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Call me now - Get debt help in a minute

Call me now - Get debt help in a minute

Hi Everyone

Our community is always in the process of devising ways to solve your financial problems. In an attempt to do so, we have come up with the new concept of "Call me now", where people who are in need of free debt counseling may provide their phone numbers in our website and debt counseling team will get in touch with them.

When you provide us with your phone number, a representative will call you back and talk to you regarding your debts. If you want to get professional guidance, they will even transfer the call to a debt consultant who will provide you with free debt counseling. You just need to give us your phone number and we will call you anywhere you would feel comfortable. A representative will get back to you at the earliest and your phone number will be kept completely secured as per our privacy policy.

Hope this new feature will be of great help to all of us.