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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Looks like they did an update on mmg on kpho's website under the 5i team.

Submitted by on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 14:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

11/20/06, I got the same letter. hopefully, this is it.
I'm curious to know if everyone here will receive the same letter, but we should all just keep it discreet. Post that you received the same letter period. More importantly...Don't post any investigation update

Submitted by on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 11:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received the letter as well. Yes, it`s official. Keep all your details confidential (offline) during this process.

Submitted by USDagger on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 16:53


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I also received a letter and questionaire to fill out today from the FBI. I so hope something will finally be done. This has been so frustrating .

Submitted by lmagazzine on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 18:04


( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

me too

Submitted by on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 23:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

me too

Submitted by on Fri, 11/24/2006 - 13:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi Guys. I got my letter also. We need to keep all information we receive off this site because remember, Hyla and her allies monitor this site and by us posting who and from we receive the letters, we are giving them all tle ammo we have. STOP posting anymore information we get to fight these crooks!!! E-mail only to each other.

Submitted by quevolon1 on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 06:15


( Posts: 12 | Credits: )

hi, i just came across this site and have been dealing with the same issues with chris and hyla for almost a year.. this site has confirmed my ideas about me being a victim of identity theft.. can someone contact me or respond to this.. thanks

Submitted by on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 10:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I haven't been on in a while. I lost my computers hard drive and have had to wait til I could get up the money to afford a new one. So what is the good news. If Any. I can be PM'd on yahoo user name smperfi199501

Submitted by on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 13:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I sent my response to Dep't of Justice today with all the attachments I can find useful to make this case stronger, I even attached all e-mails from Hyla promising my refund and all her lies, including the ARIZONA BANKING NEWS RELEASE about theur fraud actions. Hopefully evryone of you attached all Hyla's correspondence via e-mail promising refunds, i think that's an admission that she has our money

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 19:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Any of you knew about this?

A lawyer who represents Risk Management Partners/Miracle Management Group has sent a legal notice to debt consolidation Care. It is regarding a thread in DebtCC forum. They have asked us to impose some restrictions on the forum-
Remove aggressive posts and personal information.
Ban members who have posted against employees and staffs of MMG/RMP.
Revoke the power of posting in forum without getting registered.
Lastly, they have asked for the identity of the members who have made such posts which simply against our Privacy Policy.

First letter to us:

Our response:

Second letter to us:

Members, we need your feedback here.


Submitted by on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 14:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The response pages wouldn't pull up. But in my opinion the letter their attorney wrote did not seem to be your normal professional letter from a lawyers office. But this is from back in June and July. Anything new on this since then. I think we have the right to post what our experience has been with this company and what progress is being made. I have seen where things have been pushed a little far too. In my opinion, they are being a little ridiculous about the whole thing.

Submitted by craziet98 on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 15:13


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

Don't worry; this site and all the speech on it is protected by the first amendment. Gerrity is just trying to bully people. He is all talk and no bite. Don't even respond to him. The FBI will be responding to him soon enough.

Submitted by on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 15:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I went through and read about 40 pages of the 190 there are, with a focus on the two dates listed in the letter from the attorney.

I do not find anything so extreme that it should constitute an illegal act; simply "the public" voicing its dealings with a sham company.

I think our lawyer friend thinks that because he is a lawyer, you have to believe him "or there will be consequences." He is not the law, nor is he a judge; it is idle threats.

He wants to get offended because someone said "we'll take you down too." And because people made comments that we should file complaints to his bar.

If he has nothing to be afraid of, then he should not worry about people making complaints, because his bar would dismiss any complaints that do not have merit.

Since I am not involved in the matter, I cannot allege his involvement in any wrongdoing. But it would seem that if he is representing a company that is being investigated for fraud or other wrongdoings, then he would be a party to it.

I believe in our 1st amendment rights; and I do not believe his threats should keep people from voicing their free speech. I am even tempted to write a letter to his office, personally voicing my dismay.

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 15:49


( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

Taken from US CODE, title 47, section 230:
[quote](a) Findings
The Congress finds the following:
(3) The Internet and other interactive computer services offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse, unique opportunities for cultural development, and myriad avenues for intellectual activity.
(4) The Internet and other interactive computer services have flourished, to the benefit of all Americans, with a minimum of government regulation.


(b) Policy
It is the policy of the United States????????
(1) to promote the continued development of the Internet and other interactive computer services and other interactive media;
(2) to preserve the vibrant and competitive free market that presently exists for the Internet and other interactive computer services, unfettered by Federal or State regulation;


(c) Protection for ???????Good Samaritan??????? blocking and screening of offensive material
(1) Treatment of publisher or speaker
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.

(2) Civil liability
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of????????
(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
(B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1).[1] [/quote]

I think that Vikas, Mike and our moderators have, without a doubt, put in a good faith effort to keep obscene material off of this site; that is all that is recquired...

Last, but not least, I found this on Mercury News .com, it is a story from November 21:

[quote]By Howard Mintz
Mercury News
Download a copy of the court's decision (PDF)

Legions of Web users and Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and other major Internet providers dodged a legal morass Monday when the California Supreme Court ruled they cannot be sued for posting or distributing libelous material written by others.

In a 34-page ruling, the state's high court overturned a lower court decision that had stripped immunity against such lawsuits and alarmed free speech advocates who warned it could chill expression on the Internet.[/quote][/quote]

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 16:34


( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

Debtcruncher is the man with the plan. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 19:00


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

The thing I find funny is that Mr. G is upset over not hearing a response back. Well sir, welcome to our world. You did not respond to us when we contacted you, or me anyhow. I dont think I even need to go into how long I have waited to hear back from your clients.

Good Day...

Submitted by mavric on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 20:21


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

I beleive Gerity is definitely in on this thing too and I think at this point they are all scared and trying whatever they can to get out of it or to put a different focus on this whole thing. This forum represents freedom of speech and if they had not ripped us all off, we would not be talking about this right now and they would have no worries... all 3 of them have reason to worry right now. This forum is safe and protected by our constitutional rights.

Submitted by on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 05:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I think that Gerity should BRING IT ON if he wants. What better way to get attention to what has really happened to all who have lost $$$ because of his clients. They can file suit, and then EVERYONE who has been screwed can reply or have their say in a court, legally. FINALLY.
I really think this attorney is as bad as the clients he represents in this case. I think he is full of hot air and trying to bully eveyone.

Submitted by on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 06:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You can bet he has something to do with all of this, and sharing in the profits of ripping people off, what kind of a lawyer is that???

Submitted by on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 08:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I got mine -- but I was ripped off by Chromelotus wheels --another Stanton bogus Co

Submitted by on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 16:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

uh oh guys. The Stantons are reopening their scam again. This time located out of their home at per the BBB. They opened their file 11/06. Looks like they are again looking to steal from the poor and give to themselves.

email address removed as per forum rules -

Submitted by on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 19:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm new at this ---I was ripped off by Chromelotus Wheels (Chris Stanton) and I've been tracking them on my own for about a year--I have talked the their Lawyer Mr Garrety( he seems as bad as the Stantons )
I'm amazed at the amount of money that has been stolen from you people and my heart go out to all of you . Don't give up .
As for me -- the amount I lost is hmmmm postage lol for the Stantons (1,774.00) but I simply cannot left them get away with it ----- WE bikers have a way of dealing with people who steal from us--- We tend to do things are own way

Submitted by wldhair on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 17:01


( Posts: 7 | Credits: )