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If you are the winner of this month`s QOM, what will you do with the $$?

Question of the Month

Question of the Month is yet another effort by the debtcc team to enhance the community knowledge bank. It’s a monthly contest and every month a challenging question will be thrown before the members for responses. The best answer will be chosen collectively at the end of the month by the debtcc members and the admin panel of the site. The winner of this contest will receive a handsome reward of a $50. The purpose behind this idea is to encourage the members to share their real life experiences in dealing with the financial challenges. Though different financial issues are being discussed across the debtcc board, but it doesn’t leave much scope to the members to share their personal experiences. Here is the place where it can be done, and also that the new members can get the innovative ideas to deal with their debts along with the conventional ones.

Latest Question

Question 20: If you are the winner of this month`s QOM, what will you do with the $$?

Supposing you're the lucky winner of this month's QOM. What's the best way you want to use the money? Let us know the secret desire that you want to fulfill with the money you can win from this contest.

Winner Post

Trophy iconAnswer 1:What would I do if I won the 50.00 in the January question of the month? Well:

A) I could go out and party at my local place. Darn, I dont drink.

cool emoticons 50.00 would sure buy me four packs of cigarettes but I have been trying so hard to stop smoking. Thats out.

C) Now using it for some of my eating places like Chilis , Texas Longhorn, Ruby Tuesdays and yes KFC sounds really great!!

But if I win , and because its winter here, I will donate to a Food Bank for the homeless.There has been to many hard times for people today that lost their jobs, homes, etc.

Even though I live week to week like a lot of others, I am very thankful for having a job and good health!!!

Answer Posted by |drop9drop

The other answers worth mentioning are:

Answer 2:With my $50 I would buy my daughter Anna a wonderful birthday cake from the specialty bakery in town--All About The Cake. Anna will be 17 in February is nonverbal and has significant disabilities. It would have to be marble or vanilla. Shes not a fan of chocolate. Maybe raspberry? Must have lots and lots of pink roses!

Answer Posted by | rjbrown28

Answer 3:Head for the grocery store and treat myself to a good meal. I have a very limited grocery budget and its a very rare treat to enjoy a good cut of meat or seafood. Of course I will need the trimmings to go along with the entree that I would not normally buy-asparagus if I can find it, a spinach salad mix, some ODouls (I dont drink at all because of my history of family alcoholism AND cost of beer/liquor-so this is a REAL treat too) Last a nice pie or cheesecake. Would be like the Christmas I didnt have because I couldnt afford one.

Answer Posted by | Leanne

Answer 4:as most of you know about 5 years ago i got into some trouble and went through a settlement program. but scince then i found myself venturing back to the old credit cards for a few big purchases like my furnace blew up and my roof needed replaced.

Of course i wasnt able to save enough money in the little amount of time that i managed to be out of the program so im back to around 5,000 worth of credit card debt. kinda stinks scince i swore i would never use them again but it seems like a never ending vicious cycle with us that something big goes that we cant afford to pay for and we end up having to use the cards. lucky for me i did have some saved that went towards these purchases but now im back to no savings so i have officially made it my mission in 2010 to get everything in order and get both money saved and my 5,000 paid off.

so, what i would plan to do is the 50.00 and whatever other money i make on the net and the money i make cleaning houses is untouchable kept in my paypal account or savings (have to go into the bank to get it) were its not easily reached. and the money my husband makes all goes to bills working one down at a time. so 50.00 would be a great place to start my little nest egg!!

Answer Posted by | love_my_things

Answer 5:I owe money to a relative who is living on a very limited income. I realize that $50.00 is a long way from what I owe her, but I have been doing my best to pay off this debt in small increments. She welcomes each payment she receives, no matter how small it may be. Therefore, I would definitely use this money to pay down my debt to her!

Answer Posted by | Shazzers

Answer 6:Throughout my years as a single parent I always prevailed on St. Jude to guide me. Whether it be the rehabilitation of my youngest daughter from an auto accident, dealing with her bipolar illness, and after marrying, my husbands leukemia. Last year it was my oldest daughters mental breakdown. Through each crisis I asked St. Jude to guide me. As I found a resolution, or strength for each situation, I donated to a local charity that helps people in my community, or to a needy family at Christmas - in the name of St. Jude.

As I searched for a resolution to my personal financial crisis (pay day loans and credit card debt), I asked St. Jude for help. I found this website and the rest is history. Should I win this months QOM, I will make a donation in honor of St. Jude to one of the organizations who are aiding Haiti.

Answer Posted by | aubrey

Answer 7:If I was to win anything whether it be a dollar or 50 dollars, I would have a few options on how to spend that money.

First I would consider just how much I really would like to buy something for myself, (like some nice relaxing lotion or body product, or even new bra, but since I make sure everyone is taking care of first including bills, before even consider I buying for myself) but then reality sits in and I know that I would either use it to put toward what I might have for groceries since I have 2 growning boys who literally eat me out of house and home, or use it toward gas, cause with gas creeping up to almost 3.00 bucks a gallon, I may need gas to get to work that week. So really, there are alot of things I would use it for.

I really doubt I will win, but atleast I got to take a second from work to type something other than a "please excuse my debt letter" LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Answer Posted by | lorim1971

Answer 8:I would like to just spend it without a thought.

Buy all the good foods i love...and share it with

my best friend....delores...who always looked out

for me when i was down. Well, there is not too much you can do with $50

i could use it to sponsor someone into my business

that they could otherwise not afford to do at all.

Or simply order two of juniors of brooklyn

vanilla with fresh strawberry on top cheese cakes...


Answer Posted by | gotcheesecake

Answer 9:I know that $50 is not much money, but to a 16yr old young lady (my daughter Samantha) who will be starting college this fall it is alot. Samantha will be attending the College of the Ozarks. It is a student run school where she will remain debt free for 4 yrs of school and graduate with all she needs to enroll into vet school of her choosing. At this wonderful school she will be working for the school 15 hrs a week and that will pay for her tuition. The only thing she has to cover for her first year is room and board of $4,300.00. Next year she will be allowed to work during the summer months and that will cover her next years room and board. So she is going to school and working parttime now to save as much as possible to go towards her room and board for this fall. What will I do with this money? Of course give it to my daughter to put in savings to help her achieve her goal for this fall.

Answer Posted by | AKAJDBeater

Answer 10:If i win this question of the month, I will put it towards my debt on here to get out of debt. i figure if this site is going to provide a person to win a few dollars than the only thing i can think of doing is to give it right back to pay for my debt. after all that is why im here is to get help. this is a way even if its a little to help myself here. i would also say thankyou for the oppertunity to make a little contribution to my own debt. thankyou nancy

Answer Posted by | nancy coon

Answer 11:The most obvious answer here is to take the money and pay off a debt or pay on a debt. I mean that is why we are all at this forum because we have or had bad debt. That answer doesnt fit for me though. I mean paying something on a debt sure would be great but there are better ways. Then I realized what I should do with the money. The first Sunday after winning, I will drop the entire $50 in the collection plate. Sure I have debt and problem, everyone does. There are people out there that are starving and dying from lack of shelter. I know my church helps those people in my community and $50 would sure buy quite a lot of staple food for a indigent family in my community. Jesus told me to help others before I help myself.

Answer Posted by | mind

Answer 12:I would use it for gas in my car for traveling to community college and my part-time job. I know this is a boring answer but our President has urged me and provided a way for me go to college for the first time and that is where I am focused. I plan for my daughter and grandsons to be proud of me.

My needs are small and my dreams are big!

Answer Posted by | wowinohio

Answer 13:I am a mother of three beautiful boys they are my life , but we have been going through some tough times .For the last couple of months its been one thing after another.Its so hard to save money when you are playing catch up. So if i win I am going to open a savings account for my boys, so they can start saving for thier future

Answer Posted by | jhenny7880

Answer 14:My secret desire for the money (when I win) would be to take my family out to a movie (good neighbor hours of course) and a meal (probably at Dennys where kids eat free on Tues/Sat after 4pm). If there is any money left, that will go in the gas tank (we have a van) to take my husband to work the next day. To sum up, my family would be glad to have this money!

Answer Posted by | Tracy Simms

Answer 15:If I win this months QOM I would like to put the money towards what I owe on these Payday Loans that I have.
The more I can give them the faster I can get out of the mess that I have made for myself.

I dont want to escape the loans, I just want to get them paid off as soon as possible. I have to break free somehow.

Answer Posted by | Julia Sisk

Answer 16:The best thing you can do with the $50 is put it in your checking account and pretend it is not there. Then, when you would otherwise have bounced a debit transaction for a cup of coffee instead it clears, saving you a $40 fee. Do this 4 times this year and your $50 just turned to $210. Each time you save the service fee add it to a savings account. If this saves you 12 per year, that amounts to $480 per year or almost $5000 over a five-year period. Now thats a good prize!

Answer Posted by | danothemano

Answer 17:I recently got married and would love to start a family soon. Because credit card debt puts a strain on not only my personal life, but my financial capabilities, I need to get my debt paid off as soon as possible. I hate the fact that not being able to have a baby right away because I need to make sure I can afford one is really sad. I know I put myself in this situation but I could really use any extra funds to put towards my debt.

Answer Posted by | Renee Hymel

Answer 18:I would put the money towards my debit. With whatever is left over, I would simply put it aside so I could finish paying for my childrens education. My childrens education is more important to me than any vacation, or item or my home. The kids may disagree with me, but hopefully when they are older they will appreciate my push for a good solid education.

Answer Posted by | Stephanie King

Answer 19:Advertising. We are new to the web and are constantly trying to reach more individuals who are struggling with credit card issues. We take great pride in helping each customer and treating them like they are a member of our family. We receive most of our business through word of mouth and referrals from past customers but we cannot help those who do not know about us. An extra $50 to reach potential customers would be of great assistance to us.

Answer Posted by | AnyaR

Answer 20:If I was the winner of this months QOM I would put this money into my savings account as a first step to build some savings. I have been hugely deficient in saving on a regular basis due to my credit card debt and payments. My ultimate goal is to get my credit card debt paid down (I will be taking my entire tax return this year and paying off some credit cards), have a single credit card only for emergencies, and save on a regular basis.

Answer Posted by | Carrie Carpenter

Answer 21:Considering the scripture that instructs us in Romans 13:8 "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law," I am obligated to pay this back to those that I am in debt to. The best course of action would be to have it applied to the debt you currently manage for me. So, in short, if I did win the money, then it would go to you to reduce my debt. I would be in extreme gratitude to anything that helps me reduce my obligation as well as reach my goal of being debt free by 2012!

Answer Posted by | Cindy Burnett

Answer 22:Rs.100/- to my god, Rs.100/- to my mother, Rs.500/- to my wife, Rs.1,000/- to Rs.5,000/- give loan my friends (without interest) and balance if any will be deposited into bank for earn monthly interest and also inform all my friends regarding this web site and get their opinion in this regard. and waiting for your reply

Answer Posted by | narasimhamurthy