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Does my husband have to file bankruptcy on old debt

Submitted by on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 07:30
Posts: 202330

if my husbands ex-wife filed bankruptcy a year ago on their debt, does he now have to file on their debt in order to clean up his credit?

Was this joint debt that he had with her? If so and she filed bankruptcy then the creditors will more than likely come to him for payment since he is not part of the bankruptcy filing and is still listed on the accounts. I would think that he would be smart to file it also if he has no intention of paying his/her bills. I don't know that he will only be responsible for half, how did the divorce read when it came to the distribution of the debt?
This is a personal choice, if it were me and I did not have the money to pay it, I would consider filing also. goodluck hope this works out for you two soon.

Submitted by erb1955 on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 16:13


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