QOM Winner Announcement, 2008
Date: Thu, 10/02/2008 - 00:36
QOM Winner Announcement, 2008
I'm enthralled to announce the winner of the first Question of the Month (QOM).
The WINNER is............... ENLIGHTENED, a new member of our community. :D
In the month of September'08 we have received many good answers to our first QOM. Enlightened's answer was voted to be the best among the many.
CONGRATS buddy. As the winner of first QOM, Enlightened has won US$50. Please PM me your paypal id or send me your address so that I can make the required payment to you at the earliest.
Jason :D
Thanks Jason :D It was most unexpected but a pleasant one of cou
Thanks Jason :D It was most unexpected but a pleasant one of course. When I saw my answer in the first place for the first time, I refreshed the page and checked twice. Called my wifey. WOW..I won a contest, just by answering our life experience. I am so happy, rather I must say WE (me and my wife) are so happy. Thanks everyone for your appreciation.
I love this site.
But I want to mention that I don't need the money for myself but
But I want to mention that I don't need the money for myself but want to donate this money to this wonderful site DebtCC. Don't consider me as a Philanthropist. It is only a gesture of thanks to this site from where I received so much knowledge to get out of debt. In fact the idea of budgeting clicked me only after I read some articles and forum threads regarding this in this forum sometime back. It is mainly for this site that I am debt free and leading a good and happy life with my family.
Can someone tell me how to donate this money, that I have won (USD50), to DebtCC? Please help me.
Hi Enlightened. Well that????????s very generous of
Hi Enlightened.
Well that????????s very generous of you. But we still don????????t have any policy regarding accepting donation other than DebtCC points. Therefore at the present time it is not possible for us to accept your donation. But we????????ll definitely give a serious thought to it and discuss regarding the point you raised.
But for now, please accept the money which you have won. Hence, send me your paypal Id or residential address where I can send your payment at the earliest.
Hi Jason, We had come to this site when we were in a debt mes
Hi Jason,
We had come to this site when we were in a debt mess. We went through your site, participated as guest, got answer of our various debt questions. Now, we are free from debt burden and are doing well. How, could I forget the help I got from this site? Please don't take me otherwise but I will not accept any money from DebtCC, which did so much for me. You may say it is sheer madness, but it is my personal principle that I follow.
Please don't mind. If I have hurt anyone's sentiment then please forgive me.
I respect your sentiments and the principles. If you don???
I respect your sentiments and the principles. If you don????????t accept any money from DebtCC then we have to pass on this money (US$ 50 for QOM) to the 2nd best answer, given by Wendylynn. Please confirm ASAP.
I have no problem with that. But does that mean that my answer w
I have no problem with that. But does that mean that my answer will be removed from the first position?
No not at all. The ranking of answer will remain in the same man
No not at all. The ranking of answer will remain in the same manner as has been selected by through voting. As you're not accepting any money that's why we are passing on the money (US$ 50) to the next mos deserved one.
So, shall I I take Quote:
I have no problem with that. |
I am thus making the payment for Question of the Month (QOM) to
I am thus making the payment for Question of the Month (QOM) to the 2nd best answer of QOM, September'08, given by wendylynn93.
Hi Wendylynn,
You have won the US$50 for the month of September'08. Your answer was voted as the second best answer, but you won the US$ 50 because the Winner of QOM for Sept'08, Enlightened, has declined to accept any money from DebtCC (For details, please go through the above discussion). Please check your PM and send me your paypal id or residential address (for check payment) so that I can make the QOM payment at the earliest.
Wow enlightened, you're a GREAT person, and karma will continue
Wow enlightened, you're a GREAT person, and karma will continue to treat you well! Congrats to Wendy!!
thank you so much, i knew i was second, but thank you so much en
thank you so much, i knew i was second, but thank you so much enlightened, I can realy use the extra $50 right now, that is so wonderful of you and thank you again
Hi Wendy, CONGRATULATIONS ! Have a look at the Payment for
Hi Wendy,
Have a look at the Payment for QOM :)
Keep Answering :)
Hi Everyone, I'm very happy to announce that Winner of the Qu
Hi Everyone,
I'm very happy to announce that Winner of the Question of the Month (QOM) for October'08 is Brian446fsu. Cheers buddy for winning this tough competition.
Let us all congratulate Brian for winning October's QOM. :D
Brian please check your PM.
Jason :D
Hi Brian, Congratulations ! Have a look at the payment for
Hi Brian,
Congratulations !
Have a look at the payment for QOM :)
Looking forward for more such answers from you :)
Cheers !
Winner of November's Question of the Month (QOM) is....Puddlejmp
Winner of November's Question of the Month (QOM) is....Puddlejmpr :D
[color=Red]Congratulations[/color] [url=http://www.smileyhut.com][/url]
Please check your PM.
Jason :D
Hi Puddlejmpr, Congrats ! Have a look at the QOM payment s
Hi Puddlejmpr,
Congrats !
Have a look at the QOM payment snapshot :)
Looking forward for more.. :)
Enjoy :)