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First blog on DebtCC working engine

First blog on DebtCC working engine

Finally Blogs are here. Let me explain the working of debtconsolidationcare with an unique concept of ranking charts. Using Ranking charts we collect the information about different companies helping with debt problems, their expertise areas, limitations, policies and related attributes. Using continuous customer feedbacks these companies are evaluated and valued.

What happen when a person signs ups with DebtCC? Through an automated algorithm the person is then referred to a company for a no-obligation free counseling on the basis of,

  • Total Debt Amount.
  • ZipCode.
  • Customer feedback.

There were few cases when this automated script failed to choose the best suited company. In such cases we advice the member to send an email to the admin (Denny) with their email id. This will help us choose another suited ranked company manually. We choose it on the basis of user requirements along with the above said conditions.

We are constantly working to improve the customer experiences. We have a great community helping people in need.