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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

I emailed Carol today. I am hoping she gets back to me. I am sure most of you have been through this all ready. I am kind of in the early stages. I just want my money back. I am under the impression some of you know or have seen these thiefs personally? That is crazy. I am in Wisconsin. Does anyone know where the person responsible for all of this is? I have different email addresses. I have Tekkain's address that no longer works. Vincent Herrera's phone number and Laurie Daigle'd email. Do any of these names sound familiar to any of you?

Submitted by on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 13:27

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butler36, It is sad to say but the only running this mess seems to be unreachable. Not much different from before really. None of those other people you mentioned work there anymore. It is just Hyla. RMP was supposedly located in texas but as someone else has mentioned that when they called hyla's number #972-819-3600 someone said rmp was no longer there and when you send her an e-mail it comes back. So to say the least there really isn't much of a way to contact them anymore. If you have not already done so I would file a complaint to the FTC, BBB, your Attorney General, TX Attorney General and your Senator.

Submitted by swtgal77 on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 15:59


( Posts: 123 | Credits: )

you know someone said it earlier about them not having the funds to refund us all. how the heck is that suppose to work if we do take them to court and win? we still arent going to get our money. this just does not seem right i would think they would have to pay us back some way. if they have to have insurance pay it then they have to pay them back in monthly installments. i watche oprah about some lady that embezzeled from a school for gambling purposes and had to make payments to the insurance company, they lost their house and she was under house arrest for 2 years. so is that a possiblity or are we just going to have to do without our funds?


Submitted by goofy14you on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 18:19


( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

To abouthestantons: they already ruined my life and a lot of others, yeah she is ficisious and evil as they come, i want to see her pay for all of the people on this forum that she took, we all went to them, well they came to me ,to help us stay above water and get our debts settled , she knew what she was doing when she left jubilee and by the way left the other owner holding the whole bag, this person cannot be even called a woman let alone a business woman as she stated so many times, she got on this forum and said that she was paying all that she owed , the way i look at it she still owes citykid his so called retainer fee and all the others that she sent a refund to, and me well including the cost for bankrupcy filing (thanks to hyllllla) she still owes me $1,200.00 just to start, not including the bad credit reports thanks again hyla stanton, you make me sick like i said before, when you talked to me you brought up your children and i almost believed you were half way decent but then you lied again and it took 2 more months of me calling, emailing, faxing to get my refund. Just send these people what you owe them, no more liessssss hyla. I still think about all that i went through over this company, it is like one great big nightmare that keeps coming back.

Submitted by MadMom on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 19:11


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

I just dont understand how somebody can access your personal savings account, several for that matter...just take your money and run with it. Its really rotten. Where is this woman. Is she the one who is living off my money? Why isnt she on her way to prison? This is unreal. I am a sucker. A broke sucker. I was so trusting. Did the people that worked for them know that this was all a money making scam?

Submitted by on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 20:58

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Blu32. No that is not Hyla. That is her cousin or friend who was a stripper also. Classy??? Huh???

Submitted by on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 12:17

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If there is anyone on this forum that mmg/rmp did not pay from the original order back in august, you need to call the arizona banking commission or at least email them and tell them that you were in the first claim that was filed against mmg and was ordered to repay all clients their money back. If mmg hyla doesn't have proof that she paid your money after the court order please let the arizona banking commission know and also the ftc, do it asap. This is mad mom

Submitted by on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 14:44

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I don't get it with the forum, it wouldn't let me log in in the last post but now i am on here, anyway, the banking commission in arizona needs to know that they didn't follow the order if she didn't pay, i think a while back someone said that they were in the judgement to have their refund sent to them but hadn't recieved it yet. If you are out there let me know and i will give you the sight and number to call them to let them know they still owe you money..

Submitted by MadMom on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 14:48


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )


clip SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO Risk Management Partners AKA Miracle Management Group and Hyla Stanton. If a response is not filed in the following action a default judgment may be entered against you. In the State of New Mexico County of Santa Fe First Judicial District Case No: D-0101-CV-2005-00643 Citibank South Dakota N.A., Plaintiff, vs. Evelyn J. Prestano, Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff, vs. Risk Management Group and Hyla Stanton, Third-Party Defendants. Description of action: Breach of Contract Intentional Misrepresentation Violation of the Unfair Trade Practices Act Conversion Breach of Bailment Relationship Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Prima Facie Tort DEFENDANT AND THIRD PARTY PLAINTIFF'S CONTACT INFORMATION: Jay Goodman, Esq. Gary Elion, Esq. 2019 Galisteo, Suite C-3 Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 989-8117 Counsel for Evelyn Prestano Journal: June 10, 17, 24, 2006
Published on June 24, 2006

Submitted by choerlein on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 05:51


( Posts: 52 | Credits: )

I posted my email address in a complaint I filled out at Lawcash dot com. I've gotten a few emails from people finding out there. I wonder how mant people are out there and don't enen know yet RMP/Hyla screwed them. I am directing everyone who contacts me here so they can read up on everyones troubles. I've just mailed complete copies of my original contract with the lies circled of there promiced to put our money in a settlement account that would require a verbaland/or written approval from both an officer of Miracle ManagementGroup.INC and myself/one of us to withdraw funds to Arizona, Nevada, An Texas state Attorney offices. I'm going to make up another to send to the FTC lady in Washington someone posted earlier.

Submitted by choerlein on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 06:12


( Posts: 52 | Credits: )

Does the original order to pauy only include people who had filed a complaint by that time In Arizona. Does anyone know

Submitted by on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 08:07

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Yes the original order is for those that filed with arizona attorney general and banking commission back last year, but you still need to file a complaint with everyone that we all mentioned, this is madmom again. Can't log on again

Submitted by on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 09:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Okay people you will never guess what the stantons new seller id is on e-bay... You might fall out of your chairs on this one!!!!! crimedoesntpay (HAAAAAAAAAAHAAAa) If that was only the truth for them!!!! IF SO PAY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 17:23

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Hello everyone. The reporter I've been talking to needs to know if anyone has proof that they were still working in Az. after the court order to return all the money and stop business. The Az. banking commision said they have NOT received any new complaints since the court order to shut down in Az. We need proof that they stayed in Az. and were still operating. The Fax number I used from day one (jan. 2004) was still the one i used in march 20006. it is 1-888-649-5088 attn: correspondance!! Now this was the same Fax number they were using in Az. before the order to shut down. And it is the same Fax number i used in March of 2006!! You would think this is proof. But if anyone out there has any kind of proof (emails, mail, phone calls) from RMP/Hyla Stanton in Az. please pm me. We need this info for the reporter in Az at KPHO. His name is Jon Baird, 602-650-0786 If you have proof they were still in Az and taking your money call Richard Traveller at 602-255-4421 ext. 118 this is the contact at the Az banking department. good luck I have not had any success contacting Hyla..

Submitted by jerryhavis on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 18:20


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

Hello , this is madmom, i have proof that they were still operating in september of 2005 because i have my printed statement of them taking out $350.00 from my bank account for the monthly payment. They were ordered to cease all business in august after the hearing in july, i found out to late to file a complaint with the arizona banking commission on that one, after that payment i found out about the order and stopped the next payment to them but they were answering the phone and emails up to december of last year, i called and emailed her several times so they did not stop business like they were ordered, not at all, they were still taking out a lot of peoples money even last month, if you read this forum you will see that people are still finding out about them here almost a year later.

Submitted by on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 18:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Chris, why can't we hardly log onto this forum anymore? It use to be that i could just type it in and unless i had logged off the last time i was on here it took me straight to the last page. When i typy it in now i have to log in go to debt consilidation management then click on it, and then go to page 140,or whatever the current page is, then if i leave the sight i have to do it again? Why is this ?

Submitted by MadMom on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 19:03


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

HERE IS A COPY OF THE ORDER IT CAN BE FOUND IF YOU TYPE IN MIRACLE MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER ALERT On July 22, 2005, the Arizona State Banking Department issued a Notice of Hearing, alleging that Miracle Management Group and Risk Management Partners had violated the Arizona debt management law and engaged in unlicensed activity. The principals of both companies formally signed a Consent Order on August 26, 2005.

The Consent Order prohibits both Miracle Management Group and Risk Management from operating in Arizona as a debt management company. The Order stipulates that the companies shall pay refunds to the out of state individuals identified in the Order and to all Arizona residents.

The Banking Department's order is final. Any non-Arizona clients seeking relief from Miracle Management Group and Risk Management Partners are encouraged to file a formal complaint with both the Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General in Arizona and their respective states.

If you are an Arizona resident, Miracle Management Partners has agreed to refund any fees and funds that were not paid to a creditor. Therefore, any Arizona residents who have a claim should file a complaint with the Arizona State Banking Department.

Click here to see the Miracle Management Consent order and affidavit in PDF format.

Submitted by MadMom on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 19:07


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

don't forget Hylas other ebay name - Hylaleah

And here is what people said about her then -

Hyla was a a thief...and will always be..and yes..she will go to jail.

I was Robbed He took my money and then he disappeared AVOID AVOID AVOID
sent mo, they never sent item! claims it was stolen and would resend ,crook!
received money order, never sent package, didn't answerd email. AVOID! THIEF!

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 02:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I cannot believe they actually changed there ebay name to crimedoesntpay. I think they get to much enjoyment out of this mess. Hopefully they will pay years in jail for what they have done to all of us and our families.

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 02:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Okay, I think this can prove that RMP was still operating in AZ after the order: Doesn't everyone remember after the order how RMP had said they were located at 2533 N Carson St, Ste 4937 Carson City Nevada.. Well, That wasn't an actual place of business just a mail forwarding address which by the way was stated in the consent order.. Some of you I know had writen to Nevada and they said in the letter that it was not a physical place of business but basically a P.O. box, that should be proof..Also I had made a copy of the BBB report back In late Decemeber 2005, Stating that all mail sent to the Nevada address has been stamped addressee unknown and as of December 23rd the company's letterhead indicated that they are now located in Irving, Texas..Which to me shows proof that from the time they were orderd to cease business, they must have still been doing business in AZ. Because from August to December If they were just a P.O. Box in Nevada and they weren't yet located in Texas Then HMMMM??? Where were they.... At least 5 months of business... And also I don't understand how the AZ Banking Department says that hadn't had any new complaints after the order. Because I had filed a complaint with the AZ attorney General back in December and they then then fowarded it to the Arizona State Banking Department and they told me they wished to thank me for bringing up possible violations of the consumer fraud act. Then they the forwarded my complaint to the FTC.. I also spoke with richard travelers when Hyla called and left me a message saying that if I were to keep posting on this board that she would not refund me all my money. He said they had received alot of a calls about them but and that they couldn't really doing anything but to file a complaint with the FTC since they had already had the case against them in AZ.

Submitted by swtgal77 on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 09:23


( Posts: 123 | Credits: )

Duplicate Content removed as per forums rules. Read the story at the link below - Mike

The story had done past but I sent Iris Taylor an email about me to.
I get to meet with a TV reporter this week in the Cincinnati Area. I'm hoping he can also ask the Government agencies questions.

Submitted by choerlein on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 10:10


( Posts: 52 | Credits: )

Here is that ebay item for Hylaleah, it shows she has been a crook for a long time

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 11:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

ghost I'm Having trouble find that ebay page. I am changing the (dot) but not having any luck.


Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 12:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

hey everyone , i drove by the stantons and they have all their cars on the front lawn, why dont we all send in to the new owner's and tell them what an eye sore it is for that lovely neighborhood, it is terrible , this place isn't a garage is it? anyway here is the address to send into to just make them sweat and move that mess, and maybe the news station will show up to see them hustle the cars away from the beautiful neighborhood, here it is kinneymanagement dot/ index dot html. lets send it in and make a complaint about the eyesore, at least they will see how it feels to have to do something because someone else caused you to . like she did us on not holding up to the contract,

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 12:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

ghost I had to take out space between use & rid


Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 12:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The box below contains the User IDs that this member has used on eBay.

User ID Effective Date End Date
crimedoesntpay Jun-21-06 Present
chrome_lotus_wheels Apr-15-05 Jun-21-06
stanton_8 Oct-14-03 Apr-15-05
jubileeamerican May-05-01 Oct-14-03

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 17:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just sent hyla a message through e-bay (contact seller part). All of you should do that, too. SInce there's no other way to contact her. maybe someone in ebay is monitoring will get a clue and turn her in or kick her out of e-bay from making money and stealing more from people.

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 17:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

# Name Age D.O.B. Address Phone
TEMPE, AZ 85284

STANTON, CHRIS R 03/29/1966
7515 E DE LA O RD
SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85255 480-614-1382

Submitted by on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 20:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I too am currently being ripped off by hyla stanton.
Made two claims of refund due, has not happened.
The lease on the office space in texas is up at the end of june 06. Then she'll dissappear again.
I am not giving up until i get my $6000.00 back

Submitted by on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 14:25

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Scottsdale phone 480-614-**** i believe is hylas residence, i just called it and stated that we all want our money back. Phone answerer stated whatever

[color=red]Plese don't post personal information. Business information is allowed - Mike[/color]

Submitted by on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 14:39

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I really want to know what the hell makes these worthless people think they are above the law????

Submitted by on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 17:24

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I have to go to court this week for thanks to this company I dont know what is going to happen. I have the address and phone number for arizona wounder if it is too late to get in this.

Submitted by on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 19:20

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