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My ship is about to sink!

Submitted by on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 23:27
Posts: 202330

I was evaluated for BK last week and my attorney told me I don't have enough income to file Chapter 13, and have made to much to file chapter 7. My income for just living expenses which does NOT include payments on 60k in credit card debt is falling short by about $400.00 a month. My father loned me the money to pay my tax bill so I would not fall behind on my property taxes which is how I made it this far. My credit cards are maxed but current as of this note, but I won't be able to pay a single one of them this upcoming bill cycle. What now? Do I just let them all go? I won't have the money to settle any of them within the next year at the very least. Even if they forgive a good portion of it, I could never pay the income taxes on it all. I have exhausted everything and have no other cards to play. If anyone has a suggestion, I would be more than willing to listen. Thank you!