 1st, but stupid me i didn't, would every one suggest that i close my account asap?

Please help!

Submitted by on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 08:21

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i just got another call at work from wendy "Legal Department" LOL i told this idiots a thousand times on medical leave and the receptionist told them too, so when wendy called my job she got an angry italian on the line and if any of you are italian or know an italian then you know how that went LOL.

they have called me twice today but i'm ignoring them there is no reasoning with them.

Submitted by drowingindebt on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 11:14


( Posts: 208 | Credits: )

Drowning, Good enough for them. I wouldnt answer or if I did pick up and hang up real fast. They want you to answer their calls but dont want to take yours. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 11:17


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

i think they did something to my email i get logged out everytime i try to send en email to them at least after the first one this possible?? i been loggin back an emaling them as much as can but is so it possible for them to send a bug to email address?? it only happens with this email address and after i emailed them like 60 times over a weekend two week ago.LOL i think i went overboard.

Submitted by drowingindebt on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 12:33


( Posts: 208 | Credits: )

I used to do that to. I got tired though. lol. Just let AG handle mine he is doing good job. KYSIDE38 :D :D

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 12:36


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

Route 66 calls me every day on my cell and at work. I never even got a loan from them and they harrass me. I have yelled at them and told them to take me off there calling list several times. They called me on Thanksgiving and the morning after and I am in retail so we were busy. I again yelled and told them to take me off there list which he said he would do. And what do you know I received a phone call today. I told him I want to speak to a manager and he said oh he just left. So he told me I would be taken off the list. I'm sure I will receive a phone call tomorrow. I am so glad I didn't get a loan from them. I feel bad for all of you that did. I'm sure you get the phone calling 10x worse.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 15:53

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I received the e-mail from Rt. 66 last Wednesday that said I needed to contact them within 2 days or they'd start calling "third parties", if I didn't verify my employment, etc. with them. I have already made my settlement offer to them. They chose not to accept it. I've attempted to discuss this on the phone with them, asked repeatedly for a validation of my debt, and they will not provide it unless I make a "payment arrangment". They are not licensed in my state, do not have a valid contract according to the laws in my state, and are charging usurious interest rates according to the laws of my state. As yet, I have not received a phone call at work, at home, or anywhere else, nor has my supervisor, my payroll department or anyone else.

Has anyone had them make phone calls to anyone at their workplace other than to you? I haven't seen anyone post that this company actually followed through with contacting someone's supervisor or payroll department.

If they bother to call me again, I will simply tell them the same thing as I did before, and we can go around and around as much as they want.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 16:38


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Still haven't heard a word from them in almost a month now. Yeah! I see that some others have followed my lead with the numerous e-mails and faxes, keep it up! Don't get discouraged! Do whatever you have to do, just keep harassing them the way they did you! I also used the letter from Pollyandsays blog and after about 300 copies sent to them, they have left us alone!

Submitted by on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 19:18

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they tried to contact my supervisor but they couldn't get past the receptionist !!!LOL
i got a call from "Wendy" this morning when i picked up she was speaking spanish to someone, so i started to talk toher in spanish and she said sory i dont understand you(??!!!??)
so i said i heard you speak in spanish, who are you, what do you want (in spanish) and she hung up LMAO

i guess they can't record me so she gave up

Submitted by on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 05:56

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well the dont seem to get the point since they have called my job 3 times today with differet names.

the last call from "john" said he had just hung up with me and needed to go over the "transcript" (LOL) they really think i'm at work...than they call me an hung up.

i have this feeling is going to be a long fight with these guys. is there really a light at the end of the tunnel with these people?

Submitted by on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 12:32

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i recently applied with them and when they called me so of my info was on the appl was misspelled so they told me that i would have to go back online and start the appl over but whenever i go to route 66 funding it wont submit my appl somehow, i guess that worked out in my favor

Submitted by on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 10:09

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I just recently obtained a loan from this company before reading all of these posts. Out of curiosity, did anyone attempt to pay it in full on the due date? I just called and spoke to a representative and said to take the entire loan amount out. Is it possible that they still could debit more than that?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 16:33

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Could someone who knows more about the applicable federal laws explain to me why a national bank, such as Wachovia, would not just reject any attempted deposits and debits from this company. It seems like a national bank would have had hundreds of complaints from its customers by now.

Not taking into consideration the applicable laws, but simply using common sense, I would just refuse to do business with this company if my bank customers had so many complaints of this horrific conduct on Route66's part.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 07:27

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they called me saying i was approve for 200 then hung up on me i saw your site and told them to take me off there thing and let me find out they take money from me when i never got money from them i will be one mean pregant women thanks everyone for the heads up

Submitted by on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 13:35

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but what is a good payday serice

Submitted by on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 13:36

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