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Chapter 7 and Garnishment already in place.

Submitted by on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 09:20
Posts: 202330

I'm naive when it comes to all of this, let me get that out of the way first. My wife and I split up almost 3 years ago, since then, I have filed for divorce, but she's run the credit into the ground, and ran the house into foreclosure. Long story longer, we've decided to file for Chapter 7, but she kept losing her job everytime things were moving forward. Since then, I've gotten one of the creditor garnishing my wages, bill collectors calling constantly, and no money to pay for the bankruptcy now, due to using the money for bills being that my paycheck is being garnished 25% every 2 weeks. Does anyone have any kind of advice on how to get out of this downward spiral? When getting the bankruptcy filed rather than just "secured services", will that reverse the garnishment? I'm getting swallowed alive, and don't know how to get out of this. I'm working 2 jobs already, and have 2 kids that are going to start feeling the suffering soon as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

As soon as you file BK, the garnishments will stop. Speak with your attorney about what and how much you need to pay in order to file. Sometimes the attorneys will work out a payment plan. If that doesn't work...consider asking family to can pay them the 25% instead of the garnishment...meaning...the sooner you file, the sooner the garnishment will stop.

Submitted by desperatelyseekingsanity on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 09:25


( Posts: 1129 | Credits: )

Thx gurl...glad to hear it worked out for you.

Sometimes when we are downtrodden and can't think outside the box...we take what people tell us as gospel and are afraid to ask...

Bone-Daddy...don't be afraid to ask. Do what you need to do to secure a better future for you and your family. I wish you the best! Good Luck!

Submitted by desperatelyseekingsanity on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 12:36


( Posts: 1129 | Credits: )

I came to Marc Tow as a loan modification client. With all the commercials and ads about loan modifications I thought that it was the only way to save my home. After a few consultations with Marc Tow and his assistant Andrew my wife and I decided to file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Marc Tow was very direct with us and we were never charged for the consultations. He was present at all the hearings and did a good job. Marc Tow was able to strip my second mortgage who's balance was $86,000 and got rid of our credit card debt that amounted to $75,000. We were able to avoid foreclosure and keep our home. Per Mr. Tow's advice we are now working with our lender to reduce the interest rate on our first mortgage. Over all we were satisfied with Marc Tow and his staff and have recommended Mr. Tow to a family member.

Submitted by on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 08:55

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