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need encouraging words from friends

Submitted by granny on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 16:17
Posts: 450

today, i am in a funk because i have been out of work for a little over 2 months and it is so hard. my car has been repossesed so i am at the mercy of other people to get around. my friend, whom i live with, has been very patient and we are going through hard times. he pays the mortgage and the utilities and his bills and its has been hard because the mortgage was based on my income and his and he don't make nearly as much as he use to. right now, our income has been decreased by almost $3500 a month. i am so mad at myself because i had no savings and did not enroll in the company's 401k program, so when i left the only thing i got was my prorated vacation days (about 14 days) so i had nothing to fall back on. i could not draw unemployment benefits. i have put in application everywhere and no one has called back for an interview. i applied at the temp agencies, nothing but a 1 1/2 day assignment. when i applied at some of the agencies, when asked if i have been convicted of any crimes, i checked yes because of some bad checks that i wrote, but i explained that they were paid off. but they were misdemeanor charges and i was just trying to be honest but that was held against me. right now i am having a pity party for myself and i am not having fun. the holidays are coming up and i know my family know my situation, but it's just the fact that i don't have any money. i have pledge to myself that in 6 months i will be back on my feet but right now i wish that 6 months would be tommorrow. anyway that you for letting me cry on your shoulders. :(

Oh Granny!!!
I don't want you to give up. I want you to call every place you put in an application. Try Mcdonald's or Burger King, or anything! You are a beautiful person, and we are here for you always..I promise you that things are going to pick up for you. If I can do anything at all, or if you need someone to vent on, please pm me, I mean it. I'm here.

Submitted by finsfan13 on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 16:20


( Posts: 6919 | Credits: )

Ganny, I have stood where you are standing and I know for a fact you will not stand there long. Remember good things take time and great things happen all at once, so hang on tight Granny your angels that have been with you all your life are on there way, I promise. In the meantime I want to donate all my points to you, it is not much, but it might help you. I encourage all of us to help Granny as you have all helped me. Love ya Granny.

Submitted by Lukeskywalker on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 16:33


( Posts: 1909 | Credits: )

They will get a message (like a pm) saying "so & so donated" or something along those lines. granny should be getting messages. I think. I think if you put a message when you donate, they will get a message. But if you don't put a message when you donate, the points will just show up under grannys total points.

Submitted by cannr on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 18:01


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Granny, you are certainly one of the most positive thinking people on here and it shows when you post and give such generous emotional support to so many others. now you need that for yourself as you are only human. I agree with Luke, you persevere and go get it and you're doing that. you're putting in applications anywhere you can it sounds like. Please keep in touch with us, you're so valued here and there's lots of love to go around for ya not to mention support :) big hugs

Submitted by debtstinker on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 06:54


( Posts: 288 | Credits: )

i am so sorry it took so long to respond, but i had to leave to get a good cry in. i realize that i should not feel sorry for myself for the situation that i am in, because some people have it worse that me. also, i realize that i have such good friends and i pray that they are bless with good fortune over and over again. :)

Submitted by granny on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 07:41


( Posts: 450 | Credits: )

Granny crying is very good...whatever helps you...there are always others better off and others worse off and I learned one thing in life...What matters most to you may not matter a thing to anyone else. You're dealing with your situation the best way you know how and if that means getting some cry time or vent time, do whatever makes you feel better. You have so much support and you will have to be strong to confront the things going on in your life. Sometimes to be strong we have to have some 'me' time. hang in there

Submitted by debtstinker on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 07:45


( Posts: 288 | Credits: )

Granny, you will see that things will come along again for you, I know it's very hard to be without a job and not being able to pay your bills and struggling without money, I have been there where you are right now for the past two years, i did not lose my job but did loose my home during Hurricane Wilma and nowhere to go with two children and a husband, and thanks god now is when i am getting back on my feet. I will pray for you and you will see that everything is going to turn out for your best. I will donate my points to you (they are not much) but something will always help. Be strong and remember that as long as you have health you will have everything. It's going to take sometime but soon you will be posting a very happy ending story in this forum. Hang in there and best of luck!

Submitted by KATELYN2COOL on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 08:06


( Posts: 168 | Credits: )

Granny I know I donated you some points last night and I so hope you got my message. But my computer gave me an error message :evil: I wish it could have been more. But I hope you know that we love you and will help you in any way that we possibly can :rose: So you can cry,vent or if you need a hug, a shoulder you have lots of them here, we are here for you :) :hug:

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 17:49


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )