Ways to reduce utility bill for a healthy wallet

Due to bad public utility policies in different states and extreme weather conditions, household electric bills have gone through the roof. But, if we use our common sense and plan accordingly, we can definitely solve our high-utility bill problem.
So, if you want to save your household energy and money, then you must follow these simple, and yet important guidelines:
1. Turn off the lights when you’re not using them: This is the easiest way to save extra cost towards your utility bill. So, make a conservative mindset, flip the switch to stop wasting precious electricity, and save hundreds of dollars every day.
2. Reduce the number of lights you use: You can easily use dimmers in the indoors. You may decrease the power of bulbs. Use small task lighting instead of big room lighting if possible. In the outdoors, you can use motion sensors on light fixtures so that light will glow if anyone is there, and turn off when no one is there.
3. Use ACs and room-heaters moderately: ACs and room-heaters consume a big amount of electricity every time we use them. During the summer season, you can save the power by increasing temperature. Conversely, you can switch off the AC and use the room heater at a moderate temperature in winter. Every 1 degree you lower the thermostat, you'll get 3% of energy costs saved over a 24-hour period.
4. Always go for an electronic thermostat: Buy one if you don’t have a programmable electronic thermostat. You can setup this device automatically. Adjust the given setting to your desired mode (energy-saving levels) when you’re out of the home or sleeping.
5. Use the forced-air system fan instead of the air conditioner: Use the forced-air system fan instead of the air conditioner. It’ll work well during summer days. To maintain a comfortable temperature, try to change the thermostat mode to “Fan Only”. Check and clean the heating/cooling system’s air filters, it'll improve the performance.
6. Don't open and close your refrigerator door frequently: Your refrigerator is the largest energy consumer in the home. So, it must be operated at maximum efficiency. Don’t open and close the door frequently as it’ll increase the power consumption. Adjust the “cold” control as per the manufacturer's guidelines. Clean refrigerator coils from the dust. Defrost it if required, use an electronic induction motor control to lower the amount of power which the refrigerator’s motor uses.
7. Use electrical appliances as less as possible: Use electrical appliances as less as possible. Air dry your clothes or just reduce the use of an electrical dryer. Try to cook in the microwave oven instead of an electric oven. Don’t forget to turn off any electrical appliances after you're done. When buying new appliances, check out the EnergyGuide label to be sure that they are energy-efficient models.
8. Opt for a gas water heater: When using the water heater, reduce the temperature to a maximum of 120-degree Fahrenheit. You can opt for a gas water heater, it’ll lower your electricity charges.
9. Replace high-power light bulbs: Replace high-power light bulbs. Use only power saver compact fluorescent bulbs instead, which consumes only ¼ or ⅓ the energy to produce the same amount of light. Though, in most cases, power saver LED bulbs are costlier than normal bulbs. But, in the long-run, they’ll save 35% or more electricity, and they’ll last up to 13 times longer.
10. Use natural light: Longer days and a higher summer-sun angle afford you an opportunity to let Mother Nature help with the energy bills. The trick is to admit light without summer heat gain or glare. Fortunately, you can control heat gain and glare with window coverings and window films, available at home improvement centers. To increase the amount of natural light that floods a room, bounce it off the ceiling and walls with the aid of louvers or operable blinds. For more about using daylight, see Daylight Techniques for Light and Warmth.
Though, some of these methods may appear as they’ll give you only minor relief from staggering electric bills, adopting several or all of them can result in significant overall savings. Many utilities charge higher rates for the portion of your electrical usage that exceeds baseline requirements. When you trim away the excess fat, you can dramatically lower your utility bills.