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5 Financial tips for the last week of March 2013

Here are the 5 financial tips for the last week of March 2013.

Tip no 1: Save to be saved. Creating a small emergency fund is necessary for financial security.

Save money in your emergency fund to be saved from financial disasters. The emergency fund will create a financial cushion for your future. If you face severe obstacles in your financial life, then you can use it to overcome them.

Create a small emergency fund first. Save a small amount in the emergency fund every month. Once you get a promotion or a hike in your paycheck, increase your contribution gradually. Avoid adopting a lavish lifestyle, as it would not enable you to save for your emergency fund.

Tip no 2: Save money to save the Earth. Commute to work or school.

Your money and the Mother Nature are both precious. You can't survive without money. Likewise, you can't live if this planet doesn't exist anymore. So, you need to save both money and the Earth. One smart way to do so is to walk to your office or school.

There are multiple benefits of walking to your school or office. Firstly, you'll save fuel. This will help you save the environment. On the other hand, you'll save money too as your car doesn't need to be refilled.

The biggest benefit is that you'll become healthy and fit. You'll burn calories and shed those extra pounds.

Tip no 3: File your taxes honestly. Taxpayers receive social benefits and tax evaders receive jail sentences.

If you report false information about your income to evade tax deliberately, then you'll be charged for tax crime. You may have to go to jail for committing this crime. Other than that, you may also be heavily penalized for tax evasion. For instance: you may have to pay 75 percent civil penalty. On the other hand, if you pay your tax diligently, then you may qualify for social benefits.

Tip no 4: Treat your Social Security number as a secret. Keep it to yourself and only share it with people you trust.

Social Security number is extremely important. It is used to prove your identity. Your creditor, bank and employer are the only people who are entitled to know this number. Never give this number to a person you don't trust simply because it can be misused. This number can be used to get your personal financial information. For instance: your credit record, driving history, immigration information, etc. If an imposter gets your Social Security number by any chance, then he can easily jeopardize your finances. So, keep this number secret. Don't reveal this number to anyone especially over phone.

Tip no 5: Make sure your Auto Enhanced FICO score is optimal before you apply for a car loan.

Your Auto Enhanced FICO score plays a big role when you apply for an auto loan. Usually, this is known as you "FICO Auto Industry Option". This score is usually used by the finance companies and auto dealers when you apply for a loan.

If you have taken out loans in the past for your home, furniture, computer, etc. then your Auto Enhanced FICO score will be high. In case, you don't have any existing installment accounts, then also you'll have an Auto Enhanced FICO score. Your score will be based upon your revolving accounts.

Your Auto Enhanced FICO score will be zero if you don't have revolving accounts also. You'll have to make larger down payments on the auto loans in that case.