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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

so is the above poster Hyla? "Im not the owner"?

If it is..thanks for the link. That Pdf file spells out that Hyla and ONLY Hyla is in charge. She is president. Interim president and listed as the ONLY individual.

Also catches their scumbag atty in a lie too. He says back in 2004 that they havent been in business of taking peoples money...lies..all lies..

Hyla is a moron

Submitted by on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:49

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oh poor little Hyla..thinks shes not the owner

Hyla, let me tell you a story. I am going to use little words so you can understand.

Once upon a time there was this company called "Enron". The officers of the company did very bad things. They were arrested. They went to court. They lost. They are going to jail (Except Ken Lay who died). But who are the owners of Enron? Did they go to jail? The owners are the stockholders. The thousands of people around the country who owned Enron stock (the "owners") were screwed. They lost money..but they didn't go to jail. Why? They didn't commit the crimes.

I think I'm still talking way above let me put this another way.

Say you (Hyla) finish a lap dance in that smelly strip club that just hired you. You see another stripper with a fiver..and you punch her 'cause you only got a .25 cents. Who goes to jail? The owner of the strip club? No. You do. You're the one that commited the crime.

Submitted by on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 12:01

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Don't let her fool you, even though I don't think she has, Hyla is the owner, at least person in charge and person responsible for this mess which is why she is included in these court cases that are making her broke. Hyla, how can so many courts find you guilty and make you responsible for repayment if you are not the one who caused all this??? We on the forum are not stupid. The only stupid thing we did was trust you with our money, and we will not stop until every dime is repaid.

Submitted by on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 14:38

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Of course Hyla is the owner..we all know that. Like she thinks that we are going to believe her when she says she isn't? Like we will have sympathy we SHE says her credit is ruined?

btw're not even worth .25 for me! I'll be the one throwing pennies at you when you're swingin that pole

Submitted by on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 14:54

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Hey Hyla, why don't you be a stand up person and provide us with an email address (at least) so KristieC can email you the list with the 40+ names of people you owe refunds to?

You promised a lot of people refunds, we don't care about how miserable you are. You are legally responsible to pay us all back the money you owe us!

Submitted by on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 05:54

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Submitted by on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 08:40

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Here is Mr. Charland's response to my inquiry for some representation.

" is not that I do not wish to help you but that ethically I cannot help more than one client at the same time, given the circumstances. If I can collect enough money to pay my current clients, I
then can help others, but do not rely on me to be there by then, as your deadlines for filing your claims may have expired by that time if not already. You must file your claims timely or they will be barred."

Everyone keep ALL your paperwork. If the FTC or any other agency finally steps up, then the paperwork will show how long you've been waiting for a refund.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 11:03

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How did anyone go about getting one of these refund letters. I sent an e-mail to the mmg site way back when but never heard anything then wham! they were gone. Heck I would just like any part of the 18,000 they took me for.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 13:31

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My question is how do the elected officials in the various states, Arizona, Nevada and Texas who know that Hyla Stanton has scammed many people out of thousands of dollars sit back and turn a deaf ear to all the complaints and do nothing. When they are running for office they know how to call you to vote for them, but when you try to get help from them (the states attorneys from each state, the governors and Etc.) they pass you on to someone else. Everyone knows that Hyla Stanton and MMG/RMP has stolen money but no one seems to be able to do anything about.

Submitted by on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 06:21

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My guess as to why the gov't is not going after them is that they believe it would be difficult and expensive to prove "criminal intent" on the part of the Stantons as opposed to simply a failed business plan. Even with the dollars in the 200-300k range, this case is likely small potatoes for the FTC. Also, seeing that the group could easily be looked at by your elected officials as "broke" they don't see your vote as all that valuable. My suggestion would be not to wait for gov't help. File a law suit against the Stantons now! Do it in small claims court if you have to. The Stantons likely won't show up anyway and you will win a default judgement against them. Time is running out fast.

I had not heard of Scott Burnett as posted above. The link above does show him as the past president, treasurer and secretary of RMP. If he didn't take any money he could be a good source of info. I wonder why he resigned in May 2005 just prior to AZ banking getting involved?

Submitted by on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 09:24

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I did a name search of Scott Burnett on the Nevada website posted earlier. He, or at very least his name, comes up something like 1300 times. My gut feeling is that he is just a name used by the resident agent for all Nevada corporations for what ever company the Stantons used to form their corporation. But still feel free to check it out...turn over every stone.

btw - Keep filling out those IRS forms. Remember defrauding the IRS for any amount is eventually followed up on by them, and a couple 100k is enough for the IRS to put them in jail

Submitted by on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 10:09

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Hyla and Chris Stanton are the owners of MMG. Mike Gerrity worked hand in hand with the Stantons to set this scam up and profitted from it. Whatever lies Hyla tells you don't believe. Unfortunately, she's probably not lying about the broke part. It looks like the only avenue left is putting the Stantons in jail.

Submitted by on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 10:53

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They are broke by their standards but not by ours. They still have assets that I believe will be taken once all this hits the fan and they do go to jail.... maybe their assets can be sold off for us to get our money. So I agree with guest above, putting them in jail is the next avenue that could possibly help us because they certainly are not going to just hand us over our money. It is unfortunate that there are people in this world who would rather live a life like this than an honest one... if only they would realize that by paying people back what is rightfully theirs, they would not be in hot water and would be able to live a happy and harrass-free life like other normal families.

Submitted by on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 13:41

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Has anyone had any success contacting the Stantons by email,address or phone? Kristie have you found a lawyer for a class action lawsuit? I was thinking of maybe using a collection agency.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 08:09

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I have not found a lawyer but I am not really looking for one. I did contact Charland but he is unable to help us. If we use a class action attorney, they will most likely require up front money which I don't believe anyone has. The collection agency thing is an interesting thought but many questions need to be asked and personally, I am not sure I really trust too many of these collection agencies. If you decide to contact one, look up their history like BBB reports and try to go with a larger national agency, one that has multiple office in other locations.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 09:55

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i think its time to find out why all these government agencys are not willing to help us. maybe its time to take them to court also. if you ask me they are commiting fraud by saying they work for and help the american people. this is lchrd3 had trouble signing in

Submitted by on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 15:57

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the site is under contact us and they are suppose to respond in 2 days. i complained about these gov. agencys that have not offered any help in our quest for justice and also wanted to know why?

Submitted by on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 16:35

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I contacted a A&S Collection Associates Inc. Iam looking over thier paperwork. Looks like with taking them to court we could only get back 49% of our money, with this company. Truthfully at this point Iam ok with that. The Stantons have committed a felony ,need to go to court and serve time if that is was the justice system decides. I have also contacted an attorney and am trying to see if he will represent all of us. I'll keep you posted. I'll email you Kristie if that is the case.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 09:22

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I contacted an attorney a while ago - and it was going to cost $200,000 UP FRONT to handle the case. That was just to TAKE the case. Then an additional fees to do what they felt they needed. So let me tell you..I have been in KristieC's shoes looking for legal help - I do not think that is going to happen. We are all in financial ruin and there is NO way we can get that kind of scratch together....keep filing all of the documents that have been mentioned on the forum. If it is truly Hyla on the forum - she is getting hers...sounds like a slow torturious death to be had....which makes me smile a little.

I am lucky - I got my refund. Missing a few hundred but I got it and ran!! I try to check this forum as often as possible but with my job I have a hard time keeping up...I have done all that is and was suggested...and I will keep doing so.

Keep hounding her...if anything you are making her life just as miserable as yours.

Submitted by schim21 on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 13:15


( Posts: 67 | Credits: )

Hyla - if you were truly "dragged into this" then there IS a way out for you. Tell us who really is the brains behind MMG/RMP. Tell us who really owns it. As much as we dislike you, we want our money back even more (at least I do). Show us who has the money and we will go after them.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 16:43

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When the going gets tough, the tough starts to run. Hyla, Chris and their attorney Mr. Gerity are all in this whole thing. I think that Hyla, being so in love with her older man, fell under his spell and did and said whatever he wanted. I don't think she is intelligent enough to set something like this up but she is defintely tied to all these crimes. She represented a fraudulent company as the president of it and RMP/MMG is really under her name. Their scam was going good and when it was, she had no problem claiming she was the president of these companies and she had no problem taking our money and spending it for her rich lifestyle. Notice now that there are lawyers and state representatives involved and the possibility of jail time, she claims she was "dragged into this". She knew what she was doing. As we all know, she is deceiving, a liar and a thief. Do not believe anything she says, she deserves to be in just as much trouble and misery as her husband and as her attorney. Oh and Hyla, you were right about one thing.... "Crime doesn't pay".

Submitted by on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 09:40

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Been thinking about this and I just read an article online in my local paper about a guy who got caught embezzling money from a youth hockey league (over $80K), who now faces charges.

Why can't/won't the police or the district attorney's office look into the thievery of Hyla & Co?

I just don't understand...

Submitted by on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 12:00

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Oh Wow! It`s been a LONG while I`ve visited this things have changed somewhat. Already on page 180 and counting...and past the 1 year anniversary mark of this particular forum.

Look`s like Hyla is being "dragged" into the meat grinder...well...she deserves it. DEFINITELY DESERVES IT! We all suffered because of the Stanton`s shameless greed.

What is this I just read several pages back, Atty. Mike Gerity is trying to shut down this forum legally? LOL. NOT A CHANCE! "Little Mikey" will be wasting his money and time...he would lose...PERIOD. You see, it`s called the First Amendment - Freedom of Religion AND EXPRESSION. It`s our given right to EXPRESS in this country. Take it away and it`s called censorship...a violation of OUR RIGHTS. There are plenty of attorneys out there that protect even the adult webmaster community...with success.

I wish everybody success as this fight continues against the Stantons. Good nite.

Submitted by USDagger on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 01:55


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

We need to all right to our attorney generals office. If enough complaints happen maybe they will go after them. Iam still working on an attorney to help us. Not a easy task.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 12:17

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Hyla, do you find Chris home less and less, are you fighting more and more? Are you calling to find out where he is at any moment, hope you hear him moaning with pleasure. Look for all the telltale signs new perfume smells, drinking more; is he zoned out when he hets home from work, bet you arent satisfying him anymore- you know his history, you know he will find it elsewhere, and he will. Maybe even find a younger stripper to take under his wing and start another company with now that your name is all over the internet and the city he cant use your name anymore. Do you find people staring at you, following you? I sure hope so because I hope your life is as miserable as you have made ours.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 13:32

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Does anyone know who ran there internet site. I would really like to know that way we could maybe get the records from the site threw them. I lost all my records when I lost my hard drive and that happened at the same time the web site went down

Submitted by on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 15:21

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Their website is /was run by It is a proxy company that hosts or registers websites for people that don't want to be found. Even if you could get someone at DedicatedISP to talk to you, the would probably just tell you their address and phone. In otherwords not much help.

However, there is a govenment site run at Look under Hyla Stanton's Civil case history. Also go to -

That government link pulls up Hyla info

Submitted by on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 01:45

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Hyla, I saw you shopping off the Carefree Hwy, wanted to catch you and give you a piece of my mind before you left but I had a customer and I couldnt get away from the register.
I did tell the other cashiers though about you, they are looking too and the next time you show up we will say hi

Submitted by on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 05:47

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Hyla, my boyfriend saw Chris at Burbon Street pushing his tatted arm down a g-string, he paid for a lap dance with the hope of getting a pic to post to you but it came out fuzzy, I am sorry, I hope he does better next time.

Submitted by on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 14:22

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a lot... he sounds like a complete liar. But so is she so I am glad he is hiding money from her. It sucks when someone you love and trust deceives you and she is getting her fill. Has anyone read her myspace heading "IM a pawn in this game called LIFE". Too bad she is just figuring this out. Criminals never win and her Bonnie and Clyde days sound like they are coming to an end. I will be contacting the US General Attorney about this mess and see if they can help. If anything, at least I know she is just as miserable as she has made some of us. She can keep making excuses and indirectly blaming her husband for all of this but her name is all over this mess so she is screwed.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 17:02

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Wpnder how she is sleeping these days. She made the comment that she couldn't sleep and that she had been to her doctor a way back there. Are your nerves gone HYLA? Like all of ours went thanks to you. It is a shame that you just didn't pay up and now you have to find out the truth about your special husband that you tried so hard to protect. Yeah I agree that she owes me money too. And if I may everyone that was involved in that big scam at mmg/rmp that knew it is just as guilty as her if they had or new of what was going on. I think that is called an accomplice. They could have always turned them in and got out before the end and had to leave. Welcome to our world HYLA.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 18:41

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My wheels showed up yesterday that I ordered from Chrome Lotus Wheels back in Feb. I was only out 1850.00. Mabey things are now going to turn around. 1850.00 is nothing compared to what alot of you good people are out. Stay positive, I hope all of you get your refund soon.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 06:44

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I received an email today from Richard Traveler of Arizona Department of Financial Institutions. He wrote:
???????As you are no doubt aware, when the principals of MMG/RMP relocated to
the State of Texas we were no longer able to pursue them. Any action
now will have to be taken by the Texas Attorney General or the Federal
Trade Commission. Many clients have also filed claims with the Federal
Trade Commission at or private attorneys.

This is a very regrettable situation and, hopefully, the authorities
will be able to assist every individual who sustained personal losses.???????

Richard then called me and said that MMG/RMP has been chased out of AZ and to try the FTC (done that, received on response). So he said the FBI should be looking into this. He said that they have had over 100 calls since. He said that they no longer lived in AZ and have moved out of state. I got the feeling he wanted to say more but could not.

Submitted by mommontoya on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 10:51


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