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The Reducing debt articles provide you with information on debt reduction, credit and loans/mortgage issues. There are articles on credit card debt, debt negotiation or settlement, debt management and credit/debt laws. The purpose is to help you explore debt solutions so that you can use them to your benefit and enjoy a debt free life. Browse through the list of categories and take a look at the articles of your choice.


  • Debt Consolidation and Settlement: Debt Consolidation and Settlement helps you lead a debt free life. Check out debt consolidation information and articles on debt settlement.
  • Debt Management and Debt Negotiation Debt negotiation and management helps you get out of debt fast. Browse through the list of articles and know how to negotiate and manage debts.
  • Credit Card and Credit Counseling:
    Are you applying for credit cards? Get the details on credit card basics and how to manage credit card debt. Know how credit counseling can help.
  • Loans, Mortgage and Cash Advance:
    Are you looking for loans, mortgage or cash advance? Take a look at the articles on cash advance, mortgage, debt consolidation loan and others.
  • Debt Counseling and Debt Reduction:
    Get information on debt reduction plans and benefits. Find out how debt counseling can help you choose the right debt relief plan.
  • Bankruptcy and its alternatives:
    When you are in debt, try to manage without filing bankruptcy. Check out these alternatives that can help you avoid bankruptcy.
  • Credit Report, Score and Credit Repair:
    Credit reports and scores reflect your creditworthiness. Here's a list of articles for you to know about credit report, score and credit repair.
  • Identity Theft and Credit Scams:
    Identity theft and credit scams are quite common in the industry. Check out how to avoid identity theft and what to do if you're a victim.
  • Smart shopping, Credit and Debt Collection Laws:
    Smart shopping and budgeting are ways to control overspending. Here you'll find budgeting tips, articles on debt collection and credit laws. Learn about consumer laws and your rights while you shop for credit and manage your debts.