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5 Financial tips for the third week of April 2013

Here are the 5 financial tips for the third week of April 2013.

Tip no 1: Create a professional profile in social media to interact with professionals.

Make a professional profile in social media to catch the attention of professionals. Post a nice picture of yours in the social media accounts. Give the following details in your account:

  • Your education background
  • Your job experience
  • The projects you’ve undertaken
  • Number of years you have worked
  • Your current employment status
  • Name of the organizations where you’ve worked

If you've done any professional course, then don't forget to update it in your account also. Don't post bad jokes in your account. This will not create a good impression upon the employers. Refrain from posting sleazy or vulgar pictures. Use the social media to boost your professional life and not to hamper it.

Tip no 2: Repay your debts to confidently retire from your job. Spend the golden years of your life with confidence and not regret.

Repaying your debt when you have the maximum earning potential is a crucial step in your life. It helps you generate some free cash for the golden years of your life. You can use the money to secure the 3 most important things in your life - food, cloth and shelter. Other than that, you can utilize the money to take care of your heath care needs. The medical care cost has increased a lot. Remember, if you're not able to take advantage of Medicare, then you'll have to purchase an individual health insurance policy. The premium rate will be very high considering your age.

Tip no 3: Prove yourself to be the best customer to meet the best creditor.

If you want to work with the best creditor in the market, then you'll have to prove yourself as a good customer to your current creditor. Make timely payments to your present creditor so that you don't have to pay late fees and fines. Never cross your credit limit. Keep your credit card balance within 30 percent of your credit limit.

If you miss out payments frequently or cross your credit limit, then you can just forget about working with the best creditor in the market. In reality, no creditor will be ready to give you a credit card.

Tip no 4: Be happy about your financial health. If you aren't, then detoxify your budget.

You can get rid of all the toxic substances from your body by going on a diet. You can just live on fruits and drinks. Likewise, if your financial health is not good, then you can start living on a strict budget. Try to throw away the bad stuff that is ruining your financial health. Get rid of all the unnecessary expenses. Buy only what your family needs and not what your heart desires. Find out the small areas where you can curtail your expenses and save dollars. Give your prime focus to savings. Make it a habit to save money every year.

Tip no 5: It's never too late to create a budget. Let go of your inhibitions and use a budget planner.

Don't feel that you can't create a budget just because you've never done it earlier. You can make a budget whenever you want. Time doesn't make any difference. You can use a budget planner and create a personal budget for yourself. Once you create a budget, categorize your finances in various categories - income, expenses, savings, deficits, etc.

Don't refrain yourself from using a budget just because you've to spend money for it. You can get a free budget planner online. All you need to do is search for planner that serves your purpose.