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Debt reported incorrectly and is part of bankruptcy

Submitted by Edward Harty on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 20:09

Ok this is gonna be long. I claimed bankruptcy and it was discharged in May of 2006. Providian was showing on my credit as having a Credit card that was opened in jan of 2000 and went delinquent in Dec 2002. They eventually sold the debt to Pallisades. I claimed that credit card on my bankruptcy. When I went before the judge at Bankruptcy he stated that it was a showing as a secured card. I assured the Judge that I never had secured credit card for $1500.00(that was the limit on the card). I said it is reporting wrong then the Judge just said well they have it secured on something. Anyhow I noticed when I pulled my credit report recently that it was still showing as an unpaid debt and not listed as part of my bankruptcy. I called Providian to find out what was going on with this and of course they wanted to verify my personal information. I answered all the questions correctly except for one when they asked me to verify my zipcode. Now I have moved 5 times since then so I started giving them the zipcodes and they said no none of them match. I then made a remark well its been 8 years so I guess I forget it then. She then tells me she cant discuss the account with me and now I become upset and tell her that someone needs to talk to me before I file complaint with the FTC for having inaccurate information on my credit report. I told her that I never had a secure credit card and that was false and they need to fix that and secondly it is still showing as an unpaid debt and should show not be being reported that way. She then says you are right that was not a secure credit card it was reported wrong. They passed me around until I finally had to go back to work. Ok my question is since it was reported incorrectly on my credit can I have that completely removed. I do not even think this credit card was even mine I think someone may have gotten one in my name because I know the address of where I lived at the time that credit card was applied for and they told me that was incorrect. I know by claiming it on my bankruptcy I now own it but what can you do. I am sorry this was so long but again if they reported as a secured card instead of a unsecure card can I have them completely remove it form my credit report? Thanks