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Internet's First Get Out of Debt Community!

20+ Years of debt relief success

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Haller, Harlan & Taylor

About Company

Company Profile

Cambridge is dedicated to promoting a more knowledgeable and financially responsible America: by teaching sound money management practices; by assisting financially distressed individuals and families through appropriate counseling, education and advice; and by providing people with information and resources needed to obtain, maintain and sustain housing.

Helping to make this mission successful is our knowledgeable staff. The members of Cambridge's Education Department are IFL Certified Educators in Personal Finance. Our Counseling Department is comprised of AFCPE Accredited Credit Counselors, and our Housing Department is staffed by NCHEC Certified Housing Counselors. Our experienced staff is dedicated to helping people understand and manage their finances by providing personalized attention and a free, comprehensive review of each consumer's financial situation. Our agency’s educational programs have been approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.





  • Credit Counseling
  • Other

Head Offices

67 Hunt Street 01001 Agawam Massachusetts 01001

Other Info

Phone: 4133305254
Fax: 4138210000