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Submitted by admin on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 17:00
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Educate Yourself : Ways to stay healthy and fit and on an economical diet

How can you eat healthy and stay wealthy on a budget-friendly diet

Truth be told, there are lots of ways to eat nutritious food without surpassing your monthly budget. For instance, you can purchase organic foods in bulk from the local grocery store. Other than that, you can have your own kitchen garden and eat organic foods at an affordable cost. Your other option is using USDA Low-Cost Food Plan wherein you can have a balanced diet at $43.75 per week.

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  • 3 Members earned $115
  • 100 New discussions were initiated

Tip of the month: When it comes to managing money, ignorance is a curse. Whet your appetite for knowledge.

It would be a mistake to be ignorant about financial matters since you can't afford to lose money. Financial knowledge can help you make the right decisions and avoid losing money. You don't have to enroll into a professional course in order to increase your financial IQ. You can stay financially updated by reading newspapers and business magazines. Other than that, you can follow notable economists on social networking websites as well. Read interesting articles written by good financial bloggers. Try to know both sides of a financial story so as to get an unbiased opinion and reach a decision accordingly.

To know more, 700+ tips...

Members of the Month

Joined on June 24, 2007
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Discussion of the month: How can you talk nonstop without getting fat cell phone bills?

How can you talk nonstop without getting fat cell phone bills

Are you tired of spending a substantial amount for your cell phone bills? Unless, you take some major steps, it is simply impossible to reduce your cell phone bills. The first step you need to take is to opt for a prepaid, no-contract plan. The second step would be to use text applications instead of text plans. The third step would be to take advantage of wireless discounts and the final step is to use various kinds of applications to schedule your appointments.


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