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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Guest, I went through the posts of "usedtoworkforscumbags" and deleted them too. You can also message me if you find such posts not relevant to the topic discussed here.

Please continue to use this forum and express your free thoughts. This is your forum and I will ensure the dignity of this forum maintained.


Submitted by roxette on Mon, 01/09/2006 - 17:09


( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

WorriedInaz, I tried to PM you but you`re not listed. I visited the place yesterday.... I`ll be back.

Submitted by USDagger on Mon, 01/09/2006 - 20:27


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

If you are looking to join up with another debt elimination Program, I would join one local to where you live that you can visit, has a good track record and has been in business for at least a few years. Check up on them with BBB and FTC. It's extremely good if they advertise locally where you live because you know the company want locals as clients. The theory here is that a company doing shady things does not want a bunch of disgruntled people down coming to their office.

If you need further help, I do know of a few programs that I would send my relatives/friends to. This is my first time posting to a forum so I don't know if they will erase the company names is I post them. If you want the names, let me know and I will post them.

I am an ex-employee. I am not here to shout out negatives, but just to help. Trusting what David and the Authorities say is your best chance of getting your money back. DO NOT trust anything else you here. Once you get your money, continue to help fighting for the poeple still waiting. You would appreciate someone doing that for you.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 05:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

"MR. David Dowdy of Glendale, AZ will be in a LOT of HOT WATER if he doesnt stop working against a company that is stuggling to do the right thing for everyone."

Hyla has a bit of a Freudian slip there when she says the company is "struggling to do the right thing for everyone". I guess for the Stantons doing the right thing is something that they have to struggle with. LOL. Just give the people their money back! Have a soul. Have morals for once!

Submitted by on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 13:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

worriedinaz, my e-mail is already in your inbox. Let me know.....

Submitted by USDagger on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 23:17


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Hi Everyone, In response to the posting above about a new working business address. I got a response from someone working there (apparently they're actively working on a few of my accounts) and this is their new business address in texas:
5605 N. MacArthur Blvd.
10th Floor
Irving, TX 75038

Submitted by on Wed, 01/11/2006 - 22:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi BrokeInCali. Just reading your recent post, it`s hard to believe someone from the Texas office really provided the address to you...while many of our messages left in their voicemail is usually not answered or called back. My assumption : They must be nice to you because RMP is STILL WITHDRAWING funds out of your bank account every month. Also they are assuming you don`t know what`s REALLY going on with the company. I already know 1 individual (among many which they don`t know YET about RMP) who gets a callback response from a RMP representative a few times already. However, they never return my calls at all. Most likely they will scan the voicemail messages or e-mail for ANY HINTS as to WHY the client is calling. If they knew the client is wanting to stop the program and get a refund, they will AVOID you (or stalling) as long as they can.

BrokeInCali, if they are still withdrawing funds out of your bank account (most likely), you must seriously consider putting a complete BLOCK or a STOP on the automatic withdrawals. Back in the January 4, 2006 posts, Worriedinaz and at least two other guests strongly recommended you get out of the RMP quickly. They are completly correct and accurate. You will lose your money. Just because they settled 1 debt case doesn`t mean they will settle ALL of your debt cases.

BrokeInCali, I had 2 settlements taken care of (out of 5 creditors) . Did you know I was sued by 1 financial institution....and RMP didn`t respond in time after leaving many voicemail messages and e-mails???? Later, I had to hire a licensed debt mediator between me and the bank and finally reached a financial agreement. I WAS NOT WILLING TO GET A JUDGEMENT IN MY CREDIT REPORT. When the court deadline was very near (about 2-3 days), RMP representative finally called. It was way too late. They already knew when the court day will be. Again, another STALL TACTIC.

Now, if after reading this, you still won`t believe me, then I challenge you:

BrokeInCali, call RMP and leave a voicemail message and even an e-mail and INDICATE you want to completely stop funds being withdrawn and request a refund....let`s see what happens`ll see what I mean.

Oh...By the way, before you do that, call RMP and ask for a direct telephone # to the Irving,TX office. LOL. :lol: We all know this Irving office has a direct telephone line.

All of you reading this posts, continue writing or e-mailing FTC and everybody else...including the Irving Mayor, Dallas Mayor (because it`s in Dallas county), Dallas BBB, and Texas governor. More to come....

BrokeInCali, we`re here for you just as we`re here for everybody else who has a terrible experience with this company.

The House of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 01:04


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )


Dagger's right. Get out while you can. You will only lose more money if you don't.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 05:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I can't find a listing for them in Irving Texas under the full names of mmg or rmp. I bet they are operating under a new name. Any way to find out what the new name is? Can anyone go there and see? They must have some listing. What about contacting the local news stations in Texas and provide them with a heads up on this NEW shady business in their community?

Submitted by on Thu, 01/12/2006 - 06:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, just been talking with my Senator's, Hillary Clinton, representatives and they say they will definitely look into this.

Hey ex-employee. You said you were going to get me numbers concerning my refund. Well, what happened? I send you multiple emails per day and you haven't given me any information other than "We'll get to it."

Submitted by citykid on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 14:35


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

Hello everyone, haven't been on here for a while but i see that the same old things are going on. The check did clear that i got, waited this long just to make sure that it wasn't going to bounce or something.i am still checking daily on ftc to see if anything is going on with this company, i feel that it will though just look at ameridebt and how long it took to stop them. My credit is still gone and i went through agoney for months over mmg so this has been a lesson hard learned to never trust a company that is not a local one that has a good firm stand in the state without any dirt or lieing in the past, it will be a long time if i ever trust any company again. I am just so thankful that i didn't include my home or vehicle in that mess, i would have lost it for sure, their day will come for sure though.

Submitted by MadMom on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 15:25


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Having problems here too with MMG. Contact me please, anyone.

email address removed as per forum rules - Vikas

Submitted by on Tue, 01/17/2006 - 11:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Mr. K.D. ... Check my eMail which I just sent to you now. Happy to hear you are now aware of Risk Management Partners through this forum. Wish you were in Texas.

Do you KNOW other people who are also "clients" of Risk Management Partners? Spread the word...Let them know what`s REALLY going on.

The House of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Tue, 01/17/2006 - 23:36


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Me. Dagger - what were the results of your visit?

Submitted by on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 03:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

As I mentioned to USDagger, I'm sorry to hear I'm not alone but it helps reduce my stress know I'm not THE ONLY ONE. And I used my real name intentionally. I want Hyla Stanton to know what I'm doing and reading. Hyla, you are going to start hearing from me more and more, and don't flatter yourself, I'm not stocking you! I want my money! I have paid my own dept with AC and now I want you to pay your dept with me to me!

Dept Consolidation Care dot Com, THANK YOU for this forum blog, thank you very much!

Submitted by on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 07:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FYI... This may be old news to some of you but I'm just finding it???

Links made inactive as per forum rules - Vikas

Submitted by on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 11:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Darn links.... Google "hyla stanton", some good stuff...

Submitted by on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 12:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just interested...I sent you an e-mail just now. Please let me know of your input in this situation. Citykid...where in Texas are you from? I`ll need to PM you or you can PM me. I need to take a nap..exhausted. I`ll be back....

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 15:49


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Before I snooze, I know there are plenty of people reading this forum. Thank you Mr. Dvorak for joining! For the rest of you out there, feel free to post messages if you like.

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 16:00


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I also have been ripped off by MMG. I have been trying to get a refund since Sept 05. I had to file
bankruptcy. I have filed with the FTC and BBB>
Just waiting to see. My husband is going to fly to TX
in Feb to see what the heck is going on.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 18:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

As expected, Hyla Stanton defaulted in her lawsuit against her by the former payroll company. If you folks can get me the names and addresses and phone numbers in a private e-mail I can maybe get a civil attorney to represent you folks in a class action suit against Hyla. She will surely default and then her property can have liens against it and their property seized to pay you back. It may just be worth a shot, she will not respond to the lawsuit. Guaranteed. The Stantons are nothing but cowards and crooks.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 18:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Wow...what a long nap! I dreamt the Stantons (Fill in the blank)! :shock:

To Louise F... Thank you for joining the forum! As you can see, you`re not alone in this fight. We all unite together to put a HALT on the Stantons unethical bussiness practices. I truly hope your husband does show up in Irving,TX location to voice out your dissatisfaction of the company`s performance and DEMANDING of your refund. We definitely need to MEET! I`m here in Texas.

Many of you out there reading this forum, you now know WHAT IS HAPPENING. If you REFERRED someone(s) to this company, It`s now time...SPREAD THE WORD to those unaware with the company`s true intentions.

To many of you reading this forum, Please, we ENCOURAGE YOU to voice out / leave message posts in this forum. We have the freedom to voice out against this harmful company...for what they have done.

Read all the posts and see for yourself...starting with the posts dated in the middle of 2005! Makes you angry...doesn`t it? I AM...

Join this forum.

Let`s begin to submit our information to worriedinaz and attempt to get the class action suit rolling. We have to start somewhere. THIS is a good start.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 22:51


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

As far as a class action, we have everything we need. There is a legal obligaiton to appoint a registered agent by the state, and is required by law, so that a company that is registered within a state must have a place within that state that accepts legal notices and any legal issuances. That is contained within the Nevada Registered Incorporation. Contact them, they must accept legal service and forward on to the company. i.e. Just use the Carson City address. I would have done this myself but they only owe me 4K. It would not be long before my expenses out weigh the gain. And they are very likely to blow-off 4k. But if we get together and win a 100k suit, we have something. Worriedinaz, what can you do for us?

Submitted by on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 09:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Dagger - what were the results of your visit to the Irving office?

Submitted by on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 09:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello, everyone that has not been paid their refund or that has been paid and mmg held fees or that has paid into mmg and not recieved a refund needs to contact the irs and let them know that. That was an income for mmg, you need to get a 1099 form from your accountant or h&r block or whoever does you taxes and put on the 1099 the amount that you paid into mmg and if they held any fees or have not paid your refund back to you in full, enter the year 2003 or 2004 or 2005 whatever year or years that you paid mmg and did not get your refund from them back in full,put on the 1099 mmg name and address on each year you want to annotate or claim,enter your name and address and the amount to mmg for each year you paid in mmg or the amounts that mmg withheld from your refund, i know that they held $299.00 of my refund and that all that we paid into mmg is an income for mmg and they should have paid taxes for all of the money we sent them because it was an income and still is if you are still paying them.i did get most of my refund but they did hold the first 299 and my credit is gone thanks to mmg and all the problems that they caused in my life and my credit, they should pay everyone all the refund money back to all of us and i don't mean holding any money for the so called retainer fees that they state in the beginning, but they do not do anything that they contract says they will do so the retainer fee should be null and void with anyone that didn;t get their debts settled like they proposed to do, still hanging in there with all of you on this , take care and keep pushing these people to give all monies back to all that they took for the hard earned money we sent them.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 15:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ken, please e-mail me at worriedinaz(at) I need contact information for as many people as possible who had their money stolen from the Stantons. I will then research attorneys and consult with them. If any of you want to sue the Stantons in your State, or AZ, I can provide you instructions how and a good process server who will file the suit and serve the Stantons.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 16:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Weren't they incorpoated in Nevada? We would need their tax id number for the business. May be on file with the Nevada Corporation Commission. Anyone have access to an accountant on if you can issue a 1099 without a w-9 form? Can you issue a 1099 for a corpoation?

Submitted by on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 17:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just Interested ... Here are the results of the visit... Risk Management Partners is TRULY LOCATED in Irving,TX. As provided by Northern Nevada BBB, the address is 5605 N. MacArthur Blvd. 10th Floor. The name of the business suite building is Macarthur Center.

When you walk off the elevator on 10th floor, there will be a main secretary a few feet away. Keep in mind, THERE are other companies besides Risk Management Partners that reside on 10th floor. Ask to see someone from Risk Management Partners. The main secretary will call up the approriate person to talk to.

Can`t go further on details of my case (not YET anyway) due to ongoing development. I`ll let you know.

To Louise F., I hope your husband shows up in Texas next month. We definitely need to meet soon!

Well, getting sleepy now. Good night everybody or should I say Good morning? Now....where did I put my meant teddy bear?

The House of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 02:29


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Thier NV Corp Number is C24501-201

Submitted by on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 07:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I too have been ripped off by mmg and rmp. They have not done one thing that they claimed they could do. I have close to $10,000 invested in this company and would like to know how do I go about filing a lawsuit against this company and to recieve all money paid into this company.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 20:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I too have been ripped off by mmg and rmp. They have not done one thing that they claimed they could do. I have close to $10,000 invested in this company and would like to know how do I go about filing a lawsuit against this company and to recieve all money paid into this company. I forgot to mentioned that I am in Tennessee.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 20:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have suggested that in the past and it really helps... everybody needs to write to their state senator. I spoke with mine and they do look into it and the FTC MUST respond to senators. Must tell them who is investigating this and a time frame for resolution. I know, I know, everyone is sick of writing to all the bureaus... but write to your SENATOR. They have power in DC and with the FTC ...

Submitted by on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 13:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hyla wote a while back to contact her lawyer instead of her. Her lawyer refuses to speak with me. Hmmm, what am I supposed to do?

Hyla, I thought he was your representative. Every single email to you is recorded. Every failure to respond is recorded. Ever bad business practice is being recorded.

Submitted by citykid on Tue, 01/24/2006 - 12:47


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

I wonder if they may file bankruptcy on the business. Anyone know if that would relieve them from the amount they owe everyone? Could be why Hyla and the attorney are not resonding....??

Submitted by on Tue, 01/24/2006 - 14:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Worried - I sent oyu my contact info via Yahoo IM. Let me know if you got it

Submitted by craziet98 on Tue, 01/24/2006 - 15:38


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

Good afternoon everybody! Citykid, i`ll need to reach you later tonight. PM me. Welcome craziet98 and ml6636! Thank you for joining. I`m here at work so I can`t stay and type much until late tonight. I`ll be back.


Submitted by USDagger on Tue, 01/24/2006 - 16:02


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I have been reading alot of the post on this forum regarding MMG and I'm getting very nervous. I have been a client of them for about 18 months and still no accounts settled. I'm still paying them but am considering stopping payments from going out. I'm in the state Florida and was wondering now that they moved to Texas is it to late for me to try to get my money back? What do I need to do? Who do I need to contact?

Submitted by on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 12:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

the first thing you need to do is stop paying them now. they do not do what they say they will do, read all of our complaints, tell them you want to cancel now and get out before they take you for anymore than you have already paid into them. believe me you will be the one that gets hurt in this, we all have had it up to the brim with this company.

Submitted by MadMom on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 14:24


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Listen to MADMOM and get out now... I was with them for almost 4 years and they only settled one account in the first year (2002)... I held on thinking they were legitimate since they paid one off but NOOOOO! I was very wrong. To all who is still involved and paying money, get out before you lose even more money. And even if you cancel now, be prepared to fight, and I mean FIGHT, for the money you already invested.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 14:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Good day everybody! To saeang...Thank you for joining us! This forum is starting to grow...slowly but surely.

Saeang...LISTEN to the individuals in this forum. They are telling you to get out while there is still time. That is a STRONG RECOMMENDATION. Start getting your REFUND NOW.

OF COURSE you are getting nervous after reading the posts. You know the risks/consequences of continually having your money withdrawn and not getting the results!

Saeang...Take a SECOND LOOK at this forum. LOOK AROUND. We are the only forum with the MOST POSTS than any other forum in this website. That should tell you Mr. Saeang that there is something awfully wrong in the situation. Do it now...Don`t delay!

We KNOW there are MANY OF YOU out there still reading but not leaving any messages/posts in this forum. Start joining us. Give your voice to this forum.

Visit any forum in this website. We have the most activity going on right now...the MOSTS POSTS. That is a CLEAR SIGNAL that there is strong concern , DISTRESS and DISATISFACTION with MMG/RMP business practices.

By the way, Mr. Saeang, what state are you from?

I`ll be back.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 16:05


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Saeang, Get out while you can. Me and the missus was taken by MMG. Over three years and they only settled one account which was settled for almost $1000 over the original amount.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 16:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )