5 Major personal finance mistakes you should avoid
It is true that all of us make personal finance mistakes in life. But there are some mistakes that may have a lasting impact on your finance. Therefore, it is important to avoid them as much as possible. Glance through the article to know about 5 personal finance mistakes you should avoid.
Personal finance mistakes you should avoid
Here are some major personal finance mistakes you should avoid:
1.Indulging into frivolous spending
Many people indulge into unnecessary expenses such as eating lunch and dinners in restaurants, watching movies at theaters, purchasing clothes every week, etc. What they don't realize is that this type of spending drains their savings accounts gradually. Hence, it is important to curtail these expenses as early as possible.
2.Using credit cards for making all purchases
Several people have the habit of making purchases through their credit cards when they have adequate cash in their pockets. They don't realize that companies charge high interest rates on credit cards. So, more you use credit cards, your bills add up. Hence, it is better to make all the purchases in cash. This will also help you avoid overspending.
3.Purchasing what you can't afford
Purchasing luxury items for your home, buying designer clothes, taking out several loans, buying new vehicles once in every few years can get you into financial problems. It is better to avoid making these purchases if you can't afford them.
4.Paying unnecessary bills
Are you a member of several clubs? Do you have several mobile phones? If yes, then you must be paying a huge chunk of money for the membership fees and the cell phone bills every month. These are totally unnecessary expenses which you can easily avoid. It is advisable to curtail these expenses as much as possible.
5.Purchasing now and making payments later
It has been observed that many men have this habit of purchasing expensive items now and paying them later. They keep on buying costly items thinking that they can easily manage to pay later. But this rarely happens. In most of the cases, people are not able to manage these bills and get into financial trap.
Finally, a major personal finance mistake will be to purchase a big house when you have a small family. The reason is, if you live in a big house, you'll have to pay high utility bills, maintenance fees, and property taxes. This will drain your monthly budget in the long run.