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cash call and chapter 13

Submitted by lmale on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 16:14
Posts: 742

Ok so Cash Call is blowing up my phone!! I will not be paying my retainer fee until a week from Friday, so should I answers the phone and tell them or what until next Friday and then tell them?? Reny

I've been in the same situation that you are in with creditors. Next time they call, just tell them that you are in the process of filing bankruptcy, and that you will have an attorney retained next week. Just keep in mind though, that creditors can still contact you even though you've retained an attorney, but once your case is actually filed with the BK court, they are supposed to leave you alone.

Submitted by m.lm1947 on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 21:48


( Posts: 153 | Credits: )

I don't think it would hurt anything to go ahead and tell them, but it might not make any difference in how often they call. Or you might get lucky, and they might back off. Once I started telling my creditors that I was probably going to have to file BK, some of them said they would note the file and call back in a week (or so). But some of them kept calling pretty much daily. Once I told them that we were scheduled to meet with an attorney, most of them backed off and said they would call back after the meeting.

Since you have already met with the attorney, I would think that if you tell them that, and tell them that you are definintely filing as soon as your retainer is paid, they might back off. However, the question that I always "loved" was, "How are you going to pay an attorney?" (implied: if you can't pay us). I just told them that an attorney was going to cost much less than paying all of them and their fees, interest, etc.!

Submitted by alias1958 on Tue, 09/16/2008 - 17:20


( Posts: 1230 | Credits: )