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chapter 7 bankrupty

Submitted by on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 06:43
Posts: 202330

I have been a victim of a big scheme back in 2006 thatin investing in housing business,I went to a lawyer that has advised me to file chap 7 and I did and was granted in sept 07; now, I am thinking about majoring in accounting and I would like to know if my situation is going to have an impact in my jobs search or should I change the field of study ?

Thank for your prompt response

irenao -

welcome to the site! You have a very valid question. I would recommend contacting a few local accounting firms (or even a few far away from you, if you don't want anyone to know you're asking where you live), and just tell them your situation. You don't have to give them your name, just talk to someone in their HR or Personnel department and explain the scenario - Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2007, now studying to be an accountant - would you be considered for employment in say, 2 - 4 years, after your studies are completed?

It sure can't hurt to ask!

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 09:07


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Dear Irenao,

Bankruptcy damages your credit history significantly and remains in your credit report anything between 7 to 10 years. In fact, employers (either a government agency or a private player) generally go through a prospective employee????????s credit report before hiring him/her. Actually, employers equate a person????????s responsibility quotient with that of his/her credit history. If a person has a bad credit report then he/she is considered as less responsible and consequently non-employable by the employers.

Though there is no hard and fast rule regarding this, but it has been seen that a person having a bankruptcy history has less chance of getting a job that require dealing with money like accounting, book-keeping, etc.

So, before taking any decision, please keep these aspects into your mind.



Submitted by phoenix on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 23:24


( Posts: 1445 | Credits: )

Irenao, although some employers(I don't really know if I'd say MOST) do check your credit report I would have to say that if accounting is something you are really interested in pursueing, than go for it. I myself have a bankruptcy on my credit report. After I had filed for bankruptcy I found a job working for one of the largest banks in the country. Within one year I had been promoted to a position were I was responsible for booking over $3mil/month. Not once within this whole process did they find it necassary to check my credit. I'm sure all they cared about was the fact that I was producing much more than they were asking of me every month.

I just hope my little story there helps you to realize that if you are really interested in accounting than you should go for it. Would it be posible for you to start your own accounting firm when your done with college? If not than just search and keep searching. I'm sure you'll find the right job out there.

Best of luck... :D

Submitted by Scott McKay on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 05:09

Scott McKay

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

I don't want to be a downer here, but...

I seem to remember reading somewhere that certain positions/occupations were subject to a background investigation and/or credit check under the [federal] Patriot Act. I know it applies to truck drivers hauling hazardous materials. I believe it applies to persons with access to large summs of money, too. It's definitely something to investigate for yourself. And, BTW, I hope I'm wrong in your case. I'd start investigating through the [federal] Dept of Homeland Security. I'd also inquire of whatever professional organizations accountants have, and talk to your school counselor. Best of luck, I wish you all success.

Submitted by unclewulf on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 06:38


( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )