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When debts traumatize! Need help with money or mind?

When debts traumatize! Need help with money or mind?

What is the ethical definition of debt?

How does debt impact our lifestyle?

How can it be useful for building a well established secured life in this world?
These questions barely cross our mind when we use debts to fulfil our desires and wants!
A very complex world, with a complex invention of mankind. The functionality of debts!
An off-beat post, that cordially invites you to understand the fine link between debts and mental health.

We can eventually say, that money is our invention, and it is just our belief in a system of transaction that seldom has any physical importance.
To end all the problems with money, we can just stop believing in it!! But, that would demand a different financial device that can replace monetary transactions in all forms!
Sounds tough? Yeah!! I know man, things are a bit like this when you enter finance, economics and sociology.
(God, Barter System.. Was so GOOD)!!!!!!!!!!!
But, today we won’t be bothered much about money and psychology! We will rather address a very peculiar kind of topic.
It is, when debts keep you anxious, panicked and traumatized, should you seek help with money or with your mind?
Is the problem psychological or financial?
Should you consult law firms and debt management companies, or approach psychologists and therapists?
The answers to these questions are found below!

Household debts are a product of your habits:

Credit cards, payday loans, or personal loans, are mostly incurred due to your impulsive spending behaviors.
When you look at your credit card bills, how many transactions from the list, do you believe have a potential future return?
Lifestyle mate, is the biggest question down here. Buying 3 pairs of jeans or 10 soap bundles, or cartons of beers, in plain and simple words, just don’t have any monetary appreciation!
If you can minimize these spendings, then more than half of your debts will get blown away, just like that.
But, we are not even worried about how you are getting in so much amount of debts each month! Our question is, why are you compelled to spend unethically!? What makes you such an impulsive spender.
This is where, the whole thing takes a turn from finance to psychology. And, understanding this ‘turn-around’ is the important stuff to talk about.

More debts you have, more is your tendency to overspend:

“When a sin goes too far, it's like a runaway car
It cannot be controlled”
... Lou Reed , Blue Mask.

Since the time, credit cards entered our lives, we lost our grip on financial control. Each time we use our cards, the first thing we notice is the remaining credit limit. Very few actually take a note of the outstanding balance.
Shifting the focus to how our psychology works, it is needless to say that our primary goal in life is to achieve happiness. And, we get happy when the reward centres of our brain get activated.
Looking at the outstanding balance on our cards, makes us sad. But, the moment we look at the available credit limit, we start to organize our opportunities around that limit, and become happy by guessing the possibilities and the buying power we still have.
And, the moment we start to think about the things we can still achieve with the help of the available credit limit, our reward centres get activated, and we become happy, and hence the tendency to overspend again, just gets ameliorated!
Now, believe it or not, any kind of mental health disorder triggers an abnormal activation of reward centres, and which in turn starts to dominate mood elevation and depression.
Again this elevation or depression forces us to use debts, as addiction tools, to make us feel happy and obsessed with money that’s not ours! And, this chain continues, till you leave this world, or get proper counseling and psycho-therapy.

How to address this complex issue, when you know you are fully dependent on debts?

Handling debts is not an easy task.
If used properly, debts can function as high end investment options. If not, then it can drown you along with your assets.

If you believe that the problem is more habits and psychology oriented, than just mere mishandling of debts, then you need to consult a therapist right away.
The first help you need is to talk with a good psychologist and discuss in detail, if there is any underlying mental health issue you are suffering from.
Once this problem gets solved, you can then proceed to figure out your issues with debts and learn the proper use of it.
On the other hand, you might, to your own surprise, discover that you have no issues with debts at all, as all the problems were arising from the haphazard simulation of psychological factors.
Therefore, do a wide search for psychiatrists, talk to your preferred doctor, and evaluate your problems step by step.
I am again reminding you, that if you overlook your mental health and thought process, then you can never be able to control your financial health!

Finance and mind are intertwined!
Feel free to comment your queries down below. Or give us a call at 800-3328-9131, (between 9 AM and 6 PM PST).
We wish you a happy and healthy life, ahead.