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HELP! filed Ch#7 about 1yr ago, in a mess with debt can i +?

Submitted by michelle_jewel on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 20:54
Posts: 4

I'm new to this I'm sorry if I'm doing something wrong.


I was talking to this "debt consolidation" lady on the phone today but of course they can't help me with the type of debt that i have. But I mentioned to her that I am currently in Bankruptcy cuz she mentioned that it was the only way that she thought I could get out of my mess. She said "well add them on to it". I felt so good when she said that! The thought that I could resolve this MESS, with that just made my day but I'm not sure if it's possible? She advised me to consult my attorney. I don't have an attorney I filled on my own, I just went to a document preparation office to get my BK ready and I filed the paper work my self.

But I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to amend my BK even tho I'm already about 1 year into it?? I was discharged in 07/2006 so it's over a year.

Here's my story.......
I'm only 24, I was in a long term relationship and had a child with this person. I depended on his financial assistance to make it.

To make a long story short he left, and left all the bills that happened to be under my name to me he didn't help with anything he just vanished. I lost my apartment, my car, everything. I had a collateral loan on my car but before they came to take it away the parking ppl took it for unpaid parking tickets.

It was just a mess, I had to move back with family and was so depressed I had lost my job.

I was very stressed out and didn't know what to do I knew that if I got a job all my wages would be garnished and I would never get out of the mess. I was on government aid for about 4 months while on it I decided that my best option was to file bankruptcy before the new laws that where going to make it more difficult yo file came in effect.

So I did I didn't even owe too much now that I think about it I think it was about $12,000 to $17,000 I'm not at home right now and I don't know off the top of my head.

Anywho I got my self into a "bigger" mess, after all that was done and I was discharged like in July of 2006 I think.

I got a okay job and I was ok, I was finally able to have money in my pocket to support my self and my son. The job that I had gotten was a little far about 1 1/2 on the city bus. I was searching high and low for someone that would help me get a car, and with my new bk being discharged car dealers where sending me proportions like crazy.

So I finally got a car for about $13,000 in about November of 2006, it's ok not really a car that I like but it's something to get around in and that's what is important to me. In order to put the money down I got this loan that at the time seemed like a good idea with a place called "cash call" BAD IDEA!! It was a loan for $2600.00 my payments weren't too bad but I never really looked at the interest rate I think it was like 97%!!

After that I was faced with debt again the parking tickets that I hadn't paid came out and they where threatening me to tow my new car if I didn't pay it was allot like $900.00. I didn't have that money I was paying off my first months car payment the insurance and all the other usual bills. So I freaked out and got another "installment loan" with a place called "check n' go" for about $1600.00! This place was soo bad they took out money from every check every 2 weeks! they where taking about $360 each check. It began to eat at me and I was being late on other bills and falling behind it seemed like a good idea to get a PDL and it was working out well for a while. I would get one pay another bill and have money till payday then I would go and pay them all back and be broke again.

Then I found my self not having money for other bills and it seemed easy to open another payday loan somewhere else that was due on another day to pay of this one and it just turned in to a cycle.

I currently owe this,(not counting my car) after all the fees added for being late and NSF there more than what they where when I go them:


Cash Call (Installment loan) $2700.00

Check n' go (Installment loan in collections) $1700.00

Bnk of America (overdrafts in collections) $3,000.00


Speedy Cash $320.00
Cash N' Run $320.00
The Check Cashing Pl. $320.00


GFSL $280.00
(they claim I owe them $600+ but I was able to talk them down. After sending them letters that I found on these forums, still more than I owe them but I'll take it)

Dollar Quick $630.00

SGM Marketing $300.00

Zip cash $200.00

MTE Rio $390.00

One Step Cash $350.00

Payday 1 $200.00

AIP $250.00

Loan Shop/Express Cash $300.00

(these guys are bad!! They weren't able to get my money on the first attempt to debt my account cuz it was overdrawn, so they tried again on another day with a different company name! I disputed it as fraud cuz they where not authorized to touch my account and the bank did a reversal. That was like 3 to 4 months ago, just recently like 4 or 6 weeks ago they tried going into my new bank account that I never even mentioned to anyone about. They tried getting the $390.00 from there. I had tried faxing and emailing on several occasions to them and the others on here to show me in witting an itemized summery of what they "claimed" I owed them. I never heard back from most of them but these guys are LOW!)


Aspen Visa $700.00
Continental Finance MC $200.00

Needles to say I can't afford to pay this it's just driving me crazy and Cash call keeps harassing me almost daily so I pay them what I can when I can.
I even got my auto insurance canceled for a few months for trying to pay some of tease ppl off.

I just can't do it anymore, I'm so depressed and I can't find a way out.

Michelle, it's okay! You've come to the right place! I'm so sorry to hear of all your horrible problems you've been having. With your situation, it would probably be best to give the debtcc telephone number a call. A financial coach can advise you on what your options are and suggest avenues available to you to help you in your situation. It seems as though you have installments loans, store front loans, internet loans and credit card debt. Please call the debtcc number and have a financial advisor help you out. The number is 1-800-601-1579. Don't fall into depression. There is always hope. Please call the number and someone will be able to help you.

Submitted by cannr on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 21:24


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Michelle -

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles - trust me, we've all been there to some extent.

I'm afraid Morningstar is right - you cannot amend a Chapter 7 after it has been filed and discharged. I'm curious why you told the consolidation company you are "in bankruptcy". If your bankruptcy was discharged, you are no longer in bankruptcy. The only way you could still be in bankruptcy is if you filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (payment plan), which can be amended at any time (but your attorney will charge you to add creditors after the initial filing). It doesn't sound like you filed Chapter 13 after your Chapter 7 was discharged, right?

However, Cannr's advice is right on the money - find a good debt consolidation company for your credit card debt and possibly some of the installment loans - CashCall may not work with a consolidation company, though - they are known for not working with them.

On the internet payday loans, can you tell us how much you have repaid to them, if anything? Also, what state do you live in?

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 07:11


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