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List Debt Buyers or Original Creditor on Chapter 7 Petition?

Submitted by on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 09:15
Posts: 202330

Question is-

2005 bank credit card account charged off
2006 debt buyer (claims) purchase the account
2008 debt buyer files lawsuit

Am preparing Ch. 7 filing. List the debt buyer or original creditor on the filing? One is on credit report 1 and the other is on credit report 2.

Are you filing pro se, or thru an attorney.

They don't want you to list the same balance twice because then it looks on paper like you owe a lot more than you really do.

What I've seen people do, is to list anyone associated with the debt but put a $0.00 in your petition and "notice only".

For example, you would list the JDB and balance they claim owed. Then list the OC separately but put $0.00 as the amount owed, and state "notice only."

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 16:41


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