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Submitted by admin on Thu, 01/16/2014 - 22:03
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Educate Yourself: 6 Dreadful decisions that will ruin your financial life in 2014

Dreadful decisions that will ruin your financial life in 2014

The year 2013 is over and out. The new year has kickstarted and the time has come to start your financial life all over again. Wise money decisions will help you build a strong financial house and keep debt enemies at bay. On the other hand, dumb money decisions will only help you court debt. Have a quick look at the 7 decisions that won't allow you to celebrate your financial life in 2014.

Community Bytes

  • 3 members earned $175
  • Paulmergel is the highest earner
  • 39 Members made active participation

Tip of the month: Watch out for happy hours at restaurants and cheaper cellphone plans to save money in 2014.

4 Best tips of the month
  1. Bring a piggybank into your house and throw away new loan application forms in 2014.
  2. Make a festive gingerbread house for your friend this Christmas. Hide a gift card inside it to surprise your buddy.
  3. You can never be rich if you spend too much and save too little. Change your bad habits if you really want to be wealthy in 2014.
  4. Don't jump into the shopping bandwagon without checking out the pros and cons of various financing options.

To know more, 600+ tips...

Members of the Month

community member 1
Joined on Oct 27th, 2010
- Posted 1133 Answers
community member 2
Joined on Sep 24th, 2007
- Posted 14357 Answers

Discussion of the month: How can you tackle illegal pdls in South Carolina and save money?

Illegal payday loan lenders are not entitled to receive interest rates and fees. As such, if you have taken out payday loans from an illegal company, then all you need to do is pay back the principal amount. You may receive various kinds of false threats for not paying interest rates or fees, but you've to stand firm on your decision. If the lenders create too much problems in your life, then report the matter to CFPB or State Attorney General. .
To know more, click here

question of the month contest

QOM:- Contest#68

Winner: Kathy Fuller