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Chap 13...3 questions.

Submitted by on Wed, 04/08/2009 - 07:23
Posts: 202330

Hello, I have 110K unsecured debt, no equity in my house and annual income of about 100k gross. I met an attorney yesterday and he recommended chap 13 said and quoted me a 10% 5 year plan. Does the 10% sound overly optomistic? I have a leased aoto and the lease will expire in 18 months, will I be able to purchase the car or will I have to return it and be without a vehicle? Depending on my employers profit I receive a bonus of 10-20% at the holidays will the trustee confiscate this? Thanks in advance for everyone's help. also does the time on the bankruptcy remaining on my credit start when I file or 5 Years later at discharge? I am wondering if it would be on 10 or 15.

If you have huge unsecured debt, I think that you should go for debt settlement where you are only required to pay 40 to 50% of the outstanding debt amount. You can file bankruptcy, but it may bring down your credit score drastically. Chapter 13 bankruptcy may stay on your credit report for 7 to 10 years.

Submitted by novice on Fri, 04/10/2009 - 05:59


( Posts: 290 | Credits: )

Cheeseater can I ask what state you are in? (WI perhaps? lol) It apparently depends on the state. You will need others from the same state to advise you. I have *heard* they will take bonuses unless you can prove it's unlikely to happen.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 14:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

met with a different lawyer who seems to think I'll pass the means test for Chapter 7. I hope I do because he told me any bonuses for the next 5 years would go to the Trustee in a 13. I stopped paying 2 cards this month. Next month I'll stop paying the rest. When I mention 10% it was referring to 10% of the 110k over 5 yrs. $183 a month for 60months. Good luck to all.

Submitted by on Wed, 04/22/2009 - 16:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Write down all your expenses leave out CC debt as it will be wiped out. If you are negative you'll probably be able to go chapter 7 make sure you're lawyer is not pushing you into a 13 if you can avoid. My first lawyer didn't want to hear a thing about 7 all he did was look at pay stubs and say you have to go 13. My next lawyer spent about an hour doing a quick means test and said 7 was probably possible. Timing is important income is calculated on the last 6 months. If I wait 6 months past my wife's bonus to file 15% on our income falls off. Good luck

Submitted by on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 04:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thank you again. I really would rather do the 13 anyway but just don't want to get hit with a $1,000 a month payment or something. I can probably comfortably do about 5 to 6 hundred a month. My card payments all together are about in the $2,500 a month range (well, when I was current on them).
I'm now at the 120+ day mark behind on all but 3. So I think I am just going to bite the bullet. I was going to try and settle but of course there is not enough to save when everything around me that goes wrong costs $1,000 here and $1,000 there.

Submitted by darottn1 on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 13:18


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