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RTLU: Bad Timing

Submitted by on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 14:42
Posts: 202330

This is my story, a slightly unusual case that has had me stressed for 8 months now.

The first part of this tale begins with my Fathers death in 2005 - due to a series of unfortunate events I was unable to get probate until March 2007.

My husband, and his business were made bankrupt in December 2006 - without my knowledge at the time, but eventually my husband and I discussed it, and we knew we'd get through it all.

We had a visit from a bailiff connected with the council tax in January 2007, who announced that although my husband had been made bankrupt, I was still liable to pay the overdue council tax, but we thought very little of it at the time, because I have no income of my own. But we also knew that I'd be granted probate shortly, which would supply us with money from both my Fathers life insurance, and the sale of his house.

In April 2007 I put a cheque in my account, and left to Cornwall to put my fathers house on the market. On my return at the end of that week, with a cleared cheque, I opened a letter to find that 2 days prior I had been taken to court and declared bankrupt. I was devastated, I had over £13,000 in my bank account, that was no longer legally mine and debts that I was intending to pay the following Monday that totalled £4000.

I had my first meeting with the OR on May 2nd 2007, who was very sympathetic and understood that this was a case of horrendous timing, but because I was clearly solvent he felt that this was a case that could be completed within 4 months.

All my money was removed from my account on June 13th, and at the beginning of August 2007 I received a letter to tell me that my case had been transferred to the RTLU and I felt that this was a good sign that my case should be dealt with quickly, and I would soon see any remaining money returned to me. Mid-September I spoke to a line-manger at the RTLU, she was a foreign woman, who seemed particularly abrupt, and very unhelpful.

I then received a letter saying that because the council tax had over 50% of the debt owed they were appointing their own IP. I didn't understand what this meant for me case, and after a few nervous conversations with this line-manager at the RTLU found that she no longer had any control over anything, and could tell me nothing. All she could advise was that I went to the Citizen's Advice and get them to find out what was happening, which I duly did.

The result of which was that the council appointed IP had already stated a week before he wanted nothing to do with it, as the funds were clearly there to pay all debts in full. The lady at CAB however did complain to my OR's managers about his rude and unhelpful manner.

I received a phone call from the this lady at the RTLU that afternoon saying that she'd (supposedly) spent that afternoon talking the IP's out of taking over the case, because they had been upset by the CAB person. (why they would be I have no idea, she was polite, and OR didn't seem to realise I had been sitting in the room with her the whole time, and had heard all the conversations she'd had, including the one where she made a complaint against him!!) I believe that she'd had a severe dressing down from her superiors and had decided to talk herself up to me!

She then told me it would take a further 10 weeks to complete my case. About a week after this I received a form to see if I was able to get an early discharge, which I filled in and returned within the time frame.

I spoke to my OR 9 weeks into my "10 week" time period (last week), only to be told that because the credit card company had finally filed a proof of debt (on November 16th - the day after I received a threatening letter claiming I owed them money still), that he had to wait a further 4 weeks, to make sure nothing more came in.

I received a letter on 12th December telling me that I had been granted an early discharge on the 5th of December, which made my heart fill with joy, as I thought that this was finally the end of the road, and all money could now be paid out without problems, and I would receive the remainder back.

Having spoken with the OR today, and he claims that this isn't the case, he still has to wait 2 more weeks until the 6 month advertising period is up, to make sure that no more creditors come in, and then it'll take a further 2 months to pay them out, and make sure all fee's are paid before I will see any return at the beginning of March.

Unsurprisingly I am disappointed by this, as I cannot believe it takes 2 months to 2 companies £4000 between them from £13,000 which was taken from my account.

All in all to date this has been a very frustrating time for me, deadlines ever changing, and an OR who I believe likes to "bend the truth" with me.

I'm still unsure why it's taken so long, and why there have been so many hoops to jump through when all they had to do was pay company a and b from the £13,000 in my bank account. Hopefully I'll see a resolution in the near future.

What a nightmare, I hope this all works out for you soon. I feel for you, sorry to hear about the passing of your father. Hang in there, I know you really don't have a choice, but just writing it all down here and getting it off your chest will help. Please come back and vent when you need to.

Welcome to the forum, hope you will register and participate with us on a regular basis.

Submitted by jos82003 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 20:02


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

So sorry you've had to go through all of this. I did learn something from your post. Although I lived in England for almost 6 years, I wasn't aware that you could be declared bankrupt without having had to initiate this yourself.

In the States, we have to file for bankruptcy, go to court, prove that we can't repay our debts, etc.

I hope things work out for you soon, and you can try to put this horrendous experience behind you and move on. I had always heard that a person's life can be made hell if they don't pay their council taxes, I just never realized to what extremes it would be taken!

Submitted by Tiffany99 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 10:46


( Posts: 1058 | Credits: )

I am really very sorry to hear about your situation. it's so very disgusting that you should have to go through all this for no fault of your own. bankruptcy is something that people think about a hundred times before filing and you did not even come to know about it. i really hope that this gets over soon enough, and you get back at least some of your money. i know it is easier said than done, but don't loose heart and you will get what you deserve.

Submitted by laurel188 on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 03:24


( Posts: 110 | Credits: )