Payments for debtcc points - December 2006
Date: Thu, 11/30/2006 - 16:15
Payments for debtcc points - December 2006
Hi Mishele, Your payment request is processed and please have
Hi Mishele,
Your payment request is processed and please have a look at the snapshot:
We are grateful to you for all your help and support to the community members.
Hi Linda, You've been paid for your DebtCC points. Please tak
Hi Linda,
You've been paid for your DebtCC points. Please take a look at the snap:
We welcome your effort towards helping the community members. Keep it up and help the members with informative posts.
Hi Natasha, After adjusting the DebtCC points, we've seen tha
Hi Natasha,
After adjusting the DebtCC points, we've seen that you have only 359 points. As you requested for the payment, we've made it. Here it is
Hi Natasha, Here are the details of your next round point red
Hi Natasha,
Here are the details of your next round point redemption. We are really glad to have you within the community. All the best
Hi brownsugar, Here are the details of your next round point
Hi brownsugar,
Here are the details of your next round point redemption. We have issued a check as you requested.
Your contribution in DebtCC forum is highly appreciated. Keep it up.
Way to go BrownSugar :D Thanks for all your help to others!!..K
Way to go BrownSugar :D Thanks for all your help to others!!..Karen
Thanks to all of you on this site. It has really helped me out a
Thanks to all of you on this site. It has really helped me out alot :D Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :D
Hi Ashley, We are happy to send your DebtCC point redemption
Hi Ashley,
We are happy to send your DebtCC point redemption payment. Here is the snapshot.
Hi bdouble, You requested for point redemption. Here are the
Hi bdouble,
You requested for point redemption. Here are the details of your payment. We have transferred the amount to your paypal account.
Hi FYI, We are happy to send your payments for the first time
We are happy to send your payments for the first time. Your posts in DebtCC forums are helpful. Keep the good work going.
Hi Polly, Here is the payment snap for your DebtCC point rede
Hi Polly,
Here is the payment snap for your DebtCC point redemption payment.
This is just a token of appreciation; your contribution to DebtCC forum is invaluable. Keep it going.
as my grandmother (god rest her soul) used to say "a little runn
as my grandmother (god rest her soul) used to say "a little running around money"
Hi BEAUTY1217, We have transferred the DebtCC point redemptio
Hi BEAUTY1217,
We have transferred the DebtCC point redemption payment to your paypal account. Here is the snapshot.
Community needs your knowledge and expertise. We are happy to have you within us.
Hi dbaker6, Here is the snapshot of your payment against Debt
Hi dbaker6,
Here is the snapshot of your payment against DebtCC points earned in the forums. Have a look.
Your contribution is helping all the community members. Keep the good works going.
Hi Steelers, Here is the snap shot of your DebtCC Point redem
Hi Steelers,
Here is the snap shot of your DebtCC Point redemption. Have a look:
You are a valuable member of DebtCC Community, your experience, knowledge and helping attitude have assisted many in past and I am sure future members will also be helped by you. All the best :D
Hi Shirley, We have transferred your payment to your pay pal
Hi Shirley,
We have transferred your payment to your pay pal account. Here are the details:
Please visit the community often, your experience can help others who are in need. Your presence is appreciated in forums :D
Hi natdust, We have issued a check as you requested, here are
Hi natdust,
We have issued a check as you requested, here are the payment details:
I appreciate your contribution towards DebtCC forum, keep the good work going :D