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Christian debt relief or Christian debt consolidation is all about paying bills using the Biblical principles of honesty, honor, and financial responsibility. Christian debt consolidation services are offered by both consolidation companies and non-profit organizations.

Is there any other Christian debt relief options?

Yes. Apart from getting help of a Christian consolidation program, you can also opt for the Christian way of paying debts through debt management services and settlement programs, depending on your financial situation. You can attend a no-obligation free counseling session to know your most suitable option.

How much
debt consolidation
can save you

Is Christian consolidation different from others?

A Christian consolidation program functions in the same way as any other bill consolidation program. However, Christian consolidation programs are specifically based on the Biblical principle that one man cannot serve 2 masters. When one person is in debt, he/she is under the authority of 2 masters - God and his/her creditors. So, you need to repay your debts as soon as possible and lead a debt free Christian life.

The Christian debt consolidation companies aim to reduce your debt burden and at the same time, guide you to live within your means so that you don't fall into the debt trap again.

Why should you take advantage of Christian debt consolidation?

You can find out the answer yourself by reading the Bible. Debt is highlighted in a negative manner in this holy book. God despises any debt, which is not paid off on time.

As per Proverbs 22:7: The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the leader.
Explanation: After taking out a loan, you become the servant of the lender and the lender your master. In the agreement, which you sign, it mentions the things you're allowed to do. You have no will of your own. However, a true Christian has only one master, and that is God. Therefore, as per the Bible, you should get rid of your financial obligation. A Christian debt relief program helps you do so.
Psalm 37:21 Comments: The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously.
Explanation: Wicked Christians don't bother to repay loans whereas, honest Christians need to repay the borrowed amount. So, as a good Christian, it’s your responsibility to repay your loan irrespective of your circumstances. A Christian debt relief program helps you fulfill your financial obligations.
Deuteronomy 15:21 says: At the end of every seven years, you shall grant a release of debts
Explanation: Each creditor should forgive the loan given to his neighbor after 7 years. A creditor/lender cannot ask a borrower to repay a loan after that period. They can only ask the non-Jews to pay back the loan. However, if you're a devoted Christian, then it is best to repay your dues within 7 years. A Christian consolidation or settlement or management program will enable you to clear your dues before that period.

How can Christian debt consolidation benefit you?

You can get the following benefits from a Christian consolidation program:

  • Repay debts in a few years with the help of affordable payment plans
  • Reduction in the interest rate of bills by negotiation with creditors
  • Pay off multiple bills through single monthly payments
  • A well-planned budget to save more and manage financial life better

What type of bills can you repay?

  1. Credit card bills
  2. Medical bills
  3. Utility bills
  4. Store card bills
  5. Payday loans

Know how a consolidation program functions in details.

If you wish, you can also solve your debt problems with the help of Christian debt consolidation loans. You can take out a loan and replace all your bills with the single loan, which you pay off through single monthly payments.

When will you be paying off your bills through this program?

How long you'll take to pay off your bills through Christian debt consolidation will depend on the following factors:

  • How much you owe in total including all your bills
  • How much you're paying to the consolidation company every month
  • Whether or not you're able to make payments every month
  • How well Christian debt consultants can negotiate with your creditors

Usually, you can free yourself from debt in 2-5 years and serve God like a true Christian. However, if you're lucky, you can repay all your bills in less than a year, too.

Alternatively, you can enroll in a Christian debt settlement program if you want to repay your debts relatively fast. Such a program functions similarly like that of any other settlement programs.